Author Topic: Semi-Intricate Markings Request  (Read 2302 times)


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Semi-Intricate Markings Request
« on: January 14, 2012, 01:20:48 am »
I'd like some markings to be created for my cheetah :D I'd like them to be African Tribal in nature. You can add some touches of you like, and I'd really prefer someone with experience in tribal markings to take this on, but beggars can't be choosers.
First off, here's a quick pic of my cheetah now.

Now, on her left foreleg (the one facing the camera) I'd like this design to be on the outside. No spots on the outside of that arm, please, just the design. I'd like it to be a solide color, and be pitch black please, even though the rest of my cheetah's markings will be tawny brown. Also, disregard the hind leg! Just the front one.

On her right side, opposite the leg disign, I'd like this side marking. Please don't make her tail like the one in this drawing. You can make a little design on the tail if you wish, but I don't want her bogged down by markings. Try to simply put regular spots where there aren't markings.

And here's an example of a face. It doesn't have to be exactly like this, it's just a guide. Once again, please don't go mark heavy, especially on the face. Cheetah faces don't contain many markings aside from the tear-stains, so just focus on those :)

And lastly, here's a picture of an Iranian cheetah, just so you know what my cheetah is modeled after.

I'd greatly appreciate any attempt at this design; I'm sure it's probably a stretch to create this...