Author Topic: .::SkyFeather::.'s Bio!!!  (Read 1050 times)

Offline .::SkyFeather::.

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.::SkyFeather::.'s Bio!!!
« on: January 15, 2014, 04:45:28 am »
Hi! The name is Cammi but feel free to call me by my nickname Skylar or Sky for short. I know it doesn't really tie in with Cammi but that's what all my friends  call me! Alrighty now down to a little bit about my  character styles before we get down to me! I love warrior cats so most of my characters are focused  around that. Most have strong names or it may seem that I use the same name too much. Sometime I play a wolf but not often. My current warrior cat char is  Swiftkit from Taintedclan. She is a spunky kit with a strange personality. Well there isn't much about so I'll just say this. I love wolves, and I like tacos. I may sound like I'm British on the game because of the way I frame something's but I am not BRITISH I'm a Native American that isn't afraid to scalp yer hide off of yer neck! Jk! Lol I'm a outgoing, spunky girl with a short temper. I am also a firm believer and follower of Jesus Christ so please do not insult my God when near me. I really don't want to get banned for defending The Lord, not that I'd be ashamed! I'd just be bored out of my mind lol! Hmm let's see what else is there about me? Well I enjoy writing on Quotev and listening to music. I'm homeschooled and dislike it. I'm horrible at math aka Mental Abuse to Humans M.A.T.H. <----- get it? MATH?! Mental Abuse to Humans! I know I'm also very random and I don't care what you think of me! I'm beautiful in my own way and also, hope to see you in the game! XXXXX later loves! Stay beautiful!!!
Stay Beautiful Love!