Author Topic: <.Apocryphal Mythology.> Open&Accepting  (Read 11242 times)

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Re: <.Apocryphal Mythology.> Open&Accepting
« Reply #30 on: April 23, 2014, 08:05:47 pm »


     Zyandria has arrived in the heart of Joiseim. Her attention moved over towards the great castle, though it was fairly short lived. As much as she would have loved to attend one of the speeches to clear her thought process, she had other work that must be done. The goddess wandered on, a bit away from the mainstream of the area to a more secluded and shut off part of it. To her, it have a vile presence and that made her shiver and feel sick. Zyandria took in a breath before proceeding on to a surprisingly modern looking establishment, nothing too fancy for a home, but decent enough. As she approached the doorstep, a voice came from a bit of a way behind her, "Well, seeing you here is quite the surprise dear." The forest goddess forced herself to turn slowly and casually to the man that stood behind him with a smug expression. Fear and paranoia was the only thing that ran through her mind, though she forced herself to keep her cool with the man, "Drauken. We need to talk..."

Having a bit of writer's block for Azarath. :/


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Re: <.Apocryphal Mythology.> Open&Accepting
« Reply #31 on: April 26, 2014, 02:58:17 am »

Alanara watched as her father's body was carried away in a carriage to be prepped for burial, her uncle's arm draped over her shoulders "He was a good man." he said calmly before leaving her side and getting on his horse "I  must leave now, my wife will be expecting me." Alanara said her goodbye and watched him trot down the road. Alanara walked back to the boy and got in the carriage, but froze when another sharp pain tore through her. The young boy stared at her "Are you okay Miss Alanara?" he said rapidly "I think it's time." she breathed "We must hurry back." she pulled herself onto the seat as the boy quickly whipped the horse into motion. It seemed the ride took longer than ever, pain tore through her body at every contraction. When they finally arrived Gersund was already waiting with about three other people, two men and one woman. The men helped her out and helped her walk while the woman was there to provide comfort and her aid. She was taken to a large room with a large bed in the middle, the room itself was beautiful. It had white walls and intricate floral designs in silver on the walls. She didn't have much time to admire it's beauty since they had already laid her out on the bed that was as soft as a cloud. "You must get my husband." she said to the two large men who quickly exited to room to fulfill her request. She knew thy wouldn't have any trouble since everyone knew about Krotin's sons, especially Bolder. "Miss Alanara, we can't wait any longer." said a short blonde woman, who was sitting next to her anxiously. Alanara knew she was right and nodded, the woman quickly took her position.

An hour later Kreios was born. He was rather large and had dark brown hair with ash blonde mixed in as well. He had the same eyes as Alanara, except his right eye was a dark brown, his left eye was light blue. He had flawless light caramel toned skin. This child was the most beautiful infant Alanara has ever seen. His small fingers curled around her index finger as she rubbed it along his chin "He is beautiful." she said with a smile as she kissed his forehead. Alanara thought she knew all about love until now, now that she was holding him in her arms she finally knew how much love she could give someone. She loved Bolder but their child was loved more. Kreios jumped when a bang sounded from the door "It must be him." the woman said as she quickly walked over to the wooden double doors.

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Re: <.Apocryphal Mythology.> Open&Accepting
« Reply #32 on: April 26, 2014, 02:38:08 pm »

Bolder's conversation had little time to flourish as two guards approached. As soon as their words hit his ears, he took off, shoving through the crowd. Bolder's large frame pushed anyone dumb enough to stand in his path, aside as he charged out of the room, and down the halls.

Upon reaching his wife, he was to late. She stood in the doorway, the small child within her grasp. Bolder had little knowledge of how to react, so he did the first thing he knew. He ran a thumb along the child's forehead, pulling a small smile from him. "My Kreios." with a gratifying smile, he stepped aside, glancing over his shoulder to spot a being with a devastated expression. Malice.

Malice laughed quietly, raising a brow at the girl's words. "I'll have whatever I please." he replied, just as a large figure brushed him whilst running. Malice whirled around to scold, only to be hushed at the sight of his brother charging from the room. With a quick huff, he strolled casually after him, motioning for the girl to follow if she pleased. By the time he reached the room, he saw nothing but Alanara and Bolder towering over something out of view. Standing in the doorway, he raised a brow as his brother stepped aside, revealing the source of affection. A wave of disappointment and anger flushed him. The small prince lay within her arms. Malice hadn't felt so useless since Krotin declared Bolder to take the throne. Now that Kreios was born, Malice had no chance of taking the throne himself. His mouth parted slightly in silence, as he stared at the child with a glossy gaze. But this wasn't the only devastation in the room. Bolder focused his attention on the child, whilst Malice's eyes seemed completely and utterly engrossed in Alanara. How long had he looked at her with such awe? Yes, for no one knew, but Malice had been in love with this being for years. Perhaps it was because she was promised to Bolder, and out of his reach, the only being he truly couldn't have, and he wanted her. Now that the child was born, it brought destruction in it's wake. "Malice, my brother, meet Kreinos. Future king." Malice ignored Bolder's words, strolling mechanically forward, and bowing his head slightly to Alanara, never breaking his hate filled stare. "Malice, you bow to him already?"

"I do not bow to him, I never will let me make that perfectly clear., he snapped, turning his gaze back to Alanara, "I bow to her." and with those words, he turned, exiting the room. He needed a distraction, and Alazne was just the one.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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Re: <.Apocryphal Mythology.> Open&Accepting
« Reply #33 on: April 26, 2014, 05:27:23 pm »


As she parted her soft lips to reply, Malice turned away from Alazne to watch his brother depart in a hurried manner. As she expected, he followed after him but in his usual casual way. She made a few steps to follow but her path was blocked by her mother, smiling fondly at the girl. Although her mother winced every time her daughter would do anything straying from ladylike, she was proud of Alazne's sociable traits which had earned them even more popularity in the kingdom. Her mother was introducing her to a couple whom she didn't recognise. Smiling politely, she tuned out of their conversation and glanced around for any sign of the brothers, but finding none. Where had they gone? What was so important that Bolder would set aside an event perfect for his loveable nature?

A sharp nudge brought her back to reality, she turned back to her mother who's eyes were darting between her and the couple. "I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" She asked smoothly, her head slightly tilted to the left. "Is it true that everyone has a birthstar? A star that was created the night they were born?" The man asked her. It was a question she was asked often, either in prayers or by another God. She nodded her head, "Yes. Some share a star, making them soulmates and they will feel a strong bond if they ever happen to meet." She paused, her face serious. "But if someone does something unforgivable, the star is lost or even destroyed. If someone lives a life of putting others before themselves, the star will be among the brightest of them all. It's my job to give people what they deserve." She glanced quickly at her mother, who almost unnoticeably nodded her head in approval. Alazne turned her blue eyes back to the couple, who were gazing at each other with star-struck expressions. After a brief moment of looking, she noticed that they were, in fact, soulmates. If Alazne looked at someone through her mind, she would be able to figure out what the being's star was and who they were.
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

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Re: <.Apocryphal Mythology.> Open&Accepting
« Reply #34 on: April 26, 2014, 06:26:33 pm »

Kaos hummed in thought as his frustrating smirk grew wider, now finally moving away from the crowd to return to the markets and buy whatever he needed and more, if he could. Sharp green eyes focused on the way he had came, gloved hands clenching and unclenching, a nervous habit of his that he loved to do. However, he wasn't sure what he was nervous about - Seemed like nobody had noticed that simple theft, even if it was in a crowd, but yet the young man still had this strange feeling, as if fate would come running back and hurl something bad right at his face again. It had done that many a time, seeing as this was the life he was living now, taking to stealing and lying just to survive instead of living a wise, healthy life like any other God or Goddess.

He snorted in amusement at his own thoughts. Then again, it wasn't like everybody could be that lucky. The ones living around his poor, filthy area weren't. The Mage paused for a moment, green eyes following the two princes who just randomly dashed off, though one was more rushed while the other was calm. He watched quietly, smirk dropping to an impassive face as his thoughts ran wildly before Kaos continued walking, head lowered slightly, green gaze directed to the ground where it would not meet any other's gaze. He absentmindedly ran his tongue over his lips, forcing his mind to think of food, or something luxurious that he could have with this large amount of money. 

His thoughts on relaxing halted for a moment, however, when he managed to pass by a small group, sensitive ears picking up a small conversation about stars and soulmates. His eyes momentarily flickered up for a second to see who was speaking, and he saw a woman and a man, accompanied by two other ladies, resembling a mother and a daughter. The one speaking the most about the stars was probably Alazne, his mind provided, the Goddess of Stars and Dreams. He pursed his lips. She may be the ruler of stars, but Kaos didn't believe in them. It was just a foolish and absurd speak about love and kindness, though the Thief couldn't help but think of it at times.

(Sorry, didn't know what to type.~)

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Re: <.Apocryphal Mythology.> Open&Accepting
« Reply #35 on: April 26, 2014, 09:51:55 pm »

Discord has met thy match; order reigns supreme.

200 (Physically, she looks 27)

Goddess of:
Law and Order

Mother - Xamana (Goddess of Tranquility)
Father -  Buzafer (God of Death)
Half-siblings - (Can be anyone; mind you, it'll be only sharing half of the blood from either side)

Hanifa, one of the oldest of the new generation of the deities, was born out of a short lived affair between the two unlikeliest persons. She is considered a "bastard" child yet, for one, she has grand power acting over the balances of Osgard when it comes to trials that are petty until they involve the royal family. The single child out of this affair was treated by her father mostly as Xamana had to discard the child to him as she was shortly betrothed to another deity over in Narheim. So, Hanifa spent time in the borders of Narheim and Fernund in her father's palace and occasionally visited the royal family before the birth of their heirs. Even when they were born, she came at her own time to watch over the King and discuss him with affairs between the good and evil spheres existing.

At the young age of 150, she had left her home and parted ways with Death and lived in Joseim and serving under the royal couple. The servant spent time interacting with the heirs and rumors and gossip came through that she might be planning on dethroning the King for her own potential for her father to be ruler. It had been placed harshly against her and she has denied it multiple times.

Poised and refined, the goddess takes little to no chances in expressing her superiority over others through subtle means. She is a woman of pride, knowing her role and power, but will talk gracefully yet softly to only make fools out of those that test her and try to make a mockery out of her. She prefers to keep behind the gimmicks of what the royal family has concocted and move about her own strings, leaving them to quarrel more and accuse another as it is definitely how she gets her entertainment (from what her father taught her). Taking advantages of others is one of her favorite things to do and will often target those of the same sex that are fairer and possibly more dumb-founded or too caught up in something.

As an overall worker, she is the honest kind as she leaves her mischievous nature away from her duties. Never will she abandon her post, regardless of what is to come, and would most likely be the first stand by the King's side and will rebel for him against all others (except for her father). The woman, in her private times, will be spent looking after others while dealing with her personal affairs in common sight as it is very hard to detect as to what she is doing.

-Tendency of drinking alcohol form her flask when bored or thinking too much. Mind you, she is a heavy drinker and can handle it.
-Biting down onto her tongue when irritated and thus, she is able restrain it.
-Spending time reading and secluded
-Has a bad time with lying but can detect with another lies.

Weapon of choice:

She stands accordingly at 5'10" with gold marks painted onto her bare shoulders and on her neck to signify her position as a servant to the King. Her clothes are often yellow, red, and silver with a hood covering her face.

-Serves under Krotin as the judge of those entering the under realm for mortals. It can been rumored that she too acts as the judge of the deities that have died and which realm they would belong to. Though, this isn't something Hanifa will not discuss with anyone.
-FC: Lianne Le Havas

« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 12:59:10 am by SoaringAway »

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: <.Apocryphal Mythology.> Open&Accepting
« Reply #36 on: April 27, 2014, 03:56:14 pm »
(Accepted! Jump in!)
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Offline IndigoCloud

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Re: <.Apocryphal Mythology.> Open&Accepting
« Reply #37 on: April 29, 2014, 06:57:15 am »
-Bump- ;3
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

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Offline silverMarie

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Re: <.Apocryphal Mythology.> Open&Accepting
« Reply #38 on: April 30, 2014, 06:03:14 pm »
Sorry! I shall post soon)

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