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Topics - Wolfess

Pages: [1]
Screenshots / Ardiga Wolfess pictures
« on: April 26, 2011, 08:25:38 pm »
Hello everyone! These ere some of my newest screens.
Oh that is me VVV Just click on pics for enlarge...

The moon is shining...

The stars are so high...

...and so deep...

They smell like the symphony of nightly flowers.

Drink every drop of the moonlight...

Only for the Sun to rise up again...

In all its glory and beauty...

But there is something that is hidden from its light...

And something that shades its light...

And also something that shines itself...

But whatever it is...

It will fall before the mightiness of Nature.

And moon shall rise again...

If you would like to use the pics as the wallpaper backgrounds, you are free to do it.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Universal Font?
« on: January 23, 2011, 01:38:32 pm »
Since IT was released i was wondering if it was possible for players to communicate in their native language. The game was using the Latin only font so people f non Latin alphabetic countries had to use transition to understand each other. And its not very...umm...convenient you know...
Its bad but I have to say that in FH the picture is the same.
My suggestion is to use the Unicode fonts like Arial Unicode MS wich have more than 51000 char/s in them, to suit most of the languages. And this can increase number of game fans also BTW ;)

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