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Messages - Duskers

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 17
Presets & Markings / Re: Taking Preset Requests (Open)
« on: June 23, 2013, 04:28:43 pm »
I'll start work on it now. Pawpad color?

Presets & Markings / Taking Preset Requests (Open)
« on: June 21, 2013, 10:59:09 am »
Hey, guys! So I've been gone from FH for well over a year at this point and well... I found the game files on my computer and lo and behold nostalgia flowed through me as if it were yesterday I was churning out a preset a day! Okay, maybe not that many. But I made a lot of presets.

Point is, I've fallen out of practice. And I want to get into it again! So, for warmups, I'm going to be taking preset requests for a very limited time. I have very few examples at the moment, yknow due to me just returning and all, however here's a WIP of a half-finished hero of hope (homestuck) thing that when finished will be available for free once it's fully complete.

Again, this is a work in progress! It doesn't have a tail, eyes or a mane yet. I plan on finishing within the next couple days, but that's the only example I have to show on this computer.

Anyway, if you want a preset, please just post here while the thread is open with a ref of your character and I'll get to it within a few days. Note that I am doing this for free and you may have to wait if a. I get distracted, b. you're down low on the list, or c. I just take a break. That's all I have to say, I think.

1. --

Game Help / Can't clone items
« on: May 17, 2012, 11:45:47 pm »
I'm trying to make a map of a cherry blossom forest. The trees are custom meshes, and up until a couple days ago everything was going fine. Now if I try to clone more than once, the trees just spawn off the map. The game won't allow me to move them, either. Restarting the game doesn't work, making a new tree and cloning that doesn't work, and a half-finished forest just looks bad.

Anyone know what's going on? :c

Game Help / Re: Can't Find Terrain Height Map
« on: May 13, 2012, 11:46:12 pm »
Make sure you have the image saved into Feralheart > Media > Terrains. Otherwise the game won't be able to locate the file. This is the only cause I can think of as if it was one of the issues stated by CloudFish the game would just crash upon loading it.

Stories / Captive
« on: November 05, 2011, 03:36:07 am »
Chapter One - Crazy Birds
A crow's call echoed through the somber hills, muffled by the thick fog. Aside from that, everything was perfectly silent, undisturbed in the early morning light. A doe slept soundly in a cozy clearing. But in the surrounding bushes lurked something sinister. A gleaming pair of amber eyes circled the deer, silent as everything else.
SNAP! Luce cursed himself immediately upon stepping on a twig. The doe lifted its head, ears perked, scanning for any movement. Just to be safe, it stood and bounded away. Luce's sister, who had been watching, cackled with laughter. "Oh, shut up, Nebbia! I bet you couldn't do better. You're a runt." Luce snapped bitterly, slapping his smaller sister with a paw. Her laughter instantly faded, She growled at her brother. "Mo-m!" she howled, bounding away.
Luce rolled his eyes. She had the maturity of a two month old. He and his sister were of the same litter, but she had been born a runt. Even so, she was the best hunter of her squad. The yearling kept muttering to himself unhappily as he treaded through the dense wood.
A murder of crows launched into the air squawking.
"Crazy birds." Luce murmured.

Chapter Two - Missing

Luce stomped into the camp, head down low and ears flat. His pack was in a frenzy. In the midst of the commotion, he could still spot his mother and headed for her. "Mom, what's going on?" he inquired, blinking. His mother turned to him, her crystalline green eyes glazed. "Where is your sister?" she demanded. "I... I thought she came back here to get you." he whimpered, crouching down. She gasped and nearly started hyperventilating. "Mom, Mom! Calm down! Why is it so awful that she's not here yet?" She paused and looked straight at him. "They saw two leggeds in the wood today." she whispered softly.
The wolf gasped and bounded out of camp. Search parties of two to three wolves surrounded the area around the camp, but he knew they wouldn't find her here. He bolted to the clearing where they had last been together and began to follow her scent. Suddenly, very suddenly, it stopped. But it was replaced by something else. Something unfamiliar.
Luce fell to the ground, out cold.


Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Oh look another rant..
« on: September 24, 2011, 08:33:59 pm »
i think that he doesnt have to spend 24/7 on this game. And i agree, without staff it would be VERY hard to manage and maybe one or two trusted staff members could be allowed to make some glitch fixes. Maybe even hire a geek to go and help him out in person. But come on, give him a break. honestly, I think everybody's right on certain sides of the subject.

That's the problem. He hardly seems to spend ANY time on this game.

Discussion Board / Re: ChickenSmoothie
« on: August 29, 2011, 08:55:53 pm »
Oh. o_o; I don't see why that would be...

Discussion Board / Re: ChickenSmoothie
« on: August 29, 2011, 05:55:20 am »
Demonic - Though you are 13, you have to post a few times before you become a registered user.

Discussion Board / ChickenSmoothie
« on: August 24, 2011, 05:56:33 am »
What are your opinions on CS? Have any events going on? Anything else?

I'm currently giving most of my pets away.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Oh look another rant..
« on: August 21, 2011, 09:21:20 am »
Demox, please stop using under 13 as an excuse. I was more mature than you when I wasn't 13. Besides, it's not even legal for you to be on this forum if you're in the US. Ever hear of COPPA?

I see you post "I'm only 11!" on pretty much EVERYTHING. It's really starting to become annoying. We know you're 11. You should still be able to read. >_<;

Don't expect anyone to give you any special treatment. We know you're under 13, but we will treat you as if you were because you're not even supposed to BE HERE.

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