Author Topic: Blade Wolves, Wraithions, Screamers, and Shadowstalkers  (Read 1312 times)

Offline duna the killer

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Blade Wolves, Wraithions, Screamers, and Shadowstalkers
« on: September 21, 2013, 04:14:28 pm »
Blade Wolves
You are walking silently through the forest. You are all alone, the forest runs on for at least 10 miles in every direction. Suddenly, the crunch of leaves is heard. You whirl around, hoping someone had come to rescue you. But there are no calls, no laterns, no rescue dogs, no nothing. Just crunching leaves and the occasional snapping stick. A howl sends shivers down your spine. It sounded so metallic, yet so real. You whirl in another direction. There. A black dog, at least 4 feet at the shoulder is standing there. It's eyes glow red in the night sky. It lunges at you. You try to scream, but nothing comes out. The dog's claws.. they aren't claws. They are like razor blades, but 10 inches long! The dog pins you down, clamping his jaws over your throat. The Blade wolf will not go hungry tonight.

General Appearance: Black thick fur. Orange, Yellow, Red, or Amber eyes. Their claws are replaced by what seem like knives, but so sharp. A pup's 'claws' are only one inch long, and duller than the adult. The average male is 4 ft. at the shoulder, and the average female is 3' 10' at the shoulder. Pups are about 1 ft. tall.

Diet: They feast on anything they can swallow. It is rare they feast on humans, but when humans are the only food on the menu, they will not hesitate to attack.

Pack-life: Blade Wolves live in packs, smallest pack being 4, while the largest pack can go up to 30. But, if it reaches thirty five, five low ranking wolves are kicked out. When the Alpha/Beta/Delta is ready to die/retire he/she will pick one wolf of 3 different ranks (see Ranks Below), and the wolf will take an oath to become leader.

Alpha (Lead Male and Female)
Beta (Second in Command wolves)
Delta (Third in command)
Gladiators (Fighters, go to wars, battles, and skirmishes) *
Food-Bringers (Hunters, bring food for the pack) *
Meditators (Calmers and the 'psycholigists' of the pack. They break up any fights) *
Medics ('Doctors' of the pack. Heal any wounds or sicknesses. They are best with herbs)
Pup-Mothers (Raises the Alpha's, Beta's and Delta's pups, and any pups that were taken in)
Messanger (The swiftest in the pack, they carry messages through all weather)
Omega (Lowest rank in the pack, these wolves are used to carry any anger out on, they also cheer the pack up in desperate times)
Trainee (Apprentices)
Pups (Either a pup taken in, or a pup belonging to the Delta, Beta, or Alpha)

* = These wolves are wolves that might be chosen to take the Alpha/Beta/Delta's place. Ex: If you want to be chosen you will have to rank up to Meditator, Food-bringer, or Gladiator

How to Rank up:
The Ranking up board (Below) has various missions, challenges, and quests. The wolf will choose one quest, go on it and complete it, and come back to get ranked up

Ranking up board! (Thanks for the idea Tariri)
Omega to Messanger:
Deliver a 'message' to a wolf at the other side of territory
Go to a human park and bring back a hot-dog

Messanger to Pup-Mother:
Rescue a pack-pup from somewhere in the forest
Pup-sit the pups for 2 hours
Protect the pups from a raid from enemy wolves

Messanger to Medic:
Identify 5 herbs without failing
Heal one wolf that came from a real battle

Medic to Meditator:
Break up a pack fight
Help one pack member with a problem they have

Meditator to Food-Bringer:
Hunt 3 pieces of prey in 5 minutes
Go with the Food-Bringers and bring down a full-grown buck.

Food-Bringer to Gladiator:
Spar with the Delta and win (Safe word is Yield)
Go with the pack to a skirmish (NOT a battle)

Gladiator to Delta:
Spar with the Beta and win (Safe word is Yield)
Successfully train one pup to become a Messanger

Delta to Beta:
Spar with the Alpha Female and win (Safe word is Yield)
Find a dog in the woods, kill it, and bring it back to the pack

Beta to Alpha:
Spar with the Alpha Male and win (Safe word is Yield)
Go to a human farm and kill a sheep, and bring it back without being shot by a farmer

You have two chances to complete a mission. Failing both will result in you staying the same rank for two months, then getting two more chances. Everytime you rank up, you will have to wait five months to settle in your rank, before getting two chances to rank up again.

Habitat: They usually live in the middle of a forest, where in the night they can stalk prey trapped in the thick trees. They will hunt in the open, but only if it is night-time.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2013, 04:42:01 pm by Dunastar »

Offline duna the killer

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Re: Blade Wolves, Wraithions, Screamers, and Shadowstalkers
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2013, 04:14:54 pm »
Reserved for Wrathions

Offline duna the killer

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Re: Blade Wolves, Wraithions, Screamers, and Shadowstalkers
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2013, 04:15:16 pm »
Reserved for Screamers

Offline duna the killer

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Re: Blade Wolves, Wraithions, Screamers, and Shadowstalkers
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2013, 04:15:48 pm »
Reserved for Shadowstalkers