Author Topic: KovuLKD, and the Source Code. (Moderators, please read.)  (Read 16280 times)

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KovuLKD, and the Source Code. (Moderators, please read.)
« on: July 13, 2013, 02:29:58 pm »
Okay, I have come up with a theory.. if the 'source code' was truly needed to make the game, then that must mean that it is IN the game somewhere. Meaning, if the source code is located somewhere within the FeralHeart directory, it must be able to be found. Think about this.. how can Simba make 'updates' for FH(FH+), yet the mods claim that they cannot without the source code? If Simba can do it, it must mean that either a new source code can be created to update the game, or he has found the source code, meaning it can be found. All we need if my theory is correct, is a very skilled programmer/coder, whatever, who can search through the game's files to find the source code and decipher it, and then pass it on to the moderators, and updates can be added to the game. If the source code is not in the FeralHeart directory, then that must mean that it is not part of the game itself, meaning it is NOT truly needed for game updating. All you have to do to add more emotes: go to the emotes CFG file, and put in a new emote code. How do you think custom emotes were created? Or items? It's the same thing. I'm sure you could also code in prey or new chats if you honestly wanted to. I think someone should test out my theory, and search through the FH directory for the source code, or see if new things can be implemented into the game without it.
 I apologize if this theory seems disrespectful in any way, shape, or form. It is, as I stated above, just a theory, although I would hope someone could test it. ~Vio
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Re: KovuLKD, and the Source Code. (Moderators, please read.)
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2013, 02:45:10 pm »
Your theory is a very clever one, but the fact still remains, its Kovus game, so he has every right to keep it withheld from us (as frustratingly annoying as it is >.<)
If Kovu truly wanted us to make updates to the game, then he would have given someone the source code, but no, he didn't, which means he has left it how it is for a reason and does not wish it to be changed. My own theory on why Kovu left (Which I have not shared with any one) is that he might have left because he didn't want to release any more updates. Think about it, he redid impressive title, without wings, and without prey. If he really did want to put prey or wings in there in the first place, he could have easily done so. For the wings, he didn't really want to add them, but the community pressurized him, and he placed them in, I have a feeling that the same thing happened with the prey, but he was so frustrated, and he didn't want it to happen he left.
Meaning he did not want FH changed.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2013, 03:07:56 pm by Kiaz »

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Re: KovuLKD, and the Source Code. (Moderators, please read.)
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2013, 02:51:21 pm »
The fact still remains... we were promised prey, and other updates, in which we never got. I think we deserve to have what we were promised. ~Vio
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Re: KovuLKD, and the Source Code. (Moderators, please read.)
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2013, 03:07:14 pm »
I agree with what Kiaz has said about him being pressurized with adding wings to Feralheart. Kovu made the game specifically as is, meaning just a realistic canine / feline game was intended. Wings take away that realism, and because the community forced the weight upon his shoulders to add them, it sort of took away the whole point of Feralheart... I suppose he couldn't handle the change... because the FH he once knew is gone now and there's absolutely no way to turn it back without the community breaking out in anger, perhaps?

He probably left because he was unsure of what crazy thing the community would want next, and upon leaving he took the source code with him so that Feralheart won't become any more unrealistic or different than he wanted it to. It was his game, from what turned out to what he truly intended, to something completely different yet similar. I don't think he'd be too happy if the source code was extracted from the game itself or even FH+. No matter the suggestions those want implemented into the game, it just won't be possible... The staff could be in a bit of trouble if Kovu has found out maybe...

This is my theory, vaguely similar to Kiaz's perhaps. But the more I think about it, the more I feel is true. I mean, I love the way your mind works, FourLinks. But I don't think it can be done, sadly..

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Re: KovuLKD, and the Source Code. (Moderators, please read.)
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2013, 03:15:43 pm »
While your points seem pretty interesting, there are some flaws.

First off, "Why can't we just get the source code from the game itself?" Is simple. KovuLKD made the game so the base coding files to run it could not be altered. Hence why when you find modifications, the texture files are simply named after the default ones. The files that probably have the source code in them are hidden away, I'm sure.
Have you ever seen IT server files? Or downloaded them? They're put in a file that cannot be opened. Why? Because the general public could mess with the game. Only the owner, and probably a few trusted admins, can edit the files after being given them.

For the "Simba must have found it" bit. From my understanding, after meeting him when FH+ was FIRST launched. KovuLKD gave him the source code for his own devices. So Simba, by my accusations, is a close enough friend of KovuLKD to get the source code.


From knowing Kov when I first started, I was able to learn one thing.

The game itself is more different, FAR MORE, than IT. Some of the coding wouldn't work for him. He had finally figured out the wings, and a dash button sure. However, he had also claimed that prey would lag so terribly that it would crash the game altogether.
I mean, it seems pretty accurate when you think about it. What happens when a bunch of models gather in the game? Insane lag, at least for the majority. So when you have prey running around with complex and moving models, as well as health and other gaming content you get an overload of lag that would just crash the game.

There is no explanation as to why Kov left, many think he became board, the community was terrible, he got a better offer somewhere else, etc. I wouldn't really assume any are right because no one knows. I'd leave rumors as just that. Rumors.

"Editing without the source code" while you can easily make more markings, more items, even more emotes and possibly actions. To put it in a patch that everyone can easily download, like a game patch or to even make it a part of the game, still needs the source code. Hence why we have to download from media fire and manually put them in.

In regards to the situation, the poor staff are really stuck on the matter. Believe me when I say, if they could update the game, they would have done so the summer of the last update. Which was last summer, mind you.

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Re: KovuLKD, and the Source Code. (Moderators, please read.)
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2013, 03:22:31 pm »
I think Owlus beat me to most of my point (xD), but I'll elaborate on what she said.

While your theory in its present state is a good idea, and I wish we could just follow through with it, there's a main factor here that isn't quite right, that actually is preventing us from carrying out this action.

That being, a source code is not something found in the game itself. If it were, Razmirz could just pluck it out himself and we'd all be happy with brand new updates whenever we wanted.

But, it unfortunately doesn't work that way. The source codes are what allows the game creator/head administrator to go into the game's encrypted codes and change them, as if changing the very framework of the game itself, the way no texture mod or additional emote could ever do. It's like adding on a second tail to your lion, so to speak (sorry for the weird metaphor).

FH+ was added during the time when KovuLKD was still here with us, and so he approved Simba's additions to the game, and once Simba had finished the work, Kov used his source codes to add FH+ into the encrypted files, himself. So, Simba never really "found" the source codes, per se.

But, as you mentioned with the current game mods that are being released by users all the time, we could theoretically update the game that way. However, without those source codes, we can't make everybody see the "go update FH!" pop-up appear when they try to log in and play, therefore it wouldn't be very efficient. People would be playing two different games, even-- and that would be  chaotic and confusing, especially to members who come back after a long time and suddenly hear users talking about new stuff they've never even heard of.
We've thought of that, too, but it's just so inefficient that it may be more trouble than it's worth. Not to mention the gray area of legality in changing the game, since it is Kov's creation, despite him throwing his staff and his growing community out to the wind like he has for the past year.

So, you do have a good idea, but there's more to it than some codes found in the dark corners of your FH folder. I wish it could be that easy, though. ;P
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Re: KovuLKD, and the Source Code. (Moderators, please read.)
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2013, 03:30:57 pm »
I have also heard that this 'source code' is found within the FeralHeart.exe application. With that information, it could be possible that someone with computer hacking/coding and whatnot experience could possibly access the game's coding through the .exe. I do know that somewhere, there are applications you can download that enable you to access such files that otherwise are locked. And also... I have another point to point out: Kov abandoned this game, correct? Meaning, he wants nothing more to do with it and has really just given up ownership. Think of it this way, if you throw something of yours in the trash and the garbage whatever takes it to the dump and crap, it is no longer really yours, correct? This is kind of the same thing. Now, I am not saying that Kov no longer has the rights to his game, but he has pretty much disowned it by abandoning it like he has.
 We just need someone who knows how to hack locked files that cannot be usually opened.
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Re: KovuLKD, and the Source Code. (Moderators, please read.)
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2013, 03:34:42 pm »
Yes, but from my understanding, he didn't really say he abandoned it. If he said he had completely abandoned it then that may be so, but this is more like he's hidden it away in storage, or left up in the attic so to speak, meaning he still has legal rights to own it and we must recognize that fact.

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Re: KovuLKD, and the Source Code. (Moderators, please read.)
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2013, 03:46:56 pm »
I agree on the abandone thing. At least for me he has kicked it aside.


An .exe file is written within a software that encodes your game and writes everything that is needet to tell the game what to do. This game is run by ogre, that game code is -specific- written to work with the ogre engine.
Since staff desperately wants to update the game, but has not done it (because we cant), you see that these "see how i see it, is easy isnt it?" is everything but easy.

If everything would be so easy with cracking up the files to get the proper code out of it, then no game on the world would be hackproof and everyone had a free version of a full standing game to get their hands on and change things like they want But thats not how it goes.

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Re: KovuLKD, and the Source Code. (Moderators, please read.)
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2013, 03:53:07 pm »
Well... it may be true that of course it won't be easy, but it is possible. SOme hackers who I have heard of... I KNOW they would be able to do it, though I don't think they can be found over FH. The ones I am speaking of are the group known as Anonymous.. I'm sure that if they can easily hack into the government... they could hack into the FH .exe file. It's possible.. though I don't think it's possible to contact them however.

Although... I do know someone who is very likely to be able to do this job. A friend of mine has a girlfriend, who is friends with a very skilled hacker, by the name of Lenny. I could ask her to contact him with the permission of the admins, and he could find the source code. Lenny is about as good as anonymous, from what I've heard.
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