Author Topic: What does this sound like to you?  (Read 938 times)

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What does this sound like to you?
« on: March 15, 2015, 02:04:20 am »
I wanted to ask some people what my friend and I saw one day. To go along with the sighting, here is the story, too:

My friend and I were at s creek in Tennessee. The creek was populated by snakes, insects, crawfish, minnows and small fish, and frogs. So basically, just your average, ordinary creek. The crawfish were nothing special, being the common, brown, small crawfish. However, this creek may be home to something more strange, more larger than any mostly aquatic animal in that small area.
We were walking in the creek (with water shoes on so we wouldn't step on any crawfish and get punched) during a normal, sunny summer day when we saw something that we have never seen or heard of before. While wading, my friend spotted something out of the corner of her eye. "Look at that!" She said pointing. I turned my head, and right where she was pointing was a lobster, or what looked like a lobster. Judging at the size of it at the distance it was from us (6 ft), it was at least 1 foot in length. The lobster-like animal had large, bulbous eyes on stalks, a finned and flat tail, and large circular wrists (I guess that is what you call the joint where the claws are held) with huge claws.
As quickly as this "freshwater lobster" appeared, it dissapeared in a large cloud of mud. We knew lobsters lived in saltwater and that crawfish weren't that size (at least in the area we were in), so it couldn't have been either one. My friend and I hadn't heard of a lobster or crawfish that size online or in the news.

That is the story. What do you guys think that is? Could it be a new species of lobster or crawfish? I want to hear your opinions!