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Messages - pIuto

Pages: 1 [2]

Username: FilthyFrank
Rank you want (Global mod, Admin etc): Admin
Why do you want this rank: There are plenty of Apocalypse roleplays rummaging around Feral-Heart, but they always fall inactive. This roleplay looks very well developed and very aesthetic, it would be an absolute honor to work by your side.
Activity (1-10): 9
Someone is breaking the rules. What do you do?: Give them a warning. If it continues, kick them out of the roleplay for a few days.
Someone's RPS isn't fitting our standards. What do you do?: Kindly decline their roleplay sample with encouraging tips on how to improve.
You have read the rules and understand you aren't above them?: I went to the site and read both IC and OOC, and I agree/will follow with all of them.

Character name: Kingston
Character personality: <
Character appearance: <
Character age: 23
Roleplay sample: <

I'm very interested <: my user is FilthyFrank!

Pages: 1 [2]