Author Topic: The Monkey (A True Story)  (Read 982 times)

Offline ResslessV

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The Monkey (A True Story)
« on: February 17, 2013, 11:04:14 pm »
This is the story of why I hate monkeys >:I

2 years ago, I went to Collingwood (In Ontario Canada) On the second day of being there, me and my family went to the zoo, because I love animals. In the middle of the zoo were the monkeys. I got out my camera and started to take pictures, but the monkey in the cage kept running to one side of the cage, to the other. I said "Stay still >:|" And it stayed, and then right as I took the picture, the monkey begain to run around again. I groaned, because the picture was blurry. Then the monkey started to point and laugh at me D:<. I tried again to take a picture, but the same thing happened. So the entire time I was being laughed at by a demon monkey.
So I started to walk away from the monkey, and then it stuck its tounge out at me.

Now you have learned why I hate monkeys.


Rainbows :D