Author Topic: Dog Trust... <DOG RP> Literate.... Open and Accepting  (Read 19222 times)

Offline Huskystar

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Dog Trust... <DOG RP> Literate.... Open and Accepting
« on: February 13, 2013, 07:30:00 pm »
Taylor Is In Charge Of This Rp!!!

Dog Trust

You open your eyes, thinking you just had a nightmare. But you haven't.. Oh no... You look despairingly from side to side, hoping for a hole to clamber to freedom. No hole. All you see is a dirty, smelly cage, and all you hear is dogs barking desperate for help... You hope you can escape...

You are a dog, as said. In this pound, things are different. Before you get put in your cage for the first time, you are injected, and when you wake up... You can talk, human language. The Pound is off limits, so only staff can enter, and they treat you like dirt. They drag you about, test room to test room, getting tested every second. Before you die, like many other dogs, you must escape. But they have security all over the place..


Feeding Place
This place is normally filled with Food&Water bowls. Each Food&Water bowl has engraved names on it, so you know which one is yours. Every door is filled with 5 guards, making it ALMOST impossible for any dog to escape.

The Cages. (Outside)
These are the outside parts of the cages, that have 1 toy. They clean it out only once a month, not caring about your hygiene.

The Cages. (Inside)
These are the inside parts, filled with 1 bed, that has no filling in it what so ever. The bowls aren't actually there though.

The Pen.
The Pen has little shelter for when it rains, and holds 5 Dogs at a time, well 5 dogs and 3 puppies, but normally Puppies don't come outside...

The Labs.
The labs are where the danger comes. They give you injections, and that can give you horrible side effects, or even death...

The Secure Door.
The secure door is the only way IN and the only way OUT. There is a security key, where you have to enter a code, put the keys are very small, making it almost impossible for dogs to type. And its above the door, so dogs would need to play a serious pile on to reach it...
« Last Edit: March 01, 2013, 05:23:59 pm by HuskyStar »

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

Offline Huskystar

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Re: Dog Trust... <DOG RP> Literate.... Wip, no posting >:P
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2013, 07:58:31 pm »
|Time:| 6:30am...
|Month:| June
|Season:| Spring? (Or Summer, me dumb :P)
|Weather:| Sun, with slight breeze.

The Times
6am: Workers come in.
7am: Feeding Time.
8am: Some Tests on SOME dogs. ((Not every dog gets tested on everyday))
9am: Worker feeding time. ((Leave dogs alone.))
11am: Some dogs in pen. ((For a hour.))
12pm: Feeding Time.
1pm: Training for some.
3pm: Some Tests on SOME dogs.
4pm: Some dogs in pen. ((For a hour))
5pm: Some more dogs in pen. ((for Half a hour.))
5:30pm: Let dogs rest.
6:30pm: Feeding time.
7pm: Some more dogs in pen. ((For a hour.))
8pm: Staff feeding time
9pm: Staff fun.
10pm: Place shuts down.


1. You know all the Feral Heart rules that they put on everything.
2. No just escaping, not for the first week.
3. After you escape, you can create a different character.
4. If you have read the rules, put anywhere in your app 'Peanuts', and that will prove that i'v read it!
5. You character can't be the best.
6. You CAN be any breed you want, cross breeds, but no hybrids with wolves.
7. I'm begging you, once a breed has been taken DO NOT use that breed.

If your having trouble finding breeds, use this website: .


Pic here..
Name: (What Is Your Dog's Name?)
Gender: (What Is Your Dog's Gender?)
Age: (What is Your Dog's Age?)
Personality: (What is Your Dog's Traits?)
History: (What is Your Dog's History?)
How got to Dog Trust: (How Did You Get To This Place, Or Were You Born Here?)
Strengths: (What Are Your Dog's Good Points?)
Weaknesses: (What Are Your Dog's Weak Points?)
Likes&Dislikes: (What Are Your Dogs Likes&Dislikes.)
Other: (Anything else?)

Code: [Select]
Pic here..
How got to Dog Trust:
« Last Edit: February 13, 2013, 08:53:43 pm by HuskyStar »

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

Offline Huskystar

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Re: Dog Trust... <DOG RP> Literate.... Wip, no posting >:P
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2013, 08:48:10 pm »
Owned By HuskyStar

Name: "My name is Jet, whats it to ya?" Jet.
Gender: "Do I look like a girl?" Male.
Age: "Go away creep." 3 Years.
Breed: "Husky?" Siberian Husky.
Personality: "Guess."
Jet is quite a moody young fella, and he doesn't like to meet new dogs/humans. He can be quite snappy, and aggressive, and not afraid to give a sharp bite to who ever he meets. He has a friendly side, and can be a awesome friend, but he rarely makes any due to his Personality change, when he came to this horrible place. When you know him, he can be kind, and helpful, and he will take you on his journey to get the hell outta this place! Jet has a playful side, and loves playing with a Tug Of War toy, as he normally always wins.

History: "Great?"
Molly, Jet's Alaskan Husky mother, gave birth to 5 healthy, playful Husky pups. Jet was the most excited, and most playful of them all. There dad, Dark, was a Champion Sled Racing Dog, and just to tell you, Jet was born in Siberia. His brothers and sisters normally picked on him, as he was a runt, but he was quite strong.

When him, and his siblings were 9 Weeks old, they were sold over the Internet. A person all the way in America, decided to buy Jet, and he was transported on a plane. He was greeted by a friendly family, with a old German Shepherd named Peanut ;). PEANUT greeted Jet with a warm heart, and they named the pup Jet, for his Jet Black Fur. Jet had a great life, and always played around, messing with toys, and chewing on socks.

When he was 1 year old, Jet got a girlfriend, named J-Lo. J-Lo was a red Alaskan Husky, and they even had a litter together. Jet was hugely devastated when he had to let them go, so they could have a life of there own... But one pup, named Avalanche, stayed with J-lo, and they saw each other every day...

When Jet was 1 and a half, Peanut died of fatal Lung Cancer. Jet spent a week not eating, not playing, not walking, he just barely made himself drink, he was miserable.  But after a week, J-Lo came to visit, and told him that Peanut would hate to see him like that, so he made the most of life again.

When he was 2 years old... Dogs Trust Came...

How got to Dog Trust: "I don't want to talk about it." Jet was playing in the Local Park, and was near the Pond with J-Lo and Avalanche. A white Van pulled up at the end of the road, with a choking Chain and a tranquilizer. They were going to get Jet's pup, but he put up a fight. J-lo and Avalanche ran, and Jet was taken...
Strengths: "Killing?" Jet is quite strong, and can bring down most dogs. Humans always wear uneatable clothes, so that Jet couldn't bite them.
Weaknesses: "Ha, being impatient, wait.. WHY DID I JUST TELL YOU THAT!"He is always wanting to get things done, and is amazingly impatient. These may seem rubbish, but it makes him a huge downside. When someone is in the middle of explaining a plan, Jet will just go off and do half of the plan, or he will just want to escape straight away.
Likes: "FOOD!" Jet likes to bite, especially strong objects that he can really sink his teeth into. He loves his family, including his human family. Also, as mentioned, he loves playing with his Tug Of War toy, and sometimes he just plays it with himself.  Also he loves FOOD!
Dislikes: "Guess -_-"Jet hates people, and of course the place he is in.

Other: He is ADORABLE!

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

Offline Huskystar

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Re: Dog Trust... <DOG RP> Literate.... Open and Accepting
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2013, 08:55:00 pm »
Save 2 :P.


My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

Offline puppy 12

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Re: Dog Trust... <DOG RP> Literate.... Open and Accepting
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2013, 07:59:46 pm »

Name: "Peanut, a weird name huh?" Peanut.
Gender: "Male." Brute, Male.
Age: "Hum, to be precise I was born on the 30th January." 6 Years.
Personality: "Hum, I couldn't know." |Friendly| |Sparky| |Alert| |Playful| |Smart|
|Friendly.| When you don't know this Border Collie, he can be quite friendly, but not as friendly as he would be for when you know him. When you know Peanut, he is a great friend, willing to risk his life for his friends. He can almost like any animals, no matter there history, or there past.
|Sparky/Bubbly.| When you do not know Peanut, he is very alert, so not him normal bubbly self. When you get to know him, he can be very bubbly, and sparky, running around almost everywhere. He hardly ever gets tired, so he could run around for hours hours with out getting tired.


How got to Dog Trust:
Other: He likes Peanuts.

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Meep Meep.

If you need help including the Game or Forum PM me!

ATTENTION! I shall be inactive for the next couple of weeks, but I will still be able to get on.


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Re: Dog Trust... <DOG RP> Literate.... Open and Accepting
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2013, 02:40:57 pm »
(This Rp look awesome...I might...Join..I'll try my best to be literature c: )

Gender: Female
Age: 2 1/2 Years
Breed:Alaskan husky
Personality:April before was crying, and bad thoughts. But now she's pretty much happy,friendly,not lonely, since she have her friends.When she see you alone, she'll understand how you feel and make you have company. She's sometimes wise at somethings and if your a new member in Dog trust, she'll show you around! c: But when she's in her cage, and hear barking, but crazy and wild, she'll stay quiet and ignore them.
History:"Oh no..Okay Fine Ill tell you"
One day, April was born. Her mother and father were pure white. She had four sibling, which was four bothers. She would love to play with them, but when the do horrible terrible stuff, she'll stay quiet. But when they break stuff, she's always the one to be accuse, and her parents would always believe them and put her in time out. April would always cry in her time out and fall asleep, trying to forget the horror. Until one, day her owners found a pound thing, called the Dog Trust. They thought it was perfect for her. Then grabbed her and took in her the car, along with the rest of her family. Her brothers teased her on the way and her parents wouldn't say anything. When the finally reached, they signed papers in a snap. When an hour passed, they accepted her. They had glee in their faces. They grabbed April by the neck and dropped her in cage. April experience pain that day and went deep in her cell. She curled into a big ball and cried all the night, and even had nightmares. Then one year later, she turned into a beautiful, fluffy husky. Trainers adore her. They never understand why her owners gave them. They thought she was a kind doggy. April thought they were dare-devils..Since they do labs on her when she was younger. Then something crazy happened that day. April saw her owners! She growled and almost attacked her and jumped on the cage, so she could rip there heads off. But the cage was in front of her, so that couldn't happened. She continued growling until they walked away, confused.

April thought she was living in hell. "So that's my horrible..Depressing story"
How got to Dog Trust:It says it all in the Bio
Strengths: Well I really dont have strengths..Maybe not talking about history.
Weaknesses: Weakness hmm..My enemies..(Her family) Umm, talking about my history.
Likes: Training. Since I have a trainer..I can possibly can control my problems and stuff that goes around in my life.
Dislike:"FOOD" I like food, but not Dog Trust food, because you never know what's inside the the food or kibbles. Like for example, Bugs, Big Bugs..Etc. "-_- And Dog trust.."
Other: N/A
« Last Edit: February 16, 2013, 06:41:20 pm by Thrillex »

Offline puppy 12

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Re: Dog Trust... <DOG RP> Literate.... Open and Accepting
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2013, 06:23:37 pm »
((I believe you can't be a husky since HuskyStar is a Husky, and your not allowed to be the same breed.))

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Meep Meep.

If you need help including the Game or Forum PM me!

ATTENTION! I shall be inactive for the next couple of weeks, but I will still be able to get on.


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Re: Dog Trust... <DOG RP> Literate.... Open and Accepting
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2013, 06:30:11 pm »
(Husky and Siberian Husky are two different types of breed..Soo.)

Offline Huskystar

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Re: Dog Trust... <DOG RP> Literate.... Open and Accepting
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2013, 06:37:17 pm »
((No, Siberia is a place, so it just represents where he is from, but I can accept you anyway, I will except that, cause you've worked so hard on your app :P))

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused


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Re: Dog Trust... <DOG RP> Literate.... Open and Accepting
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2013, 06:39:32 pm »
(Thank you..And I'll change my breed to a Alaskan husky c: )