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Author Topic: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?  (Read 59869 times)

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Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
« Reply #80 on: May 17, 2018, 09:12:58 pm »
If I were asked, I'm not sure if I would accept or decline. I guess it'd be an honor to even be considered, but I'm not that assertive and super sensitive. I'm kinda a background lurker, I don't really like being in the spotlight or a leader or anything. On the other hand, I do have a lot of ideas about Feralheart, and I'd love to be able to actually implement them and make them a reality. I just have terrible social skills though, so I probably wouldn't be a good moderator at all in that regard lol. So maybe I'd decline now, but if it were in a few years when I would be hopefully more mature or whatever, then maybe.

bro what if i put my feralheart cave next to yours.. bro what if they only had one flattened bush mesh to lay on and we had to share... haha just kidding... unless...?

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Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
« Reply #81 on: May 19, 2018, 02:12:15 am »
I replied on the other one with similar responses.
In my opinion and truthfully, I'd take the opportunity with open arms. For these reasons;

- I've been around almost since the game began, August of 2011. I'm very, very passionate about FeralHeart and helping lead it would make me extremely happy and proud. <3
- I would love to become more involved in the future of FeralHeart and the community.
- I know most of the bugs, I know the maps and I know everything pretty well. I am able to create maps, heightmaps, terrain masks and more.
- My attitude is more of the friendly kind, I'm not rude or moody. I am able to keep a level head.
- Am very mature when needed to be, but I have a friendly and silly side to me as well! Maturity is something I can switch on easily.
- Very, very creative. I love coming up with new ideas!
- I'd have the time to commit to Moderating in general. (Daily)

Good topic here. It's nice to see other member's responses.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2018, 04:22:59 am by Esarosa »
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Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
« Reply #82 on: May 19, 2018, 04:29:04 am »
To put it short and sweet: You’d probably have to catch me after a few drinks for me to even consider saying anything remotely close to “yes”.

From my experience, moderating requires good judgement and good social skills. Usually though, people with those qualities are not keen on being thrown into such a position.

It’s a thankless job, and most of the time you’ll feel like you have a big target painted on your back. Moderators are often the focus of insults and attacks from the community’s less than savoury members, not to mention the potential for a ruined reputation should someone online write a hit-piece about you because they disagreed with one of your decisions.

Just in this community alone, there’s been quite a few threads (on this forum and elsewhere) created by either frustrated or malicious folks, who write long rants about how much they hate the staff team. It’s not exactly a pleasant feeling to find one of those written about you simply because you were doing your job.

It's sad, because a lot of good moderators just want to help shape and give back to the community that they care about. But volunteering for such a position can go from a fun hobby to an outright exhausting dread. Kind of like working at a retail job for free… no one does that.

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Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
« Reply #83 on: June 21, 2018, 10:45:50 pm »
How would I feel about it? I would be honored, but I would not jump right into it. In fact, I don't know if I would take such responsibility, not because I don't want to help the community, but because how some of the community treats the staff.

It’s a thankless job, and most of the time you’ll feel like you have a big target painted on your back. Moderators are often the focus of insults and attacks from the community’s less than savoury members, not to mention the potential for a ruined reputation should someone online write a hit-piece about you because they disagreed with one of your decisions.

Just in this community alone, there’s been quite a few threads (on this forum and elsewhere) created by either frustrated or malicious folks, who write long rants about how much they hate the staff team. It’s not exactly a pleasant feeling to find one of those written about you simply because you were doing your job.

It's sad, because a lot of good moderators just want to help shape and give back to the community that they care about. But volunteering for such a position can go from a fun hobby to an outright exhausting dread. Kind of like working at a retail job for free… no one does that.

Glad you bring this up.

I have a lot of respect for the staff team who has to put up with such nonsense on a daily basis. I wish I could have the patience to deal with dramatic individuals who want to rant and bash the staff for doing their job. If these people would follow the rules, and respect other members of the community, there would be no problem. I guess it's just too hard for some individuals.

I too have seen people in local chats talking about how they hate certain members of staff, or the staff in general, or they talk about what a certain staff member did. It makes me wonder where they come up with such stories and accusations. I don't take them seriously, but it just makes me wonder why they would make it personal and spread lies like that. It's one thing to disagree with a staff member, but to make it personal is really uncalled for. These players make personal attacks against the Feral Heart staff team, saying the staff don't do their job, or ban people for no reason... yet  these same players go running to the staff with a report when they catch someone breaking the rules in game.

Long story short, I wouldn't take the offer. It's a very responsible job, but I see it can have its frustrating aspects. I like to come on Feral Heart to relax, roleplay, talk, hang out with friends, and forget about my troubles. I don't want to deal with people who can be ungrateful, sour, deceitful, rude, snarky, or overly dramatic.

I have much respect for what the Feral Heart staff team do. They keep the game going with what they can work with, try to keep the community alive, even if some try to tear them down or say their part has little to no relevance in the game.
I would appreciate the offer,  but this kind of job is not for me.

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Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
« Reply #84 on: June 21, 2018, 11:14:31 pm »
Might as well reply again since my views have changed.

I'd turn it down. Right then. Right there. I'd feel horrified. The staff team change people that join their ranks and I personally wouldn't want to be changed like that. Plus all the hatred flung at you from players? Yeah no. It's not even worth it in my opinion.

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Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
« Reply #85 on: June 22, 2018, 03:00:13 am »
I posted on this thread when I was a wee youngin' in 7th or 8th grade. A moderator job within the Feralheart community is a goal which I never see myself ever accomplishing. I've got enough upon my plate with School and a relationship, but I'd never decline if I was offered. Unless of course I'm going through rough times. How would I feel? Honestly, shocked speechless. I've never been a moderator, except for in Feralheart related groups. I have managed to gain high status's within roleplays, due to be active and showing up to the events. I am indeed an active Feralheart player, ever since 2012. So..

 To sum it up, I'd be honored and shocked. Despite possible criticism, such a feat could not be passed by.  I've had my own hardships and personally, it may be a big boulder to climb but I'd be willing to climb that boulder any day.
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Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
« Reply #86 on: June 22, 2018, 03:47:41 am »
oh boy. i've posted here a few years ago as well but i sure as heck want to redo it.

if i was ever asked to be a mod i would be pretty surprised. i don't have a reputation of being well-rounded and nice through my time on this game tbh. not just that though, i don't think i would be set for the responsibility ether. it seems like an easy job on the outside but there's constant communication and involvement behind closed doors, especially with a big game like this. i'm way to aloof for the job. i get annoyed when people try to call me on my phone lol. communicating with people on the spot gives me anxiety, especially if i haven't ever seen their face. i'm going to college this fall too. i would focus on that more than the internet for sure.

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Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
« Reply #87 on: June 22, 2018, 05:30:50 am »
I'd be quite eager to help the team, but the responsibilities of that position would severely impact my response to the offer.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2019, 02:50:15 am by BlueMuzzleFlash »

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Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
« Reply #88 on: July 06, 2018, 03:31:15 pm »
RRREEEEEEEEE-plying to this cause it's interesting to me lmao

Uhm, to be honest, as most of everyone here said, I'd be completely confused as to why pff.

I've never been in a staff position other than, what, twice? The first time was for a group here on FH, but sadly the group died off quickly for the creator never carried through with the plans, and I guess lost interest in the group. The second time would be ALSO with a group on FH. That "term," if you will, of being a mod/admin, lasted a fair while. I loved every moment of it, and I wish I could bring it back. Simply for the fact I loved that group and I wish it didn't die xD It was the creator's choice however to shut it down.

Any-who. I, again, would be honestly confused as to why they'd ask me, but because I love this game so much, I'd possibly accept and try my hardest to be the best mod I could possibly be for everyone~

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Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
« Reply #89 on: August 27, 2018, 01:02:45 am »
Personally? I'd nope the heck out.

I only come onto FH when the mood strikes and having to enforce rules or monitor the forums would, honestly, be a massive drag. Why on earth would I want to watch over other players when I could be RPing or chatting with them instead?

I've held moderator positions at a few casual RP sites in the past (though none have ever been close to the size of Feralheart's) and it's nothing I'd want to do again just because of how demanding they were.

Seems like thankless work, anyways.