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Topics - .Cannibalistic.

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(I have posted an RP ad about this before but since the RP was rennovated and a new pack was added to replace the other, I decided to redo our old advertisement.)

To the Deras Bavan, a two pack role play centering around two packs known as the Vanidicus and the Morkare.[/size]

Our role play is..
Fully literate - We require an RP sample before entry, and expect proper grammar as well as detail when role playing.

Active  -  We're on daily and recruit daily.  Many packs go ahead and say 'We have 150 members in our group."  Though our group has several members within our ranks, we have about 12 members (and growing) who are ranked and can be online at least every other day, not including the others who are only on during the weekends.
Our activity requirement is 3 times a week.

Semi-realistic - Realistic colors are asked of, with minor exceptions.  There are no powers, no weaponry, etc.  Not all interactions within the role play are considered realistic, however.

Unique -  Ranks are earned in both of the packs, and each pack as their own way of initiating recruits.  It only takes 1 to 2 days to receive initiation for your first rank.  Initiations may be read up at each pack's site.
(Morkare site is work in progress.  Check back later!)

Beautifully mapped -  A great jungle-forest map known as the Bavan Hollows with many hidden places including an abandoned house, an abandoned dungeon, dense forest all around, and just overall beautifully detail.  Have a look for yourself!

T H E    P L O T
Only a few some moons ago, the pack known as the Vanidicus left their home territory during the season of winter in search of a land that would provide better prey, and after a great time of searching together, the pack happened upon a territory known as the Bavan Hollows.
Having no previous knowledge of the land, they cautiously stepped into the grounds, and as soon as they were completely in the territory, everything seemed to change.. an unsettling feeling seemed to lurk over their shoulder, eyes seemed to pierce into their pack as if they were being watched at all times.  It did not take long for the pack to figure out that this land was no ordinary territory, but instead a land that could bring hysteria to those who entered from the paranoia it brought...  They soon figured this out.
It was found that loners within the territory suffered from insanity from spending too much time alone in the territory.  Others were needed for the stability of the mind, and being a loner was not enough.
After having found this dreaded information about the territory they found themselves in, the Vanidicus tried to leave.. but by then, it was too late, for they found that no matter how much they wanted to, no matter how much they tried, they could not leave, not without dropping dead from a gruesome death as soon as one crossed the border.
And now the pack of the Vanidicus try to remain sane and live the life of seclusion for fear of falling to the hysteria of Bavan Hollows, but with the revolt of some of the members and the new forming of a pack known as the Morkare, the Vanidicus have no choice but to arise from the shadows and defend themselves from those of the diseased mind.

Those who believe that the Vanidicus shows weakness by not being plagued reside with the Morkare..  The Morkare are made up of many old members of the Vanidicus, as well as plagued loners who seek the safety of a pack...

T H E   V A N I D I C U S

Taking over the Western regions of Bavan Hollows, the Vanidicus was formerly known as the Esthera until their migration.  The pack is known for their nobility and skills in battle, but since they arrived in Bavan, they prefer to live the life of seclusion.
Lead under the ever so tenacious Lady Vrisity, the Vanidicus focus themselves on being the first and living as a family rather than a pack.
Do not be fooled, however.  They are not the 'good' pack of the two.  No, there is no 'good' pack here.  The Vanidicus can get brutal and foul to those who disobey or harm them.

(**OUR SITE**: -  Initiation, ranks, rules, etc are all found on our site without having to sign up.  If you'd like to join through our site, there is an application under the 'Join Us' page!
Recruiter's user name is .Cannibalistic.)

T H E   M O R K A R E

The Morkare reside in the Eastern side of the Bavan Hollows and are made of up either former members of the Vanidicus who saw weakness in the pack or who became rejects from the hysteria, or rogues and loners who have the hysteria and wish to reside with Morkare for protection.
The Morkare is the more grim group, for they do not believe in family or hope, or anything of the sort.  They believe that there is only room for one pack in the Bavan Hollows and that that pack should only be them.

(**SITE IS A WIP**  Leader of the Morkare is ImWolf in game, and has not developed the site yet.)

**Please keep in mind before joining us**
-  We only accept realistic colors.  Any design, any color eyes.  No weapons or powers.
-  You are NOT required to catch the hysteria that runs in Bavan.  Whether you RP having it is up to you.
-  You can join on the Vanidicus site through the Join Us form, or whisper .Cannibalistic. in game.  The recruiter is online daily usually around the time Americans get home from school.
-  The Morkare is not open yet.  You are more than welcome to RP a loner or wait till it is open.  There will be a very eventful and interesting revolt/rebellion RP taking place this weekend that will involve the forming of the Morkare.  The plot and war will officially begin then.

We hope to see you in game!  We recruit daily and are very, very active.  Our board will be updated with our recruiting times.

(Sorry if this is supposed to go under maps, wasn't entirely sure where to post this)

So, I've been map making for about 2-3 years, making maps for my RPs as well as a few friends role plays every now and then.  However, I noticed I haven't really made anything public.  Or at least, I made old private maps public because they were no longer in use, but I would like to make one that is open specifically for public RP.
But I don't know what I should do or where to start, so I decided I'd see what the community wants?
I think I can do just about anything I set my mind to- here are some screenshots of what I've done in the past <:

^  This is currently a WIP of a map called the Hollowed Tarrow, for an RP.

Part of a warriors RP called March of the Paws.  <:

^  Part of the map for the Vanidicus.

The inside of a huuuuge volcano I did for a map called the Vinctum.

And the sunset in a massive island map I did.  

So there, those are just a few examples I quickly gathered up- I actually have a lot more, but unfortunately my FH crashed recently and I'd have to redownload all of my maps just to get more screenshots.
But anyways, back to the poll.  What kind of map would you like to see done?  What kind of things should be in it?  What details?
Let me know <:  

My users in game are .Cannibalistic. and lnsidium.

T H E  V A N I D I C U S
The loyal, the strong and the proud...

The Vanidicus is a pack now currently open to new members.  Formerly known as the Esthera, our pack is over one year old and seeking devoted members upon our new return.  Our role play is..

We do require a sample before entry and require detail and proper grammar when role playing. 

Realistic colors, no powers, no weaponry, but some traditions in the pack as well as behaviors of the group may be considered not as realistic.

Our map is a spacious map containing two camps for each group - the Vanidicus, and their rival, the Pugna Contra.  The map is a mix of forest and rain forest, with not one space in the map lacking of trees.
The map includes loner dens, realistic texturing, big waterfalls, great detail as well as some hidden places, which includes two abandoned houses and an old abandoned torture chamber.
Lag shouldn't be a problem either, for the map was made so you can delete the particles and other things that may cause lag.

The pack known as Pugna Contra (who is also open to recruitment) is a band of loners who come together only to defend their home territory from the recently settled pack known as the Vanidicus.  No one is surely true of the outcome, but both packs know there is only room for one in the territory.


The plot centers around a land known as the Bavan Hollows, also known as the land of hysteria, for those who spend too much time alone in Bavan slowly loose their mind.  Because of this, rogues are never trusted.
The land is a mass territory with dense forest all around.  Whispers of wandering and lost souls can be heard as you walk, urging you towards  your darkest desires.
Bavan causes paranoia, insomnia, and in more extreme cases, insanity.  When you enter the lands of Bavan, you are forever bound to its grounds, for those who step out of Bavan die a painful death as soon as they step out of the territory..  You are bound here, and it is best you seek the guidance of a pack before it is too late.

Each day before night falls and the day comes to an end, the sky turns a blood red...  The pack waits eagerly to watch the sky, for the red sky is an omen of future misfortunes..  As dusk approaches, any and all loners in the territory have a few moments of sheer insanity until it is fully night time.  Never be alone in the Bavan Hollows.

The Vanidicus settles in this territory, having no previous knowledge of the misfortune it brings.  By the time they caught on what really went on in the Bavan Hollows, it was too late.
Wanting to keep peace within the pack despite their misfortunes, the Vanidicus went into hiding into the territory, secluding themselves away..  but with the arrival of a newly formed band of rogues who want their territory back, the Vanidicus must abandon their ways of seclusion and arise once more to defend themselves.
There is only room for one pack in the Bavan Hollows, and those who find themselves in the land best seek guidance of a pack before it is too late.

This RP is not a clash of good and bad- no, Vanidicus has their brutal ways, but they are an older pack with more experience- they demand loyalty, and if one is obedient, they will respect them and leave them be.
The Pugna Contra is a recently formed band of loners and rogues who wish to reclaim the territory and fight against the Vanidicus- they can't simply leave the territory for a better life, so they have no other choice but to defend themselves. 

This is a two pack RP, and both packs are open.  Each has their own ranks and their own traditions.

Interested in joining?  The Vanidicus and Pugna Contra will be recruiting during the evening times.  If you're too shy to apply in game, you can send over an RP sample through the Vanidicus' site here:


Contact us to join -
Leader of Vanidicus user -  .Cannibalistic.  (two periods at the end and beginning)
Leader of the Pugna Contra - Penguins4292

And lastly, just because, here are some map screenshots!

^  The hot springs.

^ Camp.

^  The Vanidicus initiation place. 
To complete the initiation, the first part is to hunt an animal that represents your character.  For example, a wolverine for a bold warrior, a bird for a swift wolf.  Once it is hunted, the wolf takes a piece from the carcass and wears it to display their rank and skill.  Example being, the feathers of a bird, the tail of a wolverine, the foot of a rabbit.  This is called an 'omen'
That is only the first part.  The second part takes place the following evening.  The initiate takes their omen to the four stones of Vanidicus (as displayed above).  Each stone represents a skill.  The stone of a warrior, the stone of a stealthy scout, the stone of a healer, and the last stone represents all 3 skills- this is the stone of the high ranks.
The initiate sleeps under the stone that represents their skill- some have dreams of the past, present, or future.. when they awaken, they will have been blessed with the said skill and may return to the pack as a full member.
It's rather complex, but the Vanidicus believes in blessings and things of the like.

^  The Pugna Contra initiation place.  The Pugna Contra band does not believe in things like blessings- their initiation is a little less complex but still equally interesting.  3 piles are layed out in front of the initiate, one containing teeth and bones, the other containing herbs, and the last containing various feathers.  The bones and teeth represents warriors, the herbs are healers, and the feathers are scouts.
The leader bites into the initiates paw to draw blood, and the initiate moves their paw over the three piles until it drips- where their blood drips determines their rank.  Finally they take the item they have bled upon, and are now considered a pull PC member.

And lastly, the great falls.  Behind them is a pretty loner den and an abandoned dungeon.

Thank you for taking the time to read our ad- we hope to see you in game!

I realize this is for group advertising, but the group isn't ready to recruit until we have an enemy pack alpha.  I'll request this deleted once we recruit one.
The RP me and a few other people intend to run is literate, mapped, semi-realistic (realistic coloring, no powers, no weapons but some behaviors in the pack can be considered unrealistic) and will be active.  Our RP is actually 14 months old (formerly known as the Esthera), but it went inactive and we are now renovating it to make a new, better version.

I'm seeking an enemy pack alpha that is active (on every other day, at least), fully literate, semi-realistic, and can of course download maps.

-  You can name your own pack, preferably something unique and in another language.  The Vanidicus is our pack.
-  You do not have to share the site with us, you can make your own site.  Our site may be viewed here:  if you wish to see it.  
-  As said before, you must be fully literate and pretty active.
-  Once I've found someone willing to fulfill the role of enemy pack leader, I'll edit your pack's territory and camp to your liking.  I'll add anything.
-  I'll be happy to help come up with ideas, ranks, a site, etc.  All I need is a lovely person willing to be our enemy pack alpha.

The plot centers around a mass territory known as Bavan Hollows.  Bavan Hollows is rather grim and mysterious, and they say the whispers of wandering souls can be heard when you are alone...  Spending too much time alone in the territory can bring one to a state of insanity and recklessness due to the paranoia.  Loners are never trusted by Bavan's inhabitants.  Only the strong minded may survive.
Bavan doesn't destroy one physically, but mentally.  It also binds any who enter with its grounds, and does not allow them to leave, or they will die.. many are unsure why.
A pack known as the Vanidicus comes across this territory and to their misfortune they find they cannot leave it.  Having had a past of death and deceit following them and not wanting a repeat of history, the pack goes into seclusion and keeps to themselves, wanting nothing more than just peace...
But a band of loners and rogues (the enemy pack) that live in the Bavan Hollows begins to come together, driven and bound to each other by the grimness and darkness that Bavan brings.  The territory can only keep one pack alive, considering the prey shortage...  And since there is no leaving the Bavan territories, the two packs have no other choice but to fight and raid each other.  The Vanidicus must arise and abandon their ways of seclusion, and fight the proud and devious band of rogues who threaten their peace.
This isn't a clash of good and bad.  The Vanidicus is far from being 'good', as is the other pack.  Each group will have their own ranks and traditions, and be completely different with their own ways of running things...  But both believe there is only room for one pack in the Bavan Hollows.

The map is going to be rather large, not ridiculously large but big enough to hold two packs and various hidden places.  Its a mountainous forest region with rainy weather, a lake, waterfalls, hidden dens, abandoned houses, and even two dungeons/torture chambers just because.  It will be extremely detailed and pretty realistic looking, and lag shouldn't be a problem.
I'm a pretty experienced map maker, so I will edit the enemy pack alpha's territory and camp and add anything they want in it.

See the Vanidicus' site here:

-  First choice is to add .Cannibalistic. in game (2 periods at the beginning and end) and shoot me a whisper or you can fill out this form and apply below.
In game user:
Character Name:
Pack Name:  (If you don't have an idea for one, I can help you come up with one.)
Reason for applying: (optional)
Other information/questions:
Role play sample:  (May be about anything, but use the character you will be using for the alpha.  It can be long, but at least 4-5 sentences <: )

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Novum Bellum - A Two Pack RP
« on: January 27, 2014, 07:22:20 am »
(I have never posted an advertisement here, so bare with me.)

Novum Bellum - New wars.
A literate, plotted, semi-realistic and beautifully mapped role play consisting of two rival packs.

This role play centers around the lives of two packs trying to compete and survive during times of plague and eventually, war.  
The plague, known as the Mortuus, spreads through the air and can infect anyone in a short amount of time.  Signs of it include lack of sleep, loss of appetite, aggressiveness, and eventually pure insanity.  
Caution and fear has caused the two packs, the Kaide Oblivion and the Eva Aupio, to be at each others throats rather than work together, for they truly believe only one shall survive through the time of Mortuus.
There have been three discovered options to surviving the plague...  
One.  A plant known as 'sage' leaves one completely immune for twenty four hours.  It has side effects that cause irritability and, with too much of a dose, hallucinations.  Still, its better than loosing your mind.
Two.  One can sport something to cover their face.  Be it some cloth or a wad of leaves.  It will protect a wolf for a few hours.
Three.  The blood of another...  This is always a last resort.  The blood of one who is not infected will allow one to stay sane for one week.  This is considered a crime.

With sage in short stock and the plague still lurking, the two packs are aggressive and territorial towards each other.

The Kaide Oblivion - The leaders being Violet (.Cannibalistic.)  and Mallek (Stokes), this pack is the more barbaric of the two.  Though warming, protective and welcoming to their loyal members, the Kaide wolves can be very unforgiving when it comes to double crossers and of course, the enemy.  If their members show any signs of the Mortuus plague, they immediately banish, beat, or in some cases kill them.
In short, keep to the pack's good side and they'll protect you with their lives.

The Eva Aupio - Lead under Russa (TalonShard), the pack came into the lands much later than the Kaide.  This pack is much more civil, though of course despises their neighbors.  If they see a member displaying signs of the plague, they do all in their power to protect them.  The Eva Aupio tries to remain secluded and away, though still finds themselves getting into trouble with the Kaide.  

Other Basic Information
-  We switch maps seasonally, having migrations throughout the role play.  As of right now we are on summer, and will stay so for at least a month and a half.

-  We are active throughout the weekends and sometimes evenings on weekdays.

-  We do allow other canines aside from wolves.

-  We do not allow powers, wings, neons, weaponry or armory.  Occasionally we allow some unrealistic colors, but we prefer you stick to mostly realistic colors.

-  Accessories such as collars, necklaces, etc are acceptable.

-  For the 'face cover' part, you are allowed to design your own.  You can get creative with it, it just has to cover the maw.  If you wish not to sport one, you can just stick to sage plants.

- You aren't "required" to be infected by the plague.  No one can make you get infected, though realistically if your character isn't consuming sage or something to prevent the disease, they would catch it.

The Map
Our current map for the season summer is very large, its taken about twenty minutes to give people tours of the map.  It is an island, it rains, it has a vivid sky with many hidden places, a beach, and of course two camps.
It HAS been known to lag, but we have found ways around it to make the lag go away and make it run very smoothly.
Some screenshots of the map can be viewed here:

The site can be found here: BUT it is a WIP and the rankings, traditions, and other basics should be up within a day or two.  

Contact Us:
Make an account on the forum and PM Violet or Kaito, or speak to us in game.  We are trying to recruit each day in the afternoon/evening.  We will be on for sure each weekend.
Violet, recruiter for the Kaide:  .Cannibalistic. in game (Don't forget the period at the end and beginning)
Russa, recruiter for the Eva Aupio:  TalonShard

Application:  (This isn't required, you can always speak to us in game, but if you'd like to fill out a character sheet and inform us you're interested, then fill this out.)

Character name:
Species (of course it must be a canine.  Made up species accepted as long as it isn't unrealistic):
Pack you're applying to:
History (if any):

(I'm going to attempt at organizing and adding to this more later.  This is my first ad.  If you have any questions, try to get in touch with us in game or PM us on our forum!)

Request/Find Meshes / Needing amnesia mesh pack.
« on: August 12, 2013, 09:25:17 pm »
Can I please have the download to the amnesia meshes?   I can't find it any where.
I remember it having prison doors, things for torture, carcasses, organs, a bed frame, a sofa, a nice bed and some other stuff, but I can't find it any where :c
Please and thank you c:

Game Help / Preset file not showing up
« on: August 05, 2013, 05:27:41 am »
I made a preset like I usually do for my characters.  I went in game, typed up my user and password, then went to the preset maker to export it.  It exported like it always does when I make presets, but when I went into my presets folder to get the exported file (ending in .fhp) it is not there.  I restarted feral heart and tried to export it again.  Still not showing up. 
I exported it to my side account.  File showed up and everything with no problem.
So why won't the .fhp file show up when I export it to my main account?  I have made presets before without any trouble.
Also, the preset is in the character maker, like I can put it on still.  The only problem I'm having here is the .fhp file not showing up under my presets folder.
This has happened to any preset that I export to my account, but it works just fine for my side.  I've never had this problem before. 
Please, any help appreciated <3

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