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Messages - Darkstar1987

Pages: [1]
Game Discussion / Re: How Can We Revive Feral Heart?
« on: February 08, 2020, 01:19:40 am »
I believe Feral Heart has plenty of room for improvement. Recalling my first time playing this amazing game, I truly enjoyed my time particularly in Sky's Rim, Atlantis and Temple of Dreams. When they were removed, I was disappointed and the loss of many unique lands in this game took hundreds of players with it. I myself am just returning to the game after being gone for about three years. In my opinion, I believe that if the old maps were placed back in, or if they implemented the removed maps back into the game, it would attract a few more of the older players, while also creating more space to explore!
However, the other opinions shared are just as important. FH does need an active server master or two, if that helps. It also requires frequent communication with its players, and more updates to keep players interested. Waiting for an update every several months to even a year in between updates can result in a greater loss of consistent players. Nevertheless, you're still going to have the occasional group of people that dislike something, but the big picture is what matters. The success of Feral Heart would require a lot of catching up and tweaking, but it's not impossible. In fact, there are plenty of amazing games out there that are nearly reaching their twenties, but still have hundreds of thousands of players daily. It's a lot of time, determination and hard work, however, I have faith in FH's developers. They placed their time and effort to find the source code, they listen to their small community, having done their best to provide new content.
As long as there is a devotion to keep FH going, I'll always be lured back by the happy times that brought me here in the first place.  ;D

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