Author Topic: Immortality in RPs  (Read 1567 times)

Offline Wizardmymom

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Immortality in RPs
« on: May 10, 2014, 07:18:06 pm »
Now, I know over half of the people who clicked this are thinking, "Oh no, another rant about idiots who use immortality," while that is completely wrong.
If anything, I praise those who use immortality correctly.

By 'correctly', I mean they don't use this OP perk to run around and do whatever they want, but to give depth to their character.
For example, my latest OC (named Sennin) is immortal, and over five thousand years old.
Being as how she can't die, she also stopped aging physically at about 3 1/2 years old, so she looks young.
But she's depressed all the time, and hides herself from others because she doesn't want to get attatched to 'mortals' who will just end up dieing on her while she stays youthful for eternity. And so if a character ever comes up to Sennin, she's normally just reply something about being 'busy' then walk away, head low.

Then we all know the people who use immortality to not kill their charrie, and make them an OP killing machine.
This happened a day or so ago while RPing with a friend on a forum RP, while I was Sennin. She was new to RP, and thought it would be fun to also make an immortal.
She used this to easily overtake anyone else who joined the RP, and also she constantly challenged my charrie to a duel, knowing that mine was MUCH more likely to surrender then her, and was unlikely to attack in the first place.
When I told her, and explained why I made Sennin the way I did, she was confused and just kept going as she was, completely ignoring the mental affects that immortality would cause.

A LOT of people seem to only think immortal charries are the second example, which is why when I tell people Sennin is immortal and they call me an 'ILLITERATE POWER-PLAYING NOOB' I get annoyed.

With the ever-growing amount of realistic RPs, any hopes of immortal charries seem to be thrown out the window onto the road to be run over by a truck.
The way people react to this type of charrie is uncalled for, being as how I've seen other people with fantastic immortal characters.

Overall, though, this was really just something I typed up while I was bored, so....
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Offline AeropostaleWolf

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Re: Immortality in RPs
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2014, 04:01:28 am »
I agree, RPing as an immortal can be pretty amusing to yourself and to other when RP is under control. However, having a character who cannot die under any circumstances can be amusing as well (Tuck Everlasting comes to mind...), although it can annoy some folks. I think that having an immortal character is almost bad for the RP, because no matter how much one tried to defeat the immortal, obviously, they can't. Personally, I think if there is a fight involved in an RP, that is what will keep me writing (not hanging around with someone who always says- He yawned and flicked his ears in boredom) because it will give suspense to the reader or RPers of who might claim victory over a spar or battle. With an immortal vs. immortal no one will win, the fight could go on for hours and still not one is hurt. With an immortal vs. mortal we all know who will win.

I apologize if this wasn't what you expected a response as, but I guess spilling my feelings over the immortal category was aiming for the right target?

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Re: Immortality in RPs
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2014, 06:40:40 am »
I think people seem to be mixing up the definition 'immortal' with 'immune' these days, or at least think 'immune' always has to be a trait. It's not. In fact, I've roleplayed with someone whom had an immortal character, but even said in character that it didn't mean she was immune; And thus, she could drown, or die of anything, really. I myself play a somewhat immortal character, (Though may die due to a permanent injury in his head some day) and really, I wouldn't consider him close to immune.

More likely hard to be killed when it comes to injuries, often attempting to flee before it gets too bad for him, or tries to stop the fight with words sometimes, even. By knowing he can't exactly die, (Though, which isn't always involved in immortality) and being so emotional sometimes he's always at least remotely depressed if not really from past events. In fact, he's even went a little bit insane because of it!

And in case yes, I am talking about Exxy. BI *Pushes haters away*

But really, I all find it a little bit silly if you don't seem to at least put flaws in being immortal. In fact, sometimes living for so long would be a pretty big disadvantage if you think about it.

Also, I apologize if I seemed to mix up some definitions; I'm merely stating what I've been taught and giving off my own opinion, really.

Offline Wizardmymom

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Re: Immortality in RPs
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2014, 12:18:07 pm »
@Aero-?-????, that's one of the things I enjoyed about the forum RP I was complaining about.
While our fights were pretty one-sided (I mean, a depressed, weak wolf vs. a deadly, brave wolf who thinks of herself as all-mighty is a bit one-sided), it was still interesting since both charries knew the other can't die.
And yes, immortality is VERY amusing in the right circumstances. For example, when someone says "I'll kill you one day" as a way to frighten your charrie, all they have to say is, "No, you never will."

@Hugrf, I guess that is true.
But, as I was reading your post, I was thinking on adding in that 'No one has found a way to kill her', thus meaning she can be killed, but it hasn't been found out how.
I guess that would solve a lot of issues with immortal characters if that one line was added to their bios.

As for flaws of being immortal, there are quiet a few I can come up with on the top of my head.
If you get trapped, say, in an avalanche or end up buried under something somehow, you're stuck there for all of eternity. End of story.
EMOTIONS PEOPLE. Like you said, Hugrf, being immortal would definitely have some type of emotional toll on someone. I mean, you see everyone you love die, make new friends, they die, ect.
Wounds. People seem to think that immortals also have the ability to heal their wounds like some lower-tier Wolverine magic or something. Normally, they can't. If an immortal is, for example, shread to bits, or has an organ ripped out, it stays that way. They continue to feel that pain forever, still alive. They would still continue to live.
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