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Topics - MustangCharm

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Wishlist
« on: March 11, 2011, 06:32:37 pm »
Alright, I understand that there are millions of threads out there that mention the same thing, but this is intended to be a positive way of telling me/asking the WORLD (dramatic much? lol) what you might want to see in future updates. Post your thoughts, ideas, suggestions, wishes, feedback, e.c.t here! *You can lock/remove this thread if it is sort of a repeat*

So far, my big annoying wish list consists of:

*Playing as at least 1 herbivorous (spelling?  :P ) animal

*An 'Adventure' or 'Story Mode' gameplay setting with NPC characters... like a roleplay, except instead of roleplaying you actually get to fight or retrieve the object that random character needs, rather than just typing it.

*A 'Single Player' Mode, where you can hunt and have enemy prides.
(My idea is sort of coming from WQ, where you have a den and there is a big map where you can run around in. Except you can choose where you want the game to be; a forest biome, alaska/snow biome, savannah biome, or maybe a desert biome and e.c.t . Then there would be loner felines and canines that you can add to your pack/pride. You can play as any breed, F or C.
There would be enemy prides/packs, that also have their own den and territory. There can be more, but I want to keep away from having pups and mates, or else it will get too WQ-ish. Maybe there can be orphan pups/cubs that wander, that you can either banish or add to your pack. Banishing a loner will remove them from your pack, and there could be a little movie scene where they run off until you cannot see them in the distance. But they will not totally delete, so you can re-add them if you would like.
You can constantly be adding or banishing members from your pride/pack, hunting for food, or fighting the enemy packs for more land. Just a thought, but if you REALLY want to have a mate, you could pretend to have one... like if your a wolf, and you find another 'cute' loner wolf, you could add them to your pack and then add a pup and say "this is my family".  The loners and enemies would be NPC characters, as would be any character in the adventure mode. Just a LONG thought XD !)

*I know a lot of people have mentioned this also, and I never got the chance to play IT, so I guess hunting and and prey would be nice. I said this somewhere else, but maybe you could place zebras or gazelles in your custom maps, so they can either walk around and you can't do anything with them (just for show, and they move around) or you can have the option of hunting them... maybe 2 groups of objects; hunting/prey animals and decorative moving animals. So that way there are 2 options so the hunting doesn't get out of hand in public maps. (Just know that the hunting/prey animals will also move and run when you come at them =] .)

*(Someone has said this, so I'm not stealing their idea... I thought it was good!) Being able to pick up other players, like they were pups, or smaller animals riding on bigger animals backs (in just a sitting position). You would have to send a request to them to make sure it's okay, so you can ignore them or accept. People that abuse the "pick-up" button to much would get annoying, so you could just block them. But this would be useful for pups in rp's.
AAAAAAAANNDD start submitting!    EDIT: *Whispers to anyone that knows the answer* Maybe this should be moved to the ideas section lol!

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