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Messages - XxKalixX

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 14
(ooh, really cool-looking rp! Would it be okay if I joined, in maybe, two weeks? I'm on an iPhone, so it's impossible to copy-paste photos. Or it is for me. XD and filling out forms is so difficult It'd just be better if i waited. If I can, thanks! If that's too long, that's ok too. ^_^)

Finished Maps / Re: Rimfrost's Map Pack (WIP) [V1.09]
« on: August 07, 2011, 10:14:31 pm »
Lol, I think I PMed you, if I did, I probably did twice, so sorry! My internet is messed up... O_e lol

Presets & Markings / Re: Kali's First Preset!
« on: August 07, 2011, 06:57:20 pm »
Thankyoo all :D I lieks teh feedback, so I might make another one, once I figure out how to make it furry... O_o

Presets & Markings / Re: Kali's First Preset!
« on: August 07, 2011, 03:52:01 pm »
Thanks! ^_^ I know it's bad, I just wanted to share it, lol

Presets & Markings / Kali's First Preset!
« on: August 06, 2011, 10:35:14 pm »
 ;D Guess what? I made my first preset a week ago!
...Okay, I know it's bad, and I can't even do fur, but here's some screenies. His name is Demon. Very original.  ::)

There! ^_^

This is what happens if you mess with the thing that may or may not be stalking you. Don't mess with 'Less.

Fear will drive you insane, so make sure to run around blindly.

And I have a pic of the thing that may or may not be stalking you, but for the fun of everyone else, I won't post it >:3

Finished Maps / Re: [v1.09]~(>w<)~ Apocalypse Map Pack ~(>w<)~
« on: August 06, 2011, 10:03:29 pm »
D: 7 hours!
Can't wait to Beta test! X3

((Listen, I'm just waaay too lost. I'll just have to drop out, soz, cuz I really like this RP. It's times like these when I wish we weren't moving
 -_-' ))

((O_e 28... pages... I guess I missed a lot! Been busy; we're moving house... o_e))


She shook her head and blinked. "Wh... what'd I miss?" She asked the empty silence. She must've slipped into some sort of waking coma. "I guess I'm really alone now, the other wolves would have moved on." Biting back tears of fury, she bounded away into the mass of empty rubble. As the wind whipped at her fur, she thought frantically. What to do? Where to go? I'm so lost! "Ahh!" She cried aloud as she tripped over a mass of rubble. She rose to her paws, furious that she'd tripped, furious that she was alone. As she put weight on her front left paw, she cried out again. "No!" She managed to gasp through clenched jaws. "If I'm injured, it'll remove any chance of my survival! I can't... I have to! For..." She stopped as she fell to the ground. "For..." She tried again as she rose to her paws again.
"For Star!" She cried when she placed her paw down. She winced as she padded forward, limping slightly as she went. She had no time to think about anything else, pain was the only thing on her mind. She was lost, alone, scared, and now injured. "Great." She managed as she walked along. "Now what? Next, I'll fall off a cliff, or something, with my luck." Just as she said it, she neared a drop. "Exactly." She laughed, pitilessly, at her misfortune. "Well, at least I know where the cliff is..." She cried out again, and in that second, something in her snapped. Her eyes seemed to sparkle a little brighter as she glared at the bottom of the cliff. She had to. For Star. Her heart pumped bravely as she turned away frim the cliff and broke into a run.
 Towards, she thought, the last place she saw Star, her younger sister.

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