Author Topic: Is Roleplaying in Local Chat Frowned Upon? Since When?  (Read 5589 times)

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Re: Is Roleplaying in Local Chat Frowned Upon? Since When?
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2019, 11:36:55 pm »
Not frowned upon to sane people, some people just need to be hot glued to a ceiling fan.  Do what you want as long as you're not hurting people, i say.
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Re: Is Roleplaying in Local Chat Frowned Upon? Since When?
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2019, 01:16:03 am »
I'd like to present a counter-argument to this post, and I'll willingly say that I was the yellow censor in that second screenshot. I was kinda playing around with the 'weirdos' thing but I see how that can be hurtful and I apologize. By the way, the last two messages were *not* related to you roleplaying in the grounds, that was me complaining about being sick in real life to my friends I was sitting with.

I think it's unfair to assume that those of us who don't like roleplaying in the grounds (not just the grounds, specifically the spawn area) are new players. I've been here since 2011 and I know how the "old" FH worked. Yes, it was okay and don't get me wrong, it still is okay to roleplay wherever you want! But frowned upon? Yeah, generally it is because that specific area of the grounds is what we tend to use as an area of casual conversation and, sometimes, RP advertisement. Again, you're perfectly allowed to roleplay right there, nothing says you can't! Just maybe expect some scrutiny from the players around you when you're sending long paragraphs and clogging the chat flow of one of the only populated areas in the game. I know the grounds chat is often dead, but I remember there being a good conversation flow at the time you had sent the long paragraphs into the chat. It was just annoying to some of us users and we have the right to ask you to do it elsewhere. I didn't see any harassment in the screenshots you provided but if that did happen, that's not okay either.

Again, I mean this in all due respect and I do apologize if my comments made you feel upset or uncomfortable in-game. I'm sure I could've worded it differently but I believe in the moment I was just annoyed that you had chosen to send large paragraphs of roleplay into an area of which we have chosen to be casual discussion. I know you said you haven't been online recently, and that's okay! You may not have known and my apologies for not taking that into account, but in the future, FH has many different maps and most of them go relatively unused! You can roleplay wherever you want but sometimes it's still good to take others into account.

Offline Lady_Alizarin

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Re: Is Roleplaying in Local Chat Frowned Upon? Since When?
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2019, 02:45:06 am »
After reading all these replies it's sad to see that I'm not the only one whose experienced this situation. It really saddens me.

I'd like to present a counter-argument to this post, and I'll willingly say that I was the yellow censor in that second screenshot. I was kinda playing around with the 'weirdos' thing but I see how that can be hurtful and I apologize. By the way, the last two messages were *not* related to you roleplaying in the grounds, that was me complaining about being sick in real life to my friends I was sitting with.

I think it's unfair to assume that those of us who don't like roleplaying in the grounds (not just the grounds, specifically the spawn area) are new players. I've been here since 2011 and I know how the "old" FH worked. Yes, it was okay and don't get me wrong, it still is okay to roleplay wherever you want! But frowned upon? Yeah, generally it is because that specific area of the grounds is what we tend to use as an area of casual conversation and, sometimes, RP advertisement. Again, you're perfectly allowed to roleplay right there, nothing says you can't! Just maybe expect some scrutiny from the players around you when you're sending long paragraphs and clogging the chat flow of one of the only populated areas in the game. I know the grounds chat is often dead, but I remember there being a good conversation flow at the time you had sent the long paragraphs into the chat. It was just annoying to some of us users and we have the right to ask you to do it elsewhere. I didn't see any harassment in the screenshots you provided but if that did happen, that's not okay either.

Again, I mean this in all due respect and I do apologize if my comments made you feel upset or uncomfortable in-game. I'm sure I could've worded it differently but I believe in the moment I was just annoyed that you had chosen to send large paragraphs of roleplay into an area of which we have chosen to be casual discussion. I know you said you haven't been online recently, and that's okay! You may not have known and my apologies for not taking that into account, but in the future, FH has many different maps and most of them go relatively unused! You can roleplay wherever you want but sometimes it's still good to take others into account.

I accept your apology, and understand where you stand on this discussion. I was not upset by what was said, but more confused and concerned as to why an activity that is (or was) so common in FH is now getting such negative attention. Trust me when I say these screenshots I've provided were just 2 different instances that have happened involving the issue. I never took the time to get screenshots of all the cases that have happened around different parts of the FH game.

When it comes to roleplaying in the Grounds, I'm well aware that there's casual conversation going on near the Lonely Cave portal. Because of that, I've tried my best to keep my distance so I don't disturb others around me with my walls of text.
HOWEVER, I have one or two friends who want to park themselves near that location to do roleplays, even if I've tried convincing them to move their character away so our RP posts don't get lost in chat spam.  ((Beleive me, I try to avoid it so the chat spam does not get in the way of the posts I need to read)) Why they want to roleplay closer to all the casual conversation, I don't know. Maybe they like listening to the conversations while roleplaying. Maybe there's a chance others will join in, since I once suggested that if other players see an open roleplay they too will follow. I don't know; I don't speak for them.

THEN there are the times we do move away to another location, other players follow us to either listen in on the roleplay OR to disrupt us. One of those screenshots was from a time we were away from the casual conversation crowd, but some random players decided to come into our range to complain. It's just those cases of people seeing a roleplay and they want to disrupt it for no reason. There were times we were in other less populated maps doing our roleplays and some randos come out of nowhere to ask us why we're roleplaying in local chat/public maps.
No matter where we go it happens. That's the point I was wanting to bring up. Why is it frowned upon in local chat at all? I don't see why it's a problem, because it was never a problem before. As others have suggested, the game has changed since it was first released to what it is now. The community has changed, and not in a way I was hoping for.

Thanks again for your input. I try to steer clear of that spot in the grounds, while still remaining close, but not close enough to disrupt anyone up near the entrance.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2019, 03:07:21 am by Lady_Alizarin »

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Re: Is Roleplaying in Local Chat Frowned Upon? Since When?
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2019, 03:05:33 am »
Thank you so much for your understanding, and you do bring up some good points! I think roleplaying anywhere else is perfectly socially acceptable and I too don't understand why people would scrutinize that. Feral Heart has no hunting or questing or anything so it is largely reliant on roleplaying to be fun. People are gonna feel different ways about roleplaying by that portal, whether it's annoyance or interest, but you know that all too well already.

I agree, while nobody should ever harass you about roleplaying, it should especially never happen away from the hot spots. It's definitely a new culture we're in in-game, and it's not fair to those who still love roleplaying. I guess you'll just have to take each one as they come and report those who harass you. Keep doing it if it makes you happy.

I also appreciate you for bringing this topic up and validating both forms of responses instead of shutting the opposing side down as many do, so thank you for that as well!

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Re: Is Roleplaying in Local Chat Frowned Upon? Since When?
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2020, 08:21:34 am »
It's shocking to see how much of an anomaly roleplaying is in the community nowadays. I remember when there was ALWAYS a roleplay happening somewhere in game, and you were able to find them easy. It's upsetting to see it being shunned, especially when this is an online animal based roleplaying game, as said on the home page. I remember roleplaying in local myself countless times with groups and friends.

I agree with Sura in the sense that when general chat was thrown away (our main rp advertising platform besides movies), things changed. It may have been a slow decline, but eventually the roleplaying community became smaller and smaller.  Being a user from back in the days where roleplaying was a common and daily occurrence, seeing this kind of attitude towards it is unnerving to say the least, and I wish people could have more respect for what makes other's happy. But there'll always be people like that, it's inevitable.

As long as you're not doing any harm and following the rules, you're not doing any wrong. So don't pay any mind to the whiners, do what you love.

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Re: Is Roleplaying in Local Chat Frowned Upon? Since When?
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2020, 08:16:34 pm »
Ever since the new transition to the new maps ruined the roleplaying areas, i've found roleplaying in local annoying when the only real popular social area is The Grounds. Though I would never go directly to a person to say something about it cause yes it would be disrespectful.

Before the map changes it was perfectly fine to roleplay in local because there were centralized areas of roleplay. Fluorite plains for example, L island was for lions, and there were other spots for public based groups. If it got crowded, they could easily whisper, party chat, or form a group if they were asked not to do local roleplaying.

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