Author Topic: Legends In The Universal Plane (LITUP)  (Read 11027 times)

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Legends In The Universal Plane (LITUP)
« on: May 20, 2017, 05:47:37 am »
This is my series featuring a team of spaceships and their pilots, in their journey to put an end to any mishaps that arise across the galaxy. It's based on Spore adventures I had made back in 2015, which I continue working on to this day. I've got a lot planned for this series, although it's taking me a year or two just to write one episode, I don't believe I'll ever abandon it.

The name has underwent some changes, previously "Legends Within The Universe" suggested by Ellen11v, who also created Daxter Wilde! :D

Episode 1 "The fateful meeting"
The long story all started in the year 2017, when a human named Daxter Wilde was working on technology that could increase the human senses to the point where they could potentially read minds. All of a sudden the door to the room creaked, distracting Daxter and making him fail the experiment. The manager shouted "Abort! We have better things to do!". "What could be better than what I'm working on?!" Exclaimed Daxter as he left his chair to follow the manager who had gestured to him to come over. Daxter snickered seeing the new tech that was just invented "Living technology?! That'll be a thing of the past tomorrow, unlike my experiment which could remain useful even after many years pass. How would this living tech help us when we get telepathic communication?" Daxter was quite unimpressed with it and walked out of the room.

Years pass and living technology was made into something that amazed the world. the streets were lit up by headlights of not just cars. Spaceships roamed the skies, helping those in need. It was a great advancement and the world loved it, much to Daxter's surprise. "Humans could be superheroes with what I'm trying to invent" Said daxter when he spotted a spaceship helping a citizen who had fallen into a sewer pipe. That citizen was a hologram creature named Luhuklag who had been created a few days before the spaceships were created.

Soon the time came when everyone was being assigned to a spaceship, the manager of the lab lead each volunteer to the room where the spaceships were all standing. Luhuklag had volunteered to be a pilot and was assigned to a spaceship named Ronmin. Daxter had also volunteered and was assigned to Anvindr. Jeremy Wilde also volunteered to pilot and was assigned to Wasp. Gerolt and Ernesto both had the lab's manager as their pilot.

Wasp flew off, and no one suspected a thing. Luhuklag walked up to Ronmin and greeted him before climbing aboard and messing with all the controls, but every button she pressed just did nothing. "Careful, they're alive! So they can feel you touching them, though they can't see you, I don't recall adding visual sensors because I didn't want them getting spooked." The boss told everyone. "I do see Luhuklag, ." said Ronmin, this confused the manager. "Since when were they able to see?" The manager called to the rest of the staff. "Clearly you don't know much about us" Ernesto said to the confused manager. The staff lectured the manager about what features were added to the spaceships, talking about how they work, what they run on and what they can do. "Ernesto knows a lot about spaceships, he'd be glad to help you if you are stuck." Said one staff.

"Greetings, Mr. Manager. I am Ernesto, at your service" Ernesto greeted the manager. "My names not Mr. Manager!" Yelled the manager in frustration. "What shall I call you then?" Asked Ernesto. "You may call me Sir Inventor." The manager told Ernesto. "Greetings, Sir Inventor." Said Ernesto. "That's more like it." Said the manager

After the new pilots learned how to fly their spaceships, they set off for the cosmos and discovered a new planet, they flew to earth to collect all the materials they need for building a camp on the new planet.

There was a monster hidden on that planet, waiting to come out from hiding and slay something that comes its way. When Luhuklag got back to the new planet, she was about to start building the camp on the new planet when the creature jumped out from behind the rock beside them and clawed Ronmin. Ronmin tried to escape the creature but it would not stop chasing him, it could fly. Daxter was flying Anvindr behind Ronmin and and Anvindr also got clawed by the monster. "Ronmin, you're probably safe now, it's targetted me." Daxter said, then got straight to eliminating the creature and flew Anvindr so close to the monster that her right arm hit the creature, knocking the monster onto the ground so hard that it hit the ground with a loud thud which distracted Luhuklag. "All in a day's work" Said Daxter as he cleaned the green goop off of Anvindr's arm after landing.

A few days later, the camp got built with the help of all the spaceships and pilots. After the camp was finished Daxter set off with Anvindr to search for planets that need help and their searching soon led to the finding of one planet in particular that could be home to some interesting species. He radioed the rest of the team to tell them the coordinates, and the rest of the team set off to find Daxter and Anvindr.

To be continued...

Episode 2 "To fill a gap in knowledge and the ground"
Daxter flew to the newly discovered planet, it was all green with vines and plants and it looked like it would support creatures living there, and as Daxter approached the planet to land he spotted creatures living among the plant life. When they landed Anvindr was suddenly tangled in the vines, the planet was not meant to be inhabited by something as big as a spaceship. The rest of the team could be heard arriving, but Daxter couldn't see the source of the sound. Everyone had landed a small distance away from Daxter and Anvindr as the planet had rotated slightly. Daxter disembarked his spaceship and tried to pull the vines off of Anvindr, but it was no use. "What if I disassemble you?" Daxter was just in the middle saying when Ronmin and Luhuklag arrived and clipped the vines. Daxter was amazed at the spaceships capabilities. "You guys were meant to help each other!" Daxter exclaimed in amazement, then Luhuklag walked up to Daxter. "Be careful where you land, your spaceship can warn you of danger but she can't stop you from landing her. It's up to you to use your power of judgement to decide whether to land or not." Luhuklag warned Daxter.

Later that evening, everyone set off exploring.

Ernesto was sure someone would need rescuing, when suddenly he flew through a cloud of smoke. Gerolt's engines were producing alot of thick smoke until he broke down in the middle of space, oops, Ernesto towed Gerolt back home and alerted the repair crew that they were going to have a patient.

All of a sudden, Daxter decided he'd test his spaceship's capabilities by doing various tricks including barrel rolls and swerving around, Anvindr didn't mind. "Careful not to wear out your spaceship before we find a planet to save!" Luhuklag warned Daxter and he stopped performing tricks for the moment.

Soon after all that happened, they got a signal from an unknown planet saying there was a sinkhole putting an unknown planet's citizens in a panic.
The team tracked the coordinates the signal came from and soon they reached a rather barren planet where there was a growing black dot. Ronmin detected a dangerous entity on the planet, and they flew up to the sinkhole for a closer look, suddenly a cloud of dust flew towards Ronmin and he just managed to dodge, the dust instead landing on Anvindr and covering her windows. Anvindr coughed as the dust got on her cooling fan. Daxter landed Anvindr a safe distance away from the sinkhole and disembarked to sweep the dust off of the cooling fan, then the man heard crumbling and watched as the sinkhole swallowed a house while the creatures exit the falling building and flee to safety. "There are no injuries from what I can see, but if we're not careful then there will be a victim of the sinkhole. Try not to slip, even where you're standing, we don't know how big this pit will get." Daxter told Luhuklag, the cyborg reptile backing up when she heard that. Anvindr, now free of dust, kept an eye on the sinkhole(Now that she could see, since her camera eyes are mounted in the cockpit behind windshield), while Luhuklag suspected with unease that it was the whole planet which Ronmin was detecting as dangerous.

The team had to get rid of the sinkhole and escort the citizens to safety, the massive pit could swallow the whole planet if it is not gotten rid of. Luhuklag landed Ronmin on top of the sinkhole so that he could fill it with the dirt the planet had just spewed out, Ronmin didn't look down at the seemingly bottomless pit below him, but he still wasn't sure about this parking spot. "There certainly are better places to land than this" Ronmin remarked, then tried to use one arm to try and sweep the dirt into the hole, and used his other crab-like pincer to keep himself from falling.

Then, Daxter ran to Anvindr and stood on her nose while he escorted the citizens to safety. "The spaceship is operating itself!" One of the citizens exclaimed in amazement, while Anvindr was puzzled by the citizen's new discovery. "And the spaceship that brought them here couldn't do that?" Anvindr thought to herself but could hardly hear her thoughts as her police siren blared, and the last few citizens were escaping.

Ronmin's rear landing gear suddenly slipped into the sinkhole, the sudden shock of falling causing him to instinctively boost upwards and straight out of that ever-growing sinkhole that was still engulfing the town, the blue spaceship landed somewhere else on his own while Luhuklag spoke with Daxter about what to do.

The two soon decided on something and Daxter climbed into the cabin of his spaceship. "What are we doing?" Anvindr asked as she rose. "Going to push the dirt back." Daxter briefed. "Readying weapons." Stated the brown spaceship. "Halt, no weapons, just my mid-air acrobatics." Stated Wilde.

As Daxter stooped low to the ground, Anvindr's hull nearly brushed with the dirt, one of her pontoon-like landing gear knocked dirt into the sinkhole, then Daxter pulled up on the steering wheel to point his ship upward and got away. As they landed, the alien planet decided it was too full of dirt.

Now that the sinkhole was filled, the planet gave a loud rumble, throwing everyone off balance and forcing the spaceships to hover slightly above the land. And then the planet settled, now doing nothing more than rotating around its sun. "All in a days work yet again." Daxter proudly declared after the planet stopped rumbling, while the citizens cheered at the removal of the sinkhole. Luhuklag walked over to Ronmin to make sure the ship wasn't damaged by slipping, there was no damage to any of the ships, then she climbed aboard and set off back to the home planet for a much-needed nap.

After assisting during the rescue, back at home base on the newly named Planet Edi, Daxter needed to rest, and so did Luhuklag, . Luhuklag noticed that all the spaceships were unresponsive and completely motionless, so she suspected they must be sleeping before quietly sneaking up beside Ronmin and falling asleep next to him. All was completely silent as the spaceships don't snore. Soon everyone on Planet Edi was sound asleep, while the next day crept closer with a slight buzz coming from outside the buildings?

Episode 3 "Hungry space, and honey"
The sun arose to the sound of bees buzzing, the team awoke to the odd sound as well. After Ronmin's systems booted, he found something flying in front of him and tried to scan it, when he successfully scanned the little insect he found it was an Earth honeybee. "This is amazing! A little spooky, but amazing! I am so reminded of home!" Daxter exclaimed when he saw the bees buzzing around the newly-planted flowerbed, then a question flew into his head. "How long does it take for bees to make honey?" Daxter asked Luhuklag, but the Mechanical Cat just shrugged. Suddenly, Daxter remembered seeing beehives, he wondered if the bees needed a hive to make honey. "Let's build a hive for the bees, they should be happier" He again told Luhuklag. "The bees'll make their own hive, they know exactly how they like their home" Luhuklag responded to Daxter before climbing into Ronmin's cabin to set off for the cosmos, Daxter boarded Anvindr and they both flew off to let the bees build their hive in peace, and gather flowers.

They both came across a planet that gave off odd signals, they flew in closer to the planet's surface only to find nothing that could be sending signals. Then without warning, both were thrown out of balance as the planet swallowed the spaceships as if it were a giant floating Pac Man, then the planet snapped shut and Anvindr was trapped, Ronmin pulled her free, while Luhuklag looked out the side windows for a place to land as well as a way to get out of the planet. When the two had landed, Daxter stepped out of his spaceship to view the damage. "It looks like there's been damage to the booster, potentially caused by the planet's jaws." Daxter said. "Exactly." Anvindr responded. Luhuklag felt a bit of a rumble under her metal paws, the planet then opened its jaws again and at that very moment, Luhuklag detected a radio signal coming from Sir Inventor. {Hello, I he-} Luhuklag heard over the radio until the planet's jaws snapped shut again.

"We'll have to wait until the planet opens its mouth again before we catch another signal, but I think they're onto our coordinates, those medics must have detected the sudden loss of communication and thought something was up." Luhuklag said. "We had better wait for Sir Inventor to bring Ernesto, Ronmin can't fly quickly whilst towing another spaceship." Daxter advised Luhuklag, he found her examining the plants and debri that the planet had swallowed. "Did you hear me?" He called. Luhuklag was putting one of the plants into Ronmin's cargo hold when the ground rumbled again, the planet opened its massive maw and Daxter managed to send a help signal before the planet finished eating. "Well, we got flowers for the bees." Luhuklag remarked, looking on the bright side, while the daring Daxter was hopping around like an acrobat trying to look for potential escape routes. "Ronmin, you aren't quite built for agility, but the agile one can't fly right now so do you think you could fly up and look for a way for us to escape or for rescue to come in?" Andvindr spoke to Ronmin, who was attentive but worried. "We can't get a signal, there's likely no way in, and I don't think it's right to damage the planet by just ramming through a weak spot, we should treat the planet nicely for we don't know if it holds grudges." Ronmin replied, and didn't fly.

Ernesto soon arrived and had to wait for the planet to open, but it wasn't long until he was able to enter the mouth of the planet. Daxter connected a line to Anvindr and Ernesto then the spaceships and the pilots left the mouth of the planet when they got the chance. "We're free!" Daxter exclaimed as they headed toward their home planet.

When the team returned to Planet Edi, they were greeted by a lovely hive built by the bees. The sun set to the sound of buzzing, but no-one could sleep due to the constant buzzing noise. Luhuklag suggested that the flowerbed should be moved, or a building constructed around it to restore the quiet to Planet Edi. The team successfully built the glass building, then Daxter rushed straight to his bed so he could catch a well-needed rest. Not a peep was audible on Planet Edi and every being was fast-asleep, while the bees expanded their hive within their glass building. Suddenly the bees got restless, they landed on the glass walls of their building and when the sun rose the bees blanketed the walls of their building. "This is odd" Luhuklag wondered if there was any way to calm the insects. Meanwhile, Daxter woke up and stumbled out of the doorway, only to be greeted with the sight of a glass wall covered in bees.

"Ahhh! What's happening?" Daxter shouted in a fright which woke up the spaceships."That's the first time I've seen him get frightened." Anvindr remarked. "I wasn't scared, just... Worried the bees would get out and sting me." Daxter stated. "It appears the bees want out of their dome" Ronmin noticed as he landed nearby, Anvindr followed, along with Ernesto and Gerolt while Luhuklag contacted Earth. The base on Earth soon sent an unnamed spaceship to Planet Edi, Luhuklag spotted the team that was sent to deal with the bees. The new spaceship landed near the dome then the crew stepped out, the crew advanced toward the dome where the bees were still climbing the sides. "Peculiar predicament you have there, the bees must want to escape their glass building" The crew told Daxter, thinking Luhuklag was a mechanical pet. "I will let the bees out of their dome, then." Luhuklag spoke, much to the surprise of the crew. Luhuklag lifted the nearly-weightless dome off of the bees, a closer look at the flowers revealed that they were lacking the pollen that feeds the bees. "I see, you need more flowers." The crew said before contacting Earth, soon they went to Earth and returned to planet Edi with flowerbeds, with which everyone and their ships decorated the planet. And with the dome away, everyone was amazed at how lively the planet looked now, and the bees didn't sting anybody, the planet has oxygen to support the bees.

"This looks much better" Daxter exclaimed as he admired the beautiful view of the flowerbeds. "The bees look happier too" Luhuklag said. The sun had only just reached the visible sky, the day had just begun, and they didn't know what to do since they'd been up almost all night, they were all admiring the bright sky when Daxter asked "Hey, do you think we should feed that planet some honey?" and all the pilots laughed, and the spaceships curiously wondered if Daxter was serious.

Episode 4 "Picking up daisies":
In a clearing on a planet of heavy forest, landed Ronmin, whos pilot stepped out soon after landing in search of a magical vine covered in thorns and daisies that grew on that planet. The trees resembled a jungle but everything else looked just like a forest, in Summer, and Summer is what the temperature felt like once Luhuklag set foot onto the grass. The rest of the team wasn't tagging along. Luhuklag had heard about a Ridor Ship crash here which had let out beasts and lead to the formation of mechanical monsters.

She took a few steps away, and heard a faint rattling behind her, she quickly turned around with a look of disbelief and found that it was just Ronmin, who replied "Sorry if I scared you, something about this place just makes me nervous.". Luhuklag found that funny, he doesn't know about the planet's accident since she didn't want to make him afraid to land.

Off went Luhuklag into the forest, brushing away leaves from the layer of bushes, uneventful so far other than the odd alien spiderweb she'd pass by every now and then, when suddenly she came upon a chunk of metal just laying there, her immediate thoughts were worries about Ronmin, but she pushed that thought away and checked further... Upon closer inspection, the chunk of metal just couldn't be from Ronmin, she was relieved, and put the metal down before setting off again.

Suddenly, she heard a rustle in a nearby bush, but she continued walking, even though she felt as though she's being watched, and she could have sworn she saw a yellow glow somewhere in the bushes, she kept on walking and soon heard the rustling suddenly moving away from her quickly until the rustling was too far away to hear. She eventually came upon the vines covered in daisies and thorns, and took one, then set off back home, but she had barely taken a few steps homeward before she heard beeping echo through the forest, something had set off Ronmin's alarm, Luhuklag broke into a sprint down the forest which now lacked the tweets of birds, and now lacked any rustling, and when she got there she saw something bolt into the bushes and there was rustling again for a brief moment until it had moved out of earshot, Ronmin's alarm had automatically stopped too. Ronmin explained the situation, "Welcome back, captain. I had just seen some sort of beast that had blue scaly skin, one side of its head was skull, a few legs were skeleton, and it had some other mutations, as well as a few spots where there's been damage. With a bad limp, it walked around me like it was sizing up a target, and then it tried to tamper with me, which set off the alarm, that stopped it but it only ran off when you came. If it finds you menacing, why isn't it scared of a spaceship that's larger than you are?"

"Maybe it isn't after me." Luhuklag replied, then inspected her ship for any damage, there was no damage, but the creature had apparently activated the emergency halt function which had just locked, Ronmin couldn't fly until Ernesto repaired the emergency halt. For now, they had to wait, Luhuklag briefed the situation to herself while she boarded Ronmin for the radio, "So we sighted a strange creature, it trapped us on this planet, and we can't get off until I call for--" and that's when the sound of multiple trees being knocked over at the same time echoed throughout the forest, as she stepped back off of Ronmin's arm and crept closer to the noise, and a familiar speck of brown could be seen. Anvindr had flown through the woods, and Daxter could be heard stepping out saying "I'm sorry, Anvindr, but if I don't find a clearing that isn't occupied then I'll make my own clearing.", and Anvindr assured Daxter that she's fine and perfectly capable of knocking trees down, then Luhuklag ran up to them. "Hello! How did you find us?" Luhuklag asked her teammate, and both got sidetracked counting the rings on one of the felled trees before the reply came, "I detected your radio transmission calling for Ernesto, and I happened to be close by, so I couldn't shake the worry until I went to check on you." Daxter replied. Luhuklag explained what had happened, about the encounter with a strange creature, when suddenly she was interrupted by something flying in from nowhere over Daxter's head and then a loud metallic clang, Daxter still ducked out of instinct, but either the creature aimed wrongly or it wasn't wanting him, as it whooshed right above his standing height. Luhuklag stumbled backward, and when her vision steadied she caught a brief glance at the fleeing creature, it had no wings to perform such a feat with so it must have pounced powerfully, then she looked at Anvindr who had her jaw slightly open in bewilderment. "That thing, that's what messed with Ronmin." Luhuklag stated, as she brushed off her foot. "Are only the spaceships in danger? Or is it going to get us once it gets rid of our method of escape?" Daxter asked, scratching his head, then Luhuklag responded "We don't know how intelligent it is.".

"Anvindr, can you still fly?" Asked her pilot, "Yes, I am completely fine." Anvindr responded, then Daxter added "If you're expecting her to tow Ronmin, she certainly has the endurance to do so, but she wasn't built with a towline, and installing a towline is something Ernesto would handle.". "Hmm... Do we know anything about the creatures released by the Ridor spaceship crash?" Luhuklag asked, "Only the most invincible one, the Shagowylocus, but we don't know if the creature that attacked is it or a part of the local wildlife, or if we're even remotely close to the wreckage." came Daxter's reply.

"You're a good scout, set out in Anvindr and scout the place. I'll come with you if you want." Luhuklag proposed a plan, and Daxter nodded then set off, while she went to hop aboard Ronmin to wait for the radio signal, it wasn't much of a wait before Daxter radioed that he saw the wreckage close to the clearing in which she had landed her ship, "Oh dear." She replied upon hearing that news, then Daxter landed his ship back in the clearing he had set her in before. "I caught a better glimpse of the creature from afar... It's that thing, the thing from the Ridor ship. You told me that you intercepted a Ridor distress signal on the way to the planet, right?" Daxter explained, and Luhuklag nodded, then he continued "I caught it too, undoubtedly later than you, but it detailed a dangerous creature onboard that was engineered to be invincible, it's called the Shagowylocus, and it was created for use in intergalactic warefare where it would be sent out to space to cripple enemy spaceships." And as crazy as Luhuklag thought the story was as she listened, she figured that the events where Ronmin and Anvindr encountered the creature make sense now. "The creature, the Shagowylocus, was following orders? Are we enemies of the Ridor? I didn't hear nearly enough of the distress signal, all I heard was 'Mayday!' and then the trees blocked the signal, the Ridor ship must be weak if it's even survived." Said Luhuklag. "Did the Ridor ship even have a conscience?" Daxter wondered out loud as he looked around the planet.

"We need to get off this planet right away, while I was scouting Anvindr told me she could hear Ernesto's engine in the distance, help is near." Daxter stated, adamant that they get away from the danger, something is lurking and from what he knows about the creature, it isn't good at all.

"No." Luhuklag stamped her foot. "What chance do we stand against the creature?!" Daxter exclaimed, fearful for the first time in what seemed like ages. "We're heroes, we'll save the planet somehow. After Ernesto un-jams Ronmin's emergency stop, we shall look for the creature and capture it." Luhuklag briefed. Then Ernesto arrived, and couldn't land. "I would have been here sooner, had the radio not acted up!" Sir Inventor yelled from the cockpit of the green ship, "I keep telling you, my radio is fine, you held me back from this mission for too long with just worries about the radio." Ernesto responded to his pilot. "Did you catch the same Ridor distress signal we did?" Luhuklag radioed Ern, "Yes we did, a distress signal from the Ridor." Came the reply over the radio, soon followed by a panel being heard slamming shut and Sir Inventor in the background exclaiming "The radio does work?!".

"Knock down trees!" Daxter called up to the medic ship, who then did just that, knocking down a tree so that he could land, then there was an inhuman screech coming from the fallen tree and he hovered backward a little, there was some creature with blue scales struggling to try to get free from the fallen tree. "I didn't notice that there." Ernesto said. Anvindr zoomed her vision in on the creature, and noticed a speck where the felled tree had damaged it, "That's the Shagowylocus, isn't it supposed to be invincible?" She remarked, and that had Daxter wondering, while Luhuklag chimed in "Maybe the Ridor Ship crash had weakened it? It was meant to survive self-defense protocols of the ships it attacks, but a spaceship crash may have been a little too much for the mutant.". Ernesto landed where he had cleared space for himself, and began un-jamming Ronmin's emergency stop, it took just a few seconds and then Daxter boarded his ship, Luhuklag was already on board her ship, and Sir Inventor was also still aboard Ernesto. They grabbed hold of the creature, ensuring that it couldn't move to cause any damage, and Anvindr scanned it. "The damage the tree had done is worse than first assumed..." The scout ship said, then the creature showed signs of slowing down in its struggles as if it was getting weaker.

As the spaceships found themselves needing less and less force to hold the Shagowylocus still through its struggles, Sir Inventor chimed in "I believe that creature is expiring.", Ernesto was shocked, he's a medic for spaceships but it was hard to hear that he'd killed a lifeform, though nobody was angry at the medic ship. The Shagowylocus had gotten too weak to struggle, and Ernesto gently petted the creature with one of his four arms, trying to comfort the creature in its last moments. "Let's go back home, there's nothing we can do to help the creature." Luhuklag went, and then they all flew off, Ernesto being slow to pick up off of the planet's surface, he cast one last glance at the creature, now dead, as he finally rose to join the other spaceships flying homeward.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2020, 09:16:20 pm by FlyingGrass »

My presets.

Good things take time, so I'll take an eternity and create something so good that the human brain can't handle the sheer goodness of it.

Offline Ellen11v

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Re: Legends within the Universe
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2017, 03:20:55 pm »
I read the whole story, and I can't wait 'til part 2 comes out!
I find it very interesting that the Spaceships can bleed, feel, and so on. I wonder what they look like!
I wonder what the newly discovered planet, and the upcoming planets will look like. :)

I will look forward to the next episode!
« Last Edit: August 18, 2017, 12:12:38 pm by Ellen11v »
doing what i feel like

Offline FlyingGrass

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Re: Legends within the Universe(Part 2 wrote!)
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2017, 06:10:08 pm »
This post marks the time part two was wrote.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2017, 07:59:55 am by FlyingGrass »

My presets.

Good things take time, so I'll take an eternity and create something so good that the human brain can't handle the sheer goodness of it.

Offline FlyingGrass

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Re: Legends within the Universe(News update)
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2017, 08:14:27 am »
I read the whole story, and I can't wait 'til part too comes out!
I find it very interesting that the Spaceships can bleed, feel, and so on. I wonder what they look like!
I wonder what the newly discovered planet, and the upcoming planets will look like. :)

I will look forward to the next episode!
I too am fascinated by living technology, it's part of how I invented my mechanical cat. :)

I still have the Spore adventures that this story was based on although they are all unfinished.
If you want, I can finish the Spore adventures and send the file to you, it's not too hard to do although it might take at least a few days(But I can't provide accurate estimations of how long it'll take me to do things).
« Last Edit: August 18, 2017, 09:17:28 am by FlyingGrass »

My presets.

Good things take time, so I'll take an eternity and create something so good that the human brain can't handle the sheer goodness of it.

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Re: Legends within the Universe(News update)
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2017, 08:58:32 am »
This was very nice and interesting to read! Hard for me to imagine a spaceship with arms but it all sounds pretty cool so far. :D

Illustrations could help when trying to get an idea of what it looks like, so that would be a nice addition. =)

The managers name being Sir Inventor, I love it! Like his last name is actually Inventor! xD
For the sake of my own health and interests, I've left FH and I won't be looking back.

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Re: Legends within the Universe(News update)
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2017, 09:19:15 am »
This was very nice and interesting to read! Hard for me to imagine a spaceship with arms but it all sounds pretty cool so far. :D

Illustrations could help when trying to get an idea of what it looks like, so that would be a nice addition. =)

The managers name being Sir Inventor, I love it! Like his last name is actually Inventor! xD
Should I illustrate the other stories as well? And I like the name Sir Inventor, that'll be the laboratory manager's name.

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Good things take time, so I'll take an eternity and create something so good that the human brain can't handle the sheer goodness of it.

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Re: Legends within the Universe(Part 3 wrote!)
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2017, 01:25:30 pm »
Part 3 is wrote!

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Good things take time, so I'll take an eternity and create something so good that the human brain can't handle the sheer goodness of it.

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Re: Legends within the Universe(Part 3 wrote!)
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2017, 05:11:29 pm »
O h, wow.
And you making stories as well??

I read from beginning to le end thus far and I gotta say, your creativity is amazing. Making technology even cooler o:

Keep on traveling across this road called 'Life.'

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Re: Legends within the Universe(Part 3 wrote!)
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2017, 10:25:35 pm »

This story's really creative and great!

As an spore fan as well, your ideas are...

Attempting to get more active. Enjoy the day!


Offline FlyingGrass

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Re: Legends within the Universe(Part 3 wrote!)
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2017, 05:34:35 am »
Thank you, all!

I don't know when I'll illustrate the story, but I'm working on putting together the photos then screenshotting the scene I put together, it's harder than I thought it would be.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2019, 06:37:43 pm by FlyingGrass »

My presets.

Good things take time, so I'll take an eternity and create something so good that the human brain can't handle the sheer goodness of it.