Author Topic: >Leo the Cursed Chapter 3<  (Read 1409 times)

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>Leo the Cursed Chapter 3<
« on: June 03, 2013, 09:54:32 pm »
                                                                                 Chapter 3
       Leo heard the Bramble the pride's sort of healer calling him. "Leo! Leo come here....i have to check your scars to see if there healing the way i want them to" she called. Leo grunted, got up and headed towards the the white and tawny lioness. She did a quick check them and said "They're fine......i hope you and your sister don't play like that any more" she said. Yay i hope she doesn't thought Leo. Leo saw the other cubs admiring his sister. "Your amazing!" "I wish i could beat my older sister at play battle" they would say. Leo snorted. Ursa must have heard and she said"Hey brother...wanna come over and meet some of my fans" she said. Leo nodded even though all of him didn't want to go. "Every one this is my younger....oops! i mean Older brother Leo, see his scars? I gave him those" she said. "Leo turn to the side so they can see them" Ursa whispered in his ear. Leo sighed and turned to the side. Why couldn't they just see his face ones?  After showing the crowd his scars Leo turned and trailed away (with Ursa still bragging about beating him). Leo walked around Sand Cove. A fish swam to the surface of the lakes water. Leo caught it with one swift paw move. Oh yay if she can beat me at battle then ill battle her for real, I'd also like to see her hunt this good thought Leo. Leo closed his eyes in anger and sadness. Ever since that day Ursa was on top of him. She was always better even though Leo was the oldest. Didn't any one care about him? In fact Leo's parents Jinx and Ethan even forgot about  him. They thought that since she was born under Ursa Major she had a power and it was a sign that even though she was the runt she could defeat her older brother. It wasn't fair! Leo was left doing chores for her and being treated like he couldn't do anything!  Leo opened his eyes. He marched back to camp. He entered his family's den. But instead of sleep he just thought of all the times his sister stood out better then him. How his parents hated him. But most of all, how he was being treated like nothing. He walked out of the den angry at the world around him. Leo saw that Ursa was showing her battle moves. Fury burned in the pit of Leo's stomach. Leo growled. Then he began talking to himself. "It's ok Leo" he said. "No,it's not ok....your being treated like dirt" he said. Then Jinx came and found him. "Hey who you talking to?" she asked. 'I don't know what your talking about" snapped Leo. Jinx walked away. Leo followed her with his green eyes burning with fury and sadness at the same time. Leo sat down and just starred at the ground. His paws twitching anxiously. The sun was on the verge off setting. Leo felt a type of sickness at the pit of his stomach. Something bad was going to happen.

Authors note: Chp 3 completed! Chp 4 might be out today if i get a chance. i wander what bad stuff is going to happen O_O. well keep reading to find out. Also pls reply in the coments ho you like the series so far. I love some feed back.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2013, 01:53:20 am by Madeline Myers »