Author Topic: ????Fangpack, Bloodpack, Stormpack????  (Read 1426 times)


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????Fangpack, Bloodpack, Stormpack????
« on: August 05, 2012, 07:33:32 pm »
A 3 pack RP!!

It is a mapped (PACK!) RP, Its kinda like the Warrior cats but instead of cats and ranks.. you know.. with wolfs and Different ranks. Yes it is literate.

Little story:
For centuries, the wolves have lived in peace. Then an evil wolf called Nightmare came. She went insane and started killing other, innocent, wolves, along with others of her kind. 3 Wolves, soon-to-be-alphas, discussed things. Then, 3 packs were born. FangPack, also called the Saber-Wolves, with longer canines then most wolves, BloodPack, with the blood of a demon, making them harder to kill, and StormPack, with the power to control storms. These packs will protect each other, and fight off all the loners and rogues, more commonly known as vampirlupals.  Will you survive?

* No detailed mating. Just say your mates, then your done. And if ya wanna have pups.. same thing say you had pups. Done. (YAAY PUPPIES! :3)

* No cussing, bleep/censor it. (Even though i wont be cussing, CUZ IM NOT ALLOWED TO. T^T)

* NO GODMODDING. It's not fair to other players! Godmodding is when people rp stuff their wolf CANT do.

* NO powers. (Unless it's the epic special qualities that i have given your pack. :3)

* You can have a small pet (Like a bird or hamster or somethin..) BUT the pets cant have powers.

* (This is the most IMPORTANT one! :O) HAVE FUN! :D


Map Download: Going to be made Today.


Alpha~ Leader of a pack. (All Packs) (2 in a Pack)

Beta~ Second Highest Rank in a pack; Helps the alpha with some stuff. (All Packs) (2 in a Pack)

Hunter~ Hunts for the pack; It can also be called delta. (All Packs)

Guard~ Makes sure no intruders enter the camp, if they cant handle it, the assassins take over. (All Packs) (2 in a pack)

Assassins~ Fights and keeps the pack safe, if the guards cant handle it. They also assassinate unwanted guests.  (All Packs)

Medicine Wolf~ Keeps the pack healthy, and takes care of the wounded. (All Packs) (1 in a Pack)

Apprentice~ They train for the rank they want, and once they're old enough, they become that rank. (All Packs)(1-4 yrs old)

Omega~ They get bossed around alot, But they stop fights between pack members. (All Packs)

Elder~ Old wolves that cant do their job anymore. (All Packs)

Pup~ The future of the pack; Once they get old enough (1 yr old) they become apprentices. (All Packs)

---------------------------------------------------Special Ranks---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Prisoner~ Once they are caught, for betrayal or just for the amusement of it, they become toys to pups and stuff to hit when apprentices are training. (BloodPack ONLY) (Only catch if they are a traitor or if they trespass on BloodPack Territory for a 3rd time. The alpha decides if a wolf becomes prisoner.)

Fang Sharpener~ They sharpen the fangs of pack members, but they have the longest fangs. (FangPack ONLY) (1 in a pack)

Stormrunner~ They tell the pack members when to stir up a storm, when the skies are dark. (StormPack ONLY) (1 in a Pack)

Here is the Guide thingy (LOL) for joining.
Here is a RP example we are kinda looking for.
He looked into the water, staring at hes reflection. He saw a miss shaped figure behind him in the water. he turned around and gasped in fear. it was hes father. "Why are you here?" He asked still trying to get his breath back. (There RP saying blah blah blah) "Oh, you need me back at the camp?" he asked

Character name:
Able to download a map:
Pack you wanting to join (Stormpack, Bloodpack, Fangpack):
RP example:
What the character looks like:
What is hes/or personality?:
{Optional} Past:
Rank you want to be in:
{Optional} What are you like (Just for fun and to describe yourself):

P.S. (Taken ranks)
Stormback: Both Female and Male  Alpha, Female Beta.
Fangpack: Female Alpha.
BloodPack: Male Alpha.

Offline Cynder21

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Re: ????Fangpack, Bloodpack, Stormpack????
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2012, 03:23:18 pm »
Nice touches to the packs with the names. Its very Unique!! Who made your map, if you don't mind me asking? If it's someone other than you that PM me the username please!!! And do you have any Warrior, Lion Prides, Horse Herds, Ect. RP's that you have created? If so can you PM me those? So many questions, not enough time to ask! XD Thank you for all your time that you lost reading this. I feel so special *Sniffle* Lol.

~Best of Wishes, Cynder (Or Cyn)