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Topics - LieutenantRigs

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Old Player Returning!
« on: October 27, 2020, 03:36:11 pm »
Hai there everyone! Pleased to meet y’all!
I’m not use to posting in forums, so I hope I’m doin it right haha! ^^
My name is Rigs, 20yr old gurl uwu.

Basically I use to play the heck out of FH around between 2010-2012. It was one of the only things that kept me sane during some of the hardest times of my life, so this game and the memories behind it has a very close place in my heart and always will. :)
I have decided to return on behalf of nostalgia and boredom between work lol.
I saw a post explaining how to download some of the old maps too, I’m hoping to
check it out as I can’t seem to find any of the maps from my memories, I assume they’re the old ones :P.

I absolutely love Warrior Cats, Balto, and basically anything with animals.
I look forward to meeting all of you, and hope to see some of you in game!!! ^^.

PS. If anyone ever wants to arrange a time to derp around on the server with me, just lmk or msg me @lieutenantrigs on telegram! I love meeting new peeps!

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