Author Topic: .:The world of Caymus:. {Needing members!!//Maps almost done!!//Fantasy//canine}  (Read 1486 times)


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Yeah im almost positive that 'Caymus' has been used before, but it works(:

You find yourself in the middle of large field, all alone. You have absolutely no idea were you are. You'd been traveling for ages. For all you knew, you could be in a different realm at this point. Your thougts were confirmed when a stranger approaches you. "Hello, welcome to Caymus. There are two packs here. The Caedis pack, and the Latha pack. The two are feuding. You may also live the life of a loner, if pack life does't suit you well." With that the stranger left. At least you knew where you were.
The rest is your decision.

The Caedis pack believes that problems should be solved physically, not any way else. Although they don't belive in all the right things, the Caedis pack is a strong pack. Caedis wolves are identified by their dark pelts, and give off the putrid scent of ash. This is due to the fact that they make their home underneath a volcano. Caedis wolves don't use plants for helaing, as under the volcano it's impossible for them to thrive. So the Caedis pack uses dark magic most of the time. Caedis wolves are a tad bit smaller than regular wolves because they don't get all the nutrients that they're supposed to have.

~ Treason or betrayal will not be tolerated, and will be punished with deathor banishment.
~ Caedis wolves are not to interact with Latha wolves unless given special permission.
~ If a wolf wants to move up in ranking to beta, delta, deputy, or alpha, and the position is taken, they must challenge the rank's holder to battle for the rank.
~ If a pup is born with a deformity, they are to be left somewhere in the forests of Lake Zurich to die. Only the strong are allowed into the Caedis pack.
~ Once a wolf has reached six years of age, they will be considered an elder, and kicked from the pack. As elders are weak.

~Pack relationships~
Latha- On very bad terms. Kill on sight.

~Approved mates~
no approved mates yet

[name]x[name] for [rank]


Blue= boy
Pink= girl

-King Lucient Deavalon

-Beta (limit one male one female)
-Delta (limit one male one female)




The Latha pack is for the most part, good. No pack is perfect, but the Latha pack tries to meet perfect standards. They don't believe in evil. The Latha pack is a strong wlled pack. Unlike Caedis wolves, the Latha pack is accepting of all types. They know that every wolf has their flaws. A Latha wolf can be identified by their medium to light colored pelts. They give off the scent of pine needles. This is because they live in a heavily forested area. Lucky for them, Latha wolves can use both plants and magic for healing. Latha wolves are of normal size or larger, because they thrive where they live. There's always plenty of prey.

~ Treason or betrayal will not be tolerated. And is punished with banishment.
~ Latha wolves are not to interact with Caedis wolves unless given special permission.
~ If a wolf wants to move up in ranking to beta, delta, deputy, or alpha, and the position is taken, they must challenge the rank's holder to battle for the rank.

~Pack relationships~
Caedis- On very bad terms. Kill on sight.

~Approved mates~
no mates have been approved yet.

[name]x[name] for [rank]


Blue= Boy
Pink= Girl


-Beta (limit one male one female)
-Delta (limit one male one female)




Rules/Extra info
I wanna keep this group reeeeallly free form. As in, theres not a huge plot. Just a giant land with some packs, and loners. And we can even make little mini plots to create more intensity and drama(: I dont wanna hold anyone back, is basically what im sayin'(:

And if you're not a good roleplayer or don't know what 3rd person is (ive ecountered people who dont know wha 3rd person is) then dont be shy nobody here is mean(:

OHANDTHISONESPRETTYCOOL. Okay so i decided that if during ingame roleplay, someone can gather up a group of up to five or more loners, then the group has the right to start a mini pack. All you have to do is decide the group's leader, then the leader can pm me and we'll talk the rest out(: But i only want up to two extra packs being formed, because i dont want the entire group to have a jillion different packs in it.

And when challenging someone for a rank, i'd hope that the one being challenged won't be too sore about losing. I personally dont care if my caracter were to lose his rank as alpha. Because it could lead to interesting new plots(:

You know all the basic rules. No godmodding, mating in that gross buttswingy way, etc. Just have fun(:

Map progress- 75% complete. I'm gonna stay up all night to finish it(: it should be done by tomarrow morning(: there's gonna be four large maps in it(:

Oh look, an application form!
Code: [Select]
{300x300 character headshot here}
[color=red]{replace this text with character name}[/color] || [color=orange]{replace this text with character age}[/color] || [color=yellow]{replace this text with character gender}[/color]
[color=green]{replace this text with desired pack, or loner}[/color] || [color=limegreen]{replace this text with desired rank}[/color]
[color=white]{replace this text with character personality}[/color]
{any other information goes here}

« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 07:53:23 am by Kenzi!!! »


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Lucient Deavalon || 2 yrs || Male
Caedis || King
Lucient is said to be the devil himself. He is heartless, and ice cold blood runs through his veins. He doesn't even bat an eye at the thought of death, and kills with no remorse. Lucient has no wits when it comes t fighting. He doesn't care if the apponent looks stronger than him, he'll fight anyone because he's a bit of an idiot. Lucient isn't the best leader around. He treats everyone like dirt, and uses them as slaves, pretty much. Lucient suffers from a bit of insanity. Sleepwalking is a rarity, but Lucient sleep murders. When he falls aleep, Lucient blacks out, and occasionaly goes on a killing spree.

Insane Clown Posse - Sleep Walker(Lyrics)
[[song contains some fowl language]]


The latha pack needs a leader!(:
