Author Topic: Welcome Little Saint.  (Read 1019 times)

Offline fireflye97

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Welcome Little Saint.
« on: January 26, 2015, 07:50:38 pm »
This is based off of my Profile pic which I also created. Enjoy! ^^

There was once a little angel. She was loved amongst all others, for she was pure of heart. However pure her heart was, that did not quench the thirst of her curiosity. One day among the heavens, the little angel flew to a corner of it. There she found a dark forest, covered with an ominous mist. She was warned about going there, for the said forest was rumored to hold a deadly secret, and no young angel should go there. But since no one was around, the angel shrugged this warning off and walked into the forest, leaving the light of her home. Her glowing body, illuminated the trees around her. However, the little angel soon became lost, having gone into circles. She continued to walk however, and found a bright light. Thinking it was the light of her home, she ran towards it gleefully. When she arrived however, it was not her home, instead, it was a vast white field of grass, with a single path leading on. Without a care, she followed the path, until it lead her to a large clearing. In the middle, was a twisted tree, black as ebony, meant to hold a massive creature. Fear took over the angel, and turned to flee, but stopped at a whooshing sound. A black mass was materializing on the tree. At first it appeared to be a black orb, until it began to take shape. A large beak was formed, followed by a bulking body. Claws grasped the large branch it sat on, and white orbs were placed were the eyes should be. It was a massive crow, and seeing the angel before him, he unfurled his black wings, and gave an ear-splitting series of caws. The angel curled against the ground, clutching her ears. When he was done, she stood up again and stared at the crow. He stared back with his cold white gaze, before he spoke with a gurgling sound./color]

"Welcome Little Saint."

What did you guys think as a little short story? Or should I continue it?

Signature created by me!
Preset created by me!
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