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Messages - Ruby1234

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 242
Game Help / Re: EXTREME Glitching!
« on: August 22, 2016, 11:55:24 pm »
Does that happen if you try to start that map over with that terrain?

Game Help / Re: EXTREME Glitching!
« on: August 22, 2016, 11:27:57 pm »
Have you tried switching Rendering Subsystems?

Game Help / Re: Help On Preset Coding
« on: August 22, 2016, 10:13:53 pm »
I would like to note that this section

Code: [Select]
ambient 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
diffuse 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
specular 0.010000 0.010000 0.010000 1.000000
emissive 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

is simply the default render script, and can be removed without effecting the results.

Also, depending on your scrolling, it may look better to simply put the scrolling down first, then the actual texture over it. Types of masking can leave black/white edges, if you choose to use those colours, so I prefer to use this method, at least when it comes to scrolling.

For example, this:

Is achieved by layering these on top of each other via coding, in this order:

The basic structure of this code looks like this
Code: [Select]
ambient 0.5 0.5 0.5 1
texture scroll.png
scroll_anim 1.0 1.0
ambient 0.5 0.5 0.5 1
scene_blend alpha_blend
texture body.png
emissive 1.0 1.0 1.0 1
scene_blend alpha_blend
texture glow.png

If it turns out that you need to layer scrolling ON TOP of something, then the only way to do this is via the masking method which Whisper has provided. (+Fluff for Whis)

Member Bio & Journals / Re: About Me, Phloxenfree (or Ruby, I guess)
« on: August 22, 2016, 10:00:21 pm »
I really enjoyed reading your bio <3

?? (Thanks!)

Another Life is Strange fan yess! It's so nice to get to know you a lot more, Phloxen. <3

Life is Strange messed me up in so many ways, man. Good stuff though. Pricefield all the way. ????? (Thanks!)

Ahh love the bio<3 You sound like a superhuman with all those languages and coding languages you've taught yourself. xD Lots of props to you though, its always nice to come across hard working individuals like yourself c: Thanks for sharing a bit more about yourself~

??????? (Thank you!) A lot of my languages aren't even close to fluent, so it's not that impressive. ^^' I took Spanish in high school, learned a lot of French from friends who are either native or took it in school, Japanese and Korean from friends, and I've known minimal Russian ever since the IT server days, since about half the userbase is Russian, and I wanted to communicate with them somewhat effectively. xD
Thanks again though, I am trying!?

I reviewed the sweetfx folder and it had d3d9.dll
I cant get anything with that file

My mod doesn't require it to work, so that's fine. The objects will still work.

Member Bio & Journals / Re: About Me, Phloxenfree (or Ruby, I guess)
« on: August 22, 2016, 03:20:10 am »
Yay you finally made a bio! Never really got to know you at all, but you seem like an awesome person!

Yeah, I'm pretty late on doing it. Guess I just assumed everyone would be disinterested.
Merci, though! We should definitely talk more, you seem pretty great too.

Nice bio. It was nice to learn more about you. :3


Ahh yes I was wondering when I'd see a bio from you!
Very interesting what you like and dislike. <3

I have yet to play Overwatch. ;-; Is it as good as people say it is?

Procrastination is a sport.
I try to keep the dislikes minimal, since really I'm more of a "be nice to me and I'll be nice to you" person, so there's not much to bother disliking.

Overwatch is amazing. I'm so glad it exists. I may or may not be slightly addicted, but the gameplay is so fun, especially with friends. It's awesome to watch yourself improve. I never liked the CoD type shooters where the plotline was as thin as, "We are at war. Now, go fight in the war."
I liked Borderlands for the same reason I like Overwatch.
Futuristic shooter with personality and diversity???
Sign me the **** up. 👌

This does sound like an interesting idea.

A bit off topic, @Ruby1234

Are you using just using the normal SweetFX 1.5 injector or ReShade?

ReShade 1.1.0 with SweetFX 2.0!


I'm trying to get it out quickly, but with the update, I have a ton more work to do. I'm really trying for it to be out by the end of the year though. ^^'

Member Bio & Journals / About Me, Ruby
« on: August 22, 2016, 01:18:33 am »



Name: xRuby1234x (or Ruby1234, or xRubyx)
Age: 17
Height: 5'5'' (1.65m)

Most-played Characters:
?Kunae / "Kuna"


Bonjour. Je suis Ruby. I joined FeralHeart back in March of 2011. So yes, I suppose I am old news. But, I also suppose it's never too late to tell people more about yourself, especially when you've been here for so long. So here I am.

I like to consider myself a self-taught idiot.
I taught myself to work with HTML and CSS at a very young age, 10 or so, I believe. I played a lot of virtual pet sites, and I wanted to learn to make my own. I succeeded, but I was never given the opportunity to host the site somewhere. After that, I had found Impressive Title, and then FeralHeart. This started me onto the path that I fully intend on following, wherever it may lead me. I first poked through all sorts of files and websites, learning how to troubleshoot common problems, which led me to stalk the Help sections for the first few years, helping people on my way to learning other things. While I was doing that, I was also teaching myself the inner workings of Blender, figuring out how to build and sculpt, as well as animate 3D models. It took me a while, but at least I accomplished a few things. (That Moonwalk animation that's in-game? That's mine!)

More recently, I've taken a few courses on C++ programming, and I've contributed a few codes to some Impressive Title servers, though nothing major yet. I currently work as an intern, doing some code work there as well.

Personality-wise, I consider myself extremely introverted, but that doesn't mean I won't talk to you! I'm very much driven by knowledge, perhaps even ambitious, as I always want to learn something new. I have a habit of teaching myself (with the help of friends!) a bunch of phrases in different languages, which you may hear/see me use from time to time. Currently, I can speak minor bits of French, Spanish, Russian, Danish, Japanese, and Korean, so if you speak any of those, feel free to talk to me in them! I will respond in the appropriate language where I can, and I could always use the practise, as well as any pointers!


  • providing solutions
  • competitive video gaming
  • Overwatch
  • The Elder Scrolls
  • making mods/assets/codes for games
  • coding websites
  • 3D modeling & animation
  • attempting to make art
  • open-mindedness
  • Buffy The Vampire Slayer
  • Harry Potter
  • Life is Strange
  • beef jerky
  • plain chocolate
  • tea
  • coffee


  • hypocrisy
  • projections of one's beliefs onto myself
  • unwarranted saltyness


Congrats if you made it this far. That's really all there is to know about me. I hope I did not bore you to death!

A u  r e v o i r !

Probably not. A lot of people can be tricked into thinking that it actually does something. Most often it just causes problems for things like trying to mod games n whatnot.
But again, I've never used anything like it, and never had any problems. AdBlock keeps all the ad-overload crap off my pages, and Windows Defender will find anything that's truly terrible.

But now I'm getting off-topic.

I actually have a graphics overhaul in the works, which makes all objects, character models, etc, ambient. The problem comes in the terrain, which unfortunately does not work with the ambient code thus far.

You can see my progress here!

Game Help / Re: Preset not working
« on: August 22, 2016, 12:02:35 am »
Alright, so. A few things. This is how the preset currently displays CORRECTLY in-game:

You might see a few issues here. The head works fine, but I'm not sure that's how you wanted the body and tail to turn out.

The problem is that your files don't match what the code is looking for. For example, both sides of your body are using this code, which I provided most of as a template:
material EXAMPLE
         ambient 0.5 0.5 0.5 1
            texture scroll.png
            scroll_anim 1.0 1.0
         ambient 0.5 0.5 0.5 1
         scene_blend alpha_blend
            texture preset_11body.png
         emissive 1.0 1.0 1.0 1
         scene_blend alpha_blend
            texture glow.png

The problem is that your files don't match this. This was a template, and you're meant to make alterations. Notice I highlighted some things in red. The code is looking for and needs the preset_11body image to be a .png. Yours is a .jpg.

The .jpg format does not support transparency, which makes the black areas, and disallows you to see through to the underneath layer. The image MUST be a .png to create the scroll areas underneath.

The second issue is that you have no file by the name of glow.png. It's trying to layer something on top that doesn't even exist, which will result in the preset displaying white.


This code works fine, as long as you fix the issues.
Until then, if you're curious, my working code can be seen here:

Let me know if you need anything more.

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