Author Topic: Weekly Meet In-Game Up(The Gathering) 9-3-2022  (Read 4908 times)

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Weekly Meet In-Game Up(The Gathering) 9-3-2022
« on: August 31, 2022, 12:50:12 am »
The Gathering
a Weekly In-game Meetup
Every Saterday Night, 8pm-10pm EST, at Kiwimbi Beach(READ FOR MORE INFO)
Hello everyone,

Hopefully everyone is having a good Evening/morning/day/etc. As we all know currently, everyone seems to notice activity in the Game has been very low. However, Myself, Ame, Domino, and FermieNerd devised some plans to bring activity in-game backup and bring more new players into the game.
Hence, Been working with some friends in the FHS server in coming up with extra ideas and ways to bring new people into FH as well as try to promote activity in-game.

Currently, this is will be our 3rd Gathering coming up.

First of all, these are our goals for starting up these weekly meet-ups in-game.

This would be a place to socialize and meet new people and for groups to advertise and gain members.
This would give a place for newcomers to come to see the community gather and make friends as well as find packs and groups to join.

This will only be once a week and on the same map and area. But if the activity gets good enough and they become a bigger thing we may have the meet-up happen 2 times a week. But for now, we will stick to 1 time a week.



Last week we didn't have too many people show up. Out of the count we only had 3 people show.
I know a lot of people were busy or forgotten. Also, I know some people just didn't know about it. I honestly wasn't sure of posting a second post about it. SO I was doing all the updates on the old thread. Hence, I guess a lot of people didn't notice it as they thought it may have been old news.

So From now on, I will be posting updates, news, and upcoming stuff once a week on this event. Hopefully on Sunday or Monday.

Unfortunately, I'm human and plum forgot about posting this. That was my fault and will offer my apologies for that. =3="

This way everyone can see what's planned for the meet-up if we decide to hold the weekly meet-up on a different map and where, and what activities are going on. As well as if we have to change the times of the meet-up.


We will be having games this time around. We are trying to think of more of these games to play and are open to suggestions.

- Would You Rather?
- Hide and seek

Upcoming News and Information

Changing times... As you guys know I set these meet-ups every week.
It never conflicts with my schedule. So I'm welcome doing it as it gives me something to look forward to each week.
However, If something comes up or conflicts with it. I will have to change it.
Currently, I have something coming up during next week's (9/10) normal meet-up time. So the event time may change to 3pm-5pm EST.

Also, I'm thinking of adding a few contests into the mix of our Weekly Meet-ups. Not sure how often this will happen. But I know this is an option or avenue we can go down. Personally, I look forward to it. Either way, I'd probably announce the winners at the weekly event and in a forum post afterward.
Maybe I'll make them on the forums as well separate from the weekly event. (Either way, I may include it on this Post as well. Depends on what happens.)

Additional News
If anyone is open to it I will be online an extra two Hours. 1 Hr before the event, 6pm EST. And 1 hr after the event 11pm EST. This is gonna be a stand-in for another event I was wanting to host but was pushed to the back burner due to the weekly meet-ups.
These times will be dedicated to taking awesome screenshots for Ourselves as well as our social media accounts. I know I and a few people have Unofficial Feral-Heart media accounts. So during the events, we will be taking screenshots as well as during these time slots we can go elsewhere in FH and Take Screenshots of the as well.
Figured this was a good idea for everyone since Most will be online anyways and will already be at the event might as well set some time aside for screenshots as well.

That all said, I think that all the updates I have at the moment.
Hope to see all of you at the event this week!!


Where is the Meetup or "The Gathering" Taking Place?

Kiwimbi Beach

This is our normal 'main hub' of the meet-up or Gathering.

Of course, groups and players are welcome to go wherever they please. But the main hub of the place. Or the central area of the event will be located here on the map below.

The yellow mark is the hub.

Visual of the Hub

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

For Newcomers and people that don't know how to get to Kiwimbi Beach, I'll include the image Guide to the FH maps. It will help you find your way to Kiwimbi Beach and around the maps in general. (It was posted on the forums somewhere as well but I couldn't find it.)

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

What times does the Meetups Take Place?

I debated and sense most people normally have the weekend off. Figured it would be best to schedule the meetups on the weekend.

After debate, I figured out the time as well…

Saturdays at 8pm-10pm EST(Eastern Standard Time)
(This is subject to change if we decided to have the Meetup last longer or less)

Final Bits of Information

There is a chance that we will make up a Spotify playlist to add to this. Also, we may just stream it on Discord as well who knows?

Link Spotify FH Meet-up Playlist

Also will be streaming it in FH Theater discord.

As well as we may decide to have fun activities planned in the future. Depending on how our Weekly event grows.


I hope to see everyone possible at the Event. I will enjoy seeing everyone there as well as speaking to friends and making new ones as well as new memories. I hope you guys will too.
See you guys there :3


P.S. as a courtesy. Please Let me know if you intend to attend below. Lets me know if this method is for In-Game activity is working well enough.