Author Topic: Last Moon IT Server  (Read 5900 times)

Offline Vidathelion

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Last Moon IT Server
« on: January 24, 2023, 06:33:14 am »
Same :( i had a bunch of characters and 2 rubies. Oh well.
Did you play Impressive World as well? I remember I played it right up until they closed it. I've felt really nostalgic for it lately ;_:
I really liked the "liminal space" vibe the empty worlds had. and the music... I wish I could listen to the music again, I don't even know where its from.

thanks very much!

Offline Ame88

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Re: Last Moon IT Server
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2023, 07:02:59 am »
I did not play Impressive World, no. Last Moon was really the only IT server I played on, however there were tow others that I tried out and rather liked. One being Azoptaos, and the other being Tribes of Wild.

On a side note, I decided to pop back over to Last Moon's site and I was in fact able to log into my account lol

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Re: Last Moon IT Server
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2023, 05:06:51 am »
Those are some I haven't heard of!
I remember I tried quite a few that are probably sadly undocumented at this point.
I remember Dragons Den, a version of Sanctum of Eventide(I actually downloaded and tried TWO different versions of SOE but only one worked consistently). There was one that was something with wolves only(Wolf Soul?). There was one I downloaded that had different flying animations and allowed feathers on the lions(so I had a winged feathered lion). I remember trying one that had ONLY raptors and this other one with no prey items but the maker boasted it was "anatomically correct" on the models x.x...

Last I heard of that one they added JRPG elements. I wonder if its still going, adding RPG elements in multiplayer was interesting.
 My favorite was this one that had Ooogie Boogie from Nightmare Before Christmas as a prey item lmfao but every time you'd login in it would void your health/items.

The last two I remember was "Impressive Polska" and the Russian one with Space in the title.

You were able to login in?o.o to the game itself? I am unable to retrieve my password because their website no longer sends the "forgot password" emails.:( I don't know anyone who runs the game to ask for help and I definitely don't want to start from scratch I'd rather recover the acc I had for years..

Offline Ame88

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Re: Last Moon IT Server
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2023, 09:23:43 pm »
Oh! I remember Dragons Den, I also played that one. Kinda forgot about it ngl xD Never played SoE though.

I've heard of Wolf Soul, but I never played it.

Impressive Polska sounds familiar.

I meant I was able to log into the site, but just today I attempted to log into the game and I was able to do so (after failing to update it a million times lmao)~ There are some characters in there I have not seen since like 2014/15. Yeesh, time really flies...

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Re: Last Moon IT Server
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2023, 02:12:51 am »
Do you know anyone who runs the website(or game)? x_x I won't be able to play my account if I can't retrieve my password since their website doesn't work..
Woah 2015 lol that is old. I think my oldest ACC is my FH acc I made it in 2011.

Offline Ame88

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Re: Last Moon IT Server
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2023, 02:25:11 am »
I went ahead and split our posts about LM from the original thread you made "KITO discord server?" since our discussion kinda veered off from the original question lol

I don't know anyone who runs it, no, but from the looks of it both head admins haven't been recently active. I can do a little more digging in my free time if you'd like, though! I doubt I'd be able to find anyone that could help, but it's worth a shot lol

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Re: Last Moon IT Server
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2023, 02:42:03 am »
Oh lol I don't want to be trouble ;_; its not that important but if you ever do(and want to) HMU.
I found my password written on paper, unable to test it because I can't get LM to even run on my PC. It has "ogre exception" errors and tells me to go ask for the help on the forums.
That I can't login to...xD

I'm sure it doesn't matter but my Last Moon Forum username is Tenzin8Pema2438. This is it;u=2812
I remember I was making a picture guide to all of the pets, but I assume it 404'ed since Photobucket doesn't work anymore.

My in game username is Tigerdangerrex1. They should both be registered under my email [email protected]

But really, I can't even get LM to run :( I probably should get to that first haha.

If you meet any of the admins and feel like it, feel free to hit them up :) If not its fine, its not too big of a deal.
In the meantime thank you for all of your help getting me into the KITO server! and for the cool discussion on IT servers x) I love talking about IT.

Take care, Ame :' D I think we talked before a few years ago but its been ages.

Offline Ame88

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Re: Last Moon IT Server
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2023, 03:46:34 am »
Nah, you aren't any trouble no worries at all~

I dunno if it'll work at all, but since I was able to get my LM updated, I put it in a zip file for you if you'd want to download and try it out slides: Linkie

If it does happen to work, I hope that password you found works too! If not, I'll still keep on a lookout for anyone who may be able to help out~

I think we have spoke before lol crazy how time just flies away. You take care as well! I'll be here if you stop in again or just ever want to chat ^ -^

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Offline Vidathelion

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Re: Last Moon IT Server
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2023, 06:48:29 am »
Thank you for the folder, but it does the same thing "OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Could not load dynamic library .\Plugin_OctreeSceneManager. System Error: Error performing inpage operation. in DynLib::load at
C:\Kito\git\sources\dependencies\ogre_src_v1-7-4\OgreMain\src\Ogre\DynLib.cpp (line 91)

Runtime error!
Program: C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\Last Moon\game\game.exe
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contract the application's support team for more information."

Thanks very much!<3 Yea lol man I feel old
;u; thank you! you too!

Offline Ame88

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Re: Last Moon IT Server
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2023, 08:40:47 pm »
Aw drat, I was really hoping that'd work TuT;; Oh well. At least we tried, ye? lol

Ye of course! My pleasure~

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