Author Topic: Revitalization  (Read 1792 times)

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« on: October 28, 2019, 09:49:51 pm »
Hello guys! I have been here since 2011 and have loved Feralheart relentlessly. It's honestly a shame to see members dying out, so I have invented some things that might revitalize this wonderful game. Just a warning now, some of these ideas might seem radical or a bit far-fetched, but they are only suggestions to help this game thrive like it once did. My answer? Diversify the roleplaying experience. I believe that with a bit of work, we can become a central roleplaying hub for all to enjoy.

1. Expand and diversify the maps
I know there are independent content creators that have many maps for us to download, but there is one observation I, as well as many others, have probably noticed: when the new maps rolled out, we lost quite a few members. There are many explanations for this. Some people were probably angry, not everyone adapts to change well. Admit it, Fluorite Plains has a certain nostalgia that cannot be replaced; Even if the new maps are beautiful, they don't contain the nostalgia that the old maps did. I don't want to ramble endlessly, so here is my solution for this: if we still have the old map files, add them. Do not delete these new maps because they are quite beautiful and have become the new homes for many, but add another portal in Lonely Cave that takes you to the old maps. Here is another radical map-related idea:

Add new, diverse maps. My ultimate solution to revitalize FH is to give true incentive for people to join us. Create diverse maps, like savannas and deserts and human maps and horror maps: I'm thinking of Dragons Den as reference because they have a ton of maps that allow for many different roleplaying situations. I bet you're asking, "you can download maps like that!", but not everyone knows how to download maps, and many people would prefer these maps to be default so everyone can enjoy them and have the same experience.

2. Expand and diversify the character experience
Again, we have tons of potential here. Create human models, bear models, hooved models, for all to enjoy. That way, people who prefer human roleplaying can feel included too. Yes, I know you could "make a human" out of a canine, but that isn't the same. And I know Feral Heart was intended to be for animals, but I'm simply tossing ideas that can encompass a larger crowd of players. In order to thrive, we have to excite people, and lure people in. I also strongly believe we should expand the markings so that we don't need to install them from independent creators. Again, not everyone knows how. Even if it can be easily explained, it's still better to have an array of things as default. For Dragons Den, you don't have to go hunting for exciting content, it's already there. I hate to keep referring to them, because they've shrunk tremendously too, but if you want me to be honest, I overall prefer Dragons Den to Feral Heart because of the diversity they have with character creation and maps. I prefer the Feral Heart community and the interface and the fact that it doesn't crash, but Dragons Den has the upper hand with in-game content.

People are switching to Discord for roleplaying, and it makes me wonder why. I'm not trying to be offensive, and I don't feel this way myself, but a pretty good guess is that Feral Heart is getting boring. Especially once your friends die out, and you're just chilln' by yourself in TG, almost dead silence. I bet more people would get online if there were things to explore. I'm not saying to make a million maps like DD has, but at least spice things up a little bit!

Basically, if you don't feel like reading all that, my idea is......

Expand and Diversify.

Vivat Rex

Offline Oddonelynx

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Re: Revitalization
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2019, 11:08:55 pm »
I agree with almost everything!
Not the human model.. The game is called "Feral Heart"
not "Human Heart" that would kinda kill the purpose of the game.

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Offline Telluric

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Re: Revitalization
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2019, 01:37:17 am »
i gotta agree with lynx here, humans ain't really in the vibe the game's got going.
all other critter species? i'm in full support if our game higher-ups wanna put in the time to find/make other species models.
h o w e v e r  i do agree that more maps/biomes wouldn't be objected to.
they say the world is endin'

well maybe it's about time!
don't ask about the yellow flower
see you, space cowboy..


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Re: Revitalization
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2019, 02:30:38 am »
I love your ideas!

The old maps will always have a place in the heart of the older players. The new maps, while absolutely gorgeous, do not have the same effect as the older ones. I do agree with you that many a player were lost when it came to the new update/the new maps - but all things must experience change. The game was losing people, and often times a new look can bring in new people who can revitalize the game. In a way, it has succeeded. There have been new people joining just about every day, and while it might not be a lot, it is still more than we had the day before!

As for the new models, that would be awesome! There are many who like to roleplay specifically as horses, so that would be a nice addition to the game for those players. I do apologize but I must agree with Lynx and Poly - the humans might take a bit away from the game, BUT I do like the idea. If we did have humans, that could open up a whole nother world of roleplay between humans, between animal and human, and quite a bit of survival with humans (building huts, starting civilization, hunting, etc.), but alas, the game is supposed to be about animals so humans might take away a lot for some players. But I definitely agree that some new animal models would be awesome! I would personally like to see deer, horse, goat, and a llama!

Keep it up with these awesome ideas!