Author Topic: The Orphan (Please no posts! If you have feedback, Message me!)  (Read 2414 times)

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    They call me Alisa. I have no last name. I am 11 years old. My dad gave me up for adoption at 7. I am an orphan because my father realized I was... Different. It all started when my mother took her own life. I found her lying on the floor, blood pooling around her body. She had a gun in her hand. The day after her funeral, I heard her. Her voice was soft, but emotionless. She told me to tell my father that she was sorry. I was too frightened to object . I told father what she told me... He accused me of being a liar. The next day, I saw her. My mother was leaning next to my bed. I had never seen her so pale, so afraid. She had blood sprayed across her head, where she shot herself. I tried touching her and she vanished. I never saw my mother again.
I tried talking to father about it, if only he knew. He was afraid of me. He did not want to take care of me anymore. He gave me up to the orphanage. I continued to hear and see mysterious things throughout the years. I started recording in my diary what I heard and saw. You are about to understand what I felt.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 06:53:13 am by ?Night_Hawk? »

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Re: The Orphan
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2012, 06:42:05 am »
The Orphanage.

I stared at all of the kids. They were playing. Some were at the playground, some were on the blacktop. I sat on the bench away from everyone. Voices began telling me to do things... I've learned to ignore their threats. Only strong ones can control me. I haven't come across many. As I listened, a boy showed up next to me. I couldn't hear his footsteps. He must be one of them.

        "Hello." I said to him. He looked about my age, but something about him... It seemed like he was from a long time ago. I realized that there was a red mark on his neck. He stared at me as if I spoke another language. He was quite handsome for his age, proper and polite also.

"Y-You can see me?" He had a very heavy British accent. I smiled at him. He must have not been used to children like me.

"Yes I can... My name is Alisa. What is your name?"

"My name is Artem" He gave a polite smile and tipped his hat.

"It's nice to meet you Artem." I smiled and put my writing away. His eyes were pale and grey, shining in the sun. He looked around at the other children. He frowned as they chased each other around and played games. It wsa obvious that he missed being one of them. "What happened to you?"

        He looked at me and frowned. He slowly pulled his scarf down farther and pointed at the scar. "I was kidnapped. He wanted money from my parents to get me back... My parents didn't pay the money so he slit my throat and left me to die." He fixed his scarf and looked back down at the pavement.

        I tried touching his shoulder, but my hand went straight through his body. "I am very sorry Artem. How long have you been... deceased?" He shrugged and looked around fearfully. Was he frightened of something?

"Are you alright? There is something frightening you."

He turned to me with his eyes wide. "Matvey." I had never heard this name before.
"Who is Matvey?" He  tilted his head and sighed. It was going to take a while to explain.

        "Matvey takes care of kindred spirits. He has found a way to send them to...." He paused and spelled the word out. "H-E-L-L. He can kill ghosts. He tries to pass over into the Living. He posses people too. If he wants to take care of someone living, that's what he does. He has a lot of ghosts working for him, but he kills a lot of them. Most of the kindred spirits on earth are children. Adults pass over quickly." I tried remembering all of the information in my head. The voices became louder. One kept saying the same thing over and over again.

Kill them.

Kill them all.

The others mean nothing to you.

I stared at the other children... So small, and so weak. I shook the thought out of my head.

"Matvey...! He's here!" A cloud passed over the sun and the kids looked up, shrugged, and went back to playing. A dark figure appeared in the distance.

« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 06:48:47 am by ?Night_Hawk? »

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Re: The Orphan (Please no posts)
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2012, 06:48:18 am »

Matvey's voice was... Young. He appeared to be about seven years old... I stared at him, and his dark eyes glared back. He turned to Artem.
        "Very nice to see you again Peasant." His words hit Artem like daggers as he spoke. Matvey looked very frightening. It looked like the feathers on him were made of... Dead crows. The blue around his eyes moved, as if his eyes were flames. His dark grey skin shone in the sunlight. He brought two other children with him, both having the same eyes.
        "Now, who is this..." He motioned to me, as if I was not there. Hm. Stubborn boy.
        "I can see that you have no manners." I said sharply, staring into his eyes.
        "Do not make me take you to your death you human." He hissed, his voice becoming threatening. "I have powers from hell and you should not disobey me. Or I'll take you down to where I was made and take you're little friend with me." He had an evil smile on his face, as he glared at me. "I already took your mother."
        I stopped. How could he have taken my mother? Tears welled up into my eyes, as I felt sadness wash over me. The voices became louder, and one was loudest out of all of them. It sounded like nails on a chalkboard in my head. I fell to the ground, holding my temples. I let out a scream.
        "Make it stop! Please!"
        One of the teachers in the school yard ran up to me, kneeling by my side. And like that, they were all gone.

        "Are you sure that you're alright?" Mrs. Smith said as she put a wet washcloth on my forehead.
        "I believe so...." I murmured as I looked to the side. The voices were still loud, but seemed to be talking to each other; Not me. My mother was among them, as were many others. I heard Matvey's voice, along with Artem's.
        "Just lay here for a while Alisa." Mrs. Smith said as she got up from my bedside. Mrs. Smith had something about her... Something different. She had the same aurora as a ghost, but she could still touch living things.
        Maybe I'm just tired.... I thought as I closed my eyes. I let myself drift to sleep, only to go into the Crossway.

        The Crossway is something only I call it. I was covered in mist, and I couldn't even see the ground. Distant figures moved along, some towards light, some towards dark. The Crossway is the road that some take once they die. They have a choice. Some, like Matvey and Artem, don't get a choice. There are two roads, one towards hell, and one towards heaven. If you have done bad deeds, demons and lost souls begin to drag you in. If you have done good with your life, you have the choice. I watch people decide. Most go to the light, and some give in to the darkness. I never got to see where my mother went... I am unsure whether to trust Matvey on his word, or to think that my mother passed safely through. I watched as a woman screamed. She was being pulled easily by a demon into the underworld. An entire family all held hands as they walked the stairs to heaven. It must be tragic, to have a whole family pass away. I thought.

As I perched on a rock, the voices got louder, and louder. They were all coming from the darkness. Lost souls screamed and tried to claw their way out, their hands barely grasping the Crossway. As one finally got out, he was sucked back in quickly. I sighed and got up. Daylight tore in front of me as I stepped back into reality.

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Re: The Orphan (Please no posts)
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2012, 06:52:10 am »

        I sighed and opened my eyes, only to see Artem watching me. I sat up and flicked my eyes towards him. "Where did all of you go yesterday?" Artem sighed and sat down in a chair in the room.
"I just came into the building. Matvey and the others must have gone back to hell." As he said the word, he slapped his hands across his mouth. I smiled. At least he still cared about what bad words he said. I got up and told Artem to leave the room. I don't exactly fancy having a boy in the room when I'm changing. I raided through my drawers, sighing. They never had clothes that I liked... I finally grabbed a shirt and pants that I liked. Then I put on my shirt and pants and put on my favorite Converses.  After putting my outfit on I opened the door, expecting to see Artem. He was gone. I tilted my head and sighed. He must have gotten bored of waiting for me. I walked back into my room and brushed my hair. I looked to my mirror and glanced to my makeup. Might as well... I thought. I ran up to the mirror and did my makeup. [polyvore] I smiled and heard the door open. I expected Artem, but it was Mrs. Smith. I felt the presence of her, like she was a ghost. But she sat down in the chair Artem was sitting in.
        "Oh, you did your makeup on your own!" A smile crossed her face. She was so friendly to me. Something about her seemed vaguely familiar, as if we had met before. I walked up to her and touched her shoulder and quickly jumped back. A flash of something crossed across my eyes as I touched her. Something warm and loving, so familiar. I stared at her and she got up swiftly.
"What is it, hun?" She asked, her eyes filled with worry and a little bit of... Guilt. I walked towards her again, outstreching my hand. I was frightened, but ever so curious. Mrs. Smith flinched away before I could touch her.
"You have the same Aurora as a ghost," I murmured, my eyes glaring into hers. "Yet you can still touch living things. I'm afraid you have me fooled, Mrs. Smith. Though, I highly doubt you are the woman that has never spoken to me since I came here four years ago." Mrs. Smith backed up from me, her back now up against the wall. "Now, you have no more room to back away. Do not move your hand. Do not flinch. Do not try to push me out." I murmured as I walked closer to her. I closed my eyes and placed my hand on hers.
Memories flooded into my brain, voices screaming in my ears. Memories that were ever so familiar to me. I opened my eyes and looked up at 'Mrs. Smith'. Her eyes flashed the real identity of her. My heart felt as if it was being scratched by cold claws.

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Re: The Orphan (Please no posts! If you have feedback, Message me!)
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2012, 02:30:29 am »
Update soon*