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Messages - Xcivo

Pages: 1 ... 28 29 [30]
Meshes / Re: Wearable Beak Item? -EDIT- DOWNLOAD IS UP!
« on: October 09, 2012, 09:39:58 pm »
i would love to download this it amzing but you know those other meshes with the graves stone and stuff well............ some of the items keep freezing and saying "feralheart doesn't work please logout of the  system". errrr.. why is it doing that?

Meshes / Re: .:Tetsu's Converted/Handmade Meshes: 2 new packs!:.
« on: October 08, 2012, 11:35:43 pm »
i have read the notepad and don't worry i won't claim the items as my own, that would be just plain rude when people claim stuff they didn't make as there own. I Hate them for that >:I

Meshes / Re: .:Tetsu's Converted/Handmade Meshes: 2 new packs!:.
« on: October 08, 2012, 11:29:16 pm »
i want to download all of this to bad i got problems with installing but i will try me best. i love how artist you are and to make a great creatation every artist must takes there time thats a saying for me and you didi that which make your art work so well :3 i just want to hug you write now X3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PS. sorry about the run on sentence i always do that when excited, i am blinded by your awesomeness....  (X-X)       

Finished Maps / Re: The Dark Moors :Complete:
« on: October 08, 2012, 01:35:30 pm »
awesome map i can't wait to start exploring and it is a very good place to practice role playing, i like  how creative your map. compliments to you ^^

Art Gallery / Re: Shanol's ART
« on: October 08, 2012, 01:16:06 pm »
wow your a great artist i love drawing but yours is the best art I have seen, your super awesome :D

Game Discussion / Re: Why is FeralHeart use for sexual things?
« on: October 06, 2012, 08:12:53 pm »
also people spamming is another issue that is annoying but it is not as worst then people doing sexual things. it's inapporiate and is not something we want to see this game is ment to hang out and have fun not doing you know - that! like yestarday i saw to players doing  sexual things together ( no seenshot to show a mod what they done becuase i don't how to screenshot -_-) it was very unpleasent site to see even from other people they got upset about this too!

PS. sorry i must have made a run on sentence but it is- ugh. well the best to do when you see this is to sceenshot it and send it to a mod as evidence or else they can't do anything (sorry for miss spelling too)

Finished Maps / Re: kirutiku: Free, public map, FH and FH+ [1.121]
« on: October 06, 2012, 01:41:46 pm »
great map it so nice i love it X3

News Archives / Re: Slowing things down a little
« on: October 06, 2012, 12:32:11 am »
Razz nice touch, it sounds great system. im looking forward to it (sorry if i made spelling mistake im very bad at spelling) :)

Meshes / Re: Updated!! Feline AND Canine Claw Meshes, for YOU!
« on: September 06, 2012, 12:35:32 am »
they are so cool i wish i can download them but the links i try to get them on eould have given my computer a viruse anyhow you work really hard on making them, they are so cool i am sure everyone willlove them - praises while walking away - but then faints from tigg's awesome creativity of the claws-

they are too cool!

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