
What genres do people want to see more of in terms of group roleplay?

Realism (Open to interpretation)
Myths & Legends
Mixed - Post in the comments.

Author Topic: FH Group Rp is... Dying?  (Read 1951 times)

Offline .Burratio.

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FH Group Rp is... Dying?
« on: August 30, 2017, 09:19:51 pm »
Since the recent influx of many Warrior Cats and wolf packs, it has come to many's attention that there has been a decreasing lack of diversity in the FH universe lately and the people have decided they would like a change.

Myself and a couple other friends have decided to take it upon ourselves to ask members of the community in-game about what they would like to see different. I've totalled up some temporary results from the few that decided to fill out our little made-on-the-spot survey and it seems the idea of "Myths & Legends", "Fantasy" and "Horror" are the more popular choices, followed closely by "Realism". There were more features to the survey, such as the option of mapped or map-less, rivalled or rival-less, sited or site-less, etc - simple features that can really bring a RP to life and depending on the result of this poll, each feature may or may not get it's own post so we can really pin-point what people would like to see.

Regardless, the whole point of it was to collect data to show to those who may be discouraged to start a group (out of fear that it may not get the interest it deserves) in hopes of giving them more, well... Hope. Most, if not all of us, have created groups that have fizzled out and resulted in the vow: "Never again!". Certain interest peaks do occur over the seasons and groups die and or spark up popularity, but, it often leads to the repetition of specific themes and ideas, which can leave a lot of people in the dark if they don't particularly enjoy the common craze going on. In this case, it's the Warrior Cat clans and structure-specific wolf packs as stated previously. Whilst there is nothing wrong with this and a lot of people enjoy it, it's becoming quite tedious for some of us. There's no doubt it will change in due time, but as for the moment, everybody should be satisfied.
Just like Hamilton

If there is anything you wish to see more of in FH, take a vote and post your ideas down below! I'm sure there'll be plenty of people wanting to hear all about it. c:
That, and, if you have an idea but don't want to put it in development, perhaps there'll be someone here that can help out. ;)
« Last Edit: August 30, 2017, 11:08:57 pm by .Burratio. »
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Re: FH Group Rp is... Dying?
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2017, 10:57:06 pm »
I like dramatic roleplaying, as robots, and horror interests me as well.

I've seen almost-no robot roleplays in FH, let alone robot creatures themselves. Robot roleplays is something I'd like to see more of.
Same goes for horror roleplays, I've seen creepypasta roleplays but those were mostly about romance(?).
Tragedy roleplays(Which I'm thinking are dramatic roleplays) are not very rare to find, but I like Tragedy and Sinister Atmospheres.
I also like roleplaying in laboratories.

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Offline .Burratio.

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Re: FH Group Rp is... Dying?
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2017, 11:07:10 pm »
Robot roleplays? That's very, very interesting. I've not seen any or heard anything of the sorts on FH either, but, if enough people find that interesting, I'm sure something can be arranged. Tragedy, I suppose, would come under like, sadness/death-based plots, which if done correctly with the right people, can be super fun to be involved in. I see you like the sort of sci-fi and retro-futuristic setting, I do too. :D
« Last Edit: August 30, 2017, 11:09:25 pm by .Burratio. »
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Re: FH Group Rp is... Dying?
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2017, 11:07:48 pm »
Okay I am going to be completely honest here, FH isn't gonna die, it's such a popular game. But the roleplay... Kinda,
 not really. I can say as much because my brother use to play this game. I love to roleplay romance or realistic because those two are the most fun to me since I can do it and see it without having to use much of my imagination since it's already there, but that's just my opinion, and NORMAL romance not like... well you know the sappy lovey dovey go home kind of stuff, not that I'm against it that's just not my thanggggg

Offline Vespian

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Re: FH Group Rp is... Dying?
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2017, 02:41:05 am »
Vespian's very, very, very, very picky when it comes to joining role-plays.
There is yet to be a group to catch my loyalty, bluntly said.

I seek originality. I dislike the mainstream and stray from your common wolf packs and warrior cat role-plays and lion prides. Plot means everything to me and dedication to said plot and its unraveling. I won't join half-butted role-plays or role-plays with very little preparation before opening day. The role-plays I have built up have taken months of careful writing and lore fleshing and even some are still under my magnifying glass, picking out every little flaw for proper correction. Others needn't be as detailed as the ones that scream in my head... but regardless, I always appreciate a bit of effort.
That being said, when it comes to species, I can lean on the realistic scale but I expect the plot to make up for it. It could just be me, but my part-time as an author and the ideas that flourish into my head make my expectations rather high. I want a role-play to wow me, a role-play to seize my breath away, a role-play that'll leave me eager to show just what I can do to assist its development and continuation.
Unfortunately, no role-plays ever since 2015 have lit a spark in my eye. Nowadays, I just blot down any ideas I may have to get my muse to shut up.

I do join occasional role-plays here and there but I don't tend to stick around for very long. I can grow bored rather quickly as, again, my expectations are high.

If I had my say, I'd want more horror-themed role-plays. No, none of that, "Jason Voorhees chasing one through the woods," scenario. I do not seek serial killers, I do not seek plagued victims. I do not seek your typical bad guy vs the good guy.
Instead, I want a role-play that questions morals. Religion, discrimination, abuse, cultural differences, psychology, etc. Topics not regularly touched by the masses. Topics one wouldn't want to touch. My eye glistens when I see horror that makes one question themselves and what they believe to be right or to be wrong, if there even is such a thing as "being wrong," but I digress.
The problem is, most are not written the way that would leave me wanting but again, I digress.

I've always been a sucker for tragedy, too. Icing on the cake.