Author Topic: 2017 Mid/End of Year Update  (Read 2808 times)

Offline FlewToTheCity

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2017 Mid/End of Year Update
« on: July 24, 2017, 08:12:11 am »
Good morning/evening to whom this may concern,

My request may not take much time to read through but hopefully it is enough to understand, I also hope that I have it within the right place upon the forum. Every time a person is to re-load the page, their attention is caught by the vibrant scrolling text in the upper right-hand corner of their screen. This had happened to me (obviously because of bringing it to the attention), multiple times. Every time I fall gullible to the scrolling text ' //Feralheart Game Update June -' and before I even finish reading the last little bit I am already loading the link to be put onto the news of 2016. What I am saying is that seeing it is July, almost august. I think it should be time for the Mid year or End of year update for 2017, I'm sure I am not the only one who dedicates their life religiously to this game and the people in it, and I'm sure other people would like to know how 'We' as a community are going and little things of whats in stall to come.

Now, I am fully aware that their might not be much happening as of yet to report on. I'm also fully aware that its most likely not my place to speak about Updates of the game (assuming its our wonderful mod's duty to sort that out). But as I am a very honest person, I think I am speaking for the community. I'm 80% sure people want to know what is going down for the rest of 2017.

This input/idea is mainly for the gorgeous staff members, but I do encourage the community to place their input on the matter as well. Hopefully this all made sence.

Thank you for your time,


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Re: 2017 Mid/End of Year Update
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2017, 09:15:11 am »
I can see where you're coming from, but there's more to it than that. Things are pretty busy right now among the staff - there's a new community patch in the works and they can't tell us everything since it kind of defeats the purpose in the surprises they have for the community. Also, if you are using the forums regularly - you can see yourself that there's not that much updates happening right now, because of the reasons stated in the previous sentence. They've been carefully reviewing map submissions for the new patch over the past few months and that takes a lot of time. As an update, Raz has adjusted the MOTS and MIT stars to match the color of their name (MOTS now have green stars on their profile). Making update threads takes a lot of time too and sometimes we just have to be patient.

Patience is key.

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Re: 2017 Mid/End of Year Update
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2017, 09:25:57 am »
Arf, Vespian's not one to outwardly speak very often but in this case, me's willing to give my two cents.
I have always been a rather curious creature and as such, when it comes to the happenings of the community, one can find I somewhere in the masses. Sometimes silent but there.
I, too, would like to know but I also know that patience is, at times, required as stated by Sir Valhayes. Perhaps an update on the community's happenings shall come soon? Perhaps a little later? Whether or not, I do think one is to be near unless we are to have one similar to the last, a late 2017-early 2018.
And yet, me also sees the confusion one might have upon first glance of the aforementioned text. Over-excitement, given the close proximity of the months as of current.
Still, I'd not press.

There's not much else Vesp can say. My head is riddled and my tongue lays thick, so I'll just sit down.


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Re: 2017 Mid/End of Year Update
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2017, 05:42:08 pm »
There's quite a bit going on.
The staff are are letting some of the community help make the patch, making new meshes for objects, making new textures, maybe making a new User Interface, making new maps, helping other users make their stuff... All this while hosting all the FH events to keep us entertained and make sure we're having a good time. This all takes loads of time, especially if you want a good quality update. I can see where you're coming from with the "I at least want some news about it." mind, it can seem like nothing is happening when you've no idea where to look, here you go:

Have patience, there is no deadline. <3

As for the old update text... I must agree that after a whole year, it is very misleading! o.o
For the sake of my own health and interests, I've left FH and I won't be looking back.

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Re: 2017 Mid/End of Year Update
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2017, 06:20:10 pm »
Valhayes, Vespian, and Vortex summed everything up pretty well above

Staff are very busy with the patch right now, and patch work takes a lot longer than what one might think. Not only that but we are still hosting movie nights, the radio, etc for the community to enjoy, and we even just hosted a party on the 22nd

In the past the news update threads were a lot more "regularly" posted and it would be nice to have another one soon, but things are just really busy for the staff right now
Farewell everyone<3


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Re: 2017 Mid/End of Year Update
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2017, 08:30:11 pm »
oh man. Now I can see why there haven't been any updates. The staff have a lot on their plates. Hopefully everything goes back to normal soon.

Offline FlewToTheCity

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Re: 2017 Mid/End of Year Update
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2017, 11:42:21 pm »
@Valhayes @Vespian @VortexAlive @Kikiorylandia

Thank you for the information, I was not aware of the new Community patch that is yet to come and I am happy to say I am glad for it. My apologies if I sounded needy for an Update, I'm very aware of how hard working the staff are especially over the 24th of July ordeal that went down last night. The community is very grateful of how Feralheart is transforming into the game it set out to be, I'm sure the new patch will be just as stunning as the last. Again, My apologies for sounding desperate for such information, But thank you for taking your time to giving a small heads up of what is to come for Late 2017 & Early 2018.

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