Author Topic: Strange Custom Map Problem (Solved on own)  (Read 945 times)

Offline Alveonacy

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Strange Custom Map Problem (Solved on own)
« on: February 21, 2018, 06:20:14 pm »
Hello, hello, peoples! Recently, a good friend of mine has made a map for my pack and our alliance to share. Now that she's finished and distributed the download link, there seems to be a problem that neither of us can figure out a fix for. This is where you guys come in!

I am getting an OLD version of the map- one that we tested a few days ago. No one else, out of five or six others that I know of, have the same problem (even the other person who tested the same map!)

Things we have tried that have failed:
I have cleared out my exports and redownloaded the map.
She has re-exported the map and reuploaded it (and I redownloaded it).
I have uninstalled and reinstalled FH and all of my presets, mods, and marking packs.
I have downloaded her entire objects folder into mine.
I have gotten all of the files for the map, imported it into Map Maker, and exported it myself. Still, it did not work. I got the same results as above.

Now we don't know what else to do, as its a rather simple download. Exports go into exports, and boom, we're done. I've downloaded plenty maps before and have never had a problem like this. Again: I am the only one in an old version of the map- I can't see half of the things she's put in the new export while everyone else can.

What else can I do to remedy this?

Thank you for your time! <3

UPDATE: I will also see up to FOUR separate portals for the SAME map (I only have this one downloaded) despite only having one FHM file in my exports.

UPDATE 2: This may or may not be related to what has decided to plague my FH, but when I completely clear my exports, I still see two to three of the same exact portal- I've gone in them and one is the FIXED map, and one is the OLD map. However, my exports is EMPTY. What??

FIX: If anyone has this problem, feel free to use the fix I did, as it was the only thing that worked: Get the map files from your friend/mapmaker, import it into mapmaker yourself, and export it. Your group/pack/friends will have to redownload the map to use it with you, but this SHOULD solve your problem! <3
« Last Edit: February 21, 2018, 11:59:42 pm by Alveonacy »