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Messages - StarWarsWolf7

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Forum Discussion / Re: Imagine Proving a Point
« on: July 21, 2020, 08:48:21 pm »
We stay because we care. We're here on this thread because we care. We're not here to damage the game. Quite the opposite actually- we want to see it flourish again. I've been playing this game off and on since 2011. I've been through all the giant updates and changes. I know there have to be a TON of veteran players like myself, who just want the best for the game/community they've grown up with. If I didn't care, I could have EASILY peaced out/not spoken up. Same with everyone else.

But no- there are problems. We're addressing those problems. We're attempting to iron out those problems. And we're trying to level out any sour relationships. But what that requires is open communication and explanation.

Forum Discussion / Re: Imagine Proving a Point
« on: July 21, 2020, 08:32:30 pm »
You shouldn't claim to know things you don't and state them as if they are fact. That's all I have to say about this thread.
Can the false claims be explained/ironed out then? Genuinely- if any of the claims Laarikin made were incorrect or inaccurate, could you please explain what truly is going on?

Because from my perspective, as someone who has silently been watching this all go down up until this point, nothing is incorrect about those claims. Nothing is far-fetched. I've watched things get locked or flat out disappear. I know people who were directly affected. Everyone is confused and frustrated by the lack of explanation and communication, and I believe it will only get worse the more and more it's pushed to the side. The more it's swept under the rug, the more irate the community gets.

And I know- I understand all of this may fall into the drama category, which the forum rules do not support. But, speaking on behalf of others, I believe a lot of folks are simply trying to find answers/unity, as opposed to blatantly starting problems.

So, with all due respect, I would like to know where we're wrong if we're wrong. I would like to know what's causing this cascade. Feralheart means a lot to a lot of people, myself included. Many of us have grown up with it to some degree, and have been there for all the big shifts. So again, I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that we don't want to see this happening. We don't want this unrest to be occurring. Especially during a year where unrest is so prevalent already. We just want to come to this game as a type of safe space.

And I think the foundation of any safe space is open communication. Also please, I'm not trying to start further trouble, nor am I pointing fingers. I understand everyone is thoroughly frustrated. I just feel further communication is what this situation needs.

Game Help / Preset Texture Help
« on: January 18, 2020, 10:45:19 pm »
Hello! Trying to achieve a certain effect with my preset has left me quite puzzled. I've drawn a necklace onto my character that I want to be iridescent/shimmery. I've messed around with coding a bit, but instead of just making the necklace iridescent, her whole body ends up getting a rainbow shimmer/oil slick effect. That, or no effect is visible at all.

Does anyone know how to isolate the texture so it's just on her necklace/wherever I want it, instead of covering her whole body? I'd really appreciate it!

This is the code I was attempting to mess with. I know dealing with textures on presets is all about layering, but I'm just not 100% sure on how to successfully pull that off lol!
Code: [Select]
material preset_1_bodyMatL
    texture preset_1body.png
   ambient 0.5 0.5 0.5
   diffuse 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5
   scene_blend alpha_blend
    env_map spherical
    texture Rainbow.png

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: August 02, 2013, 08:46:10 pm »
Well that's honestly not right at all, as they won't be able to see how many users are upset. Do they not want to see that part of the community is upset, and kind of push it to the back of their minds or something? Not trying to be blunt or anything as I'm usually peaceful as well, but this is just getting quite ridiculous. Ignoring the problem is not going to help at all; in fact it's going to do quite the opposite. Many members including myself are getting restless and we just want to know if there is going to be any kind of change or update at all. If it was just supposed to be a test and now they left us hanging...I don't even know what to think. It just gets me more angry and annoyed to be honest. I hope that they will indeed give this thread a look and see that so many are expressing their distastes.

What I just find odd is that feralheart was made in order to form a tight and friendly community, where members could go and interact with one another in a docile environment. So what I don't understand, is that if this whole "update" is causing such much drama, fighting, and making members so upset, why can't something be done about it? Isn't all of this kind of against the original purpose of the game? And if members didn't care about general being removed, I don't think there would be 57 pages of replies...Just....Yeah. Star out :I

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: August 01, 2013, 06:04:08 am »
I agree with Riven. Like I said before, I've been trying to start up a strictly literate role play, but advertising is getting extremely difficult. We go out for about one and half, to two hours at a time advertising with movie clips, and in that time we only get a single person. Back when I had this exact same role playing running in 2011, we would get multiple members in about thirty minutes or less thanks to advertising on general. It's just....extremely bad at the moment, not to mention that some people spam the movies over and over with small, pointless ads or even just for trolling purposes. I understand that happened on general, but at least it was controlled. All the movie spam is just getting out of hand. People turn off movies out of annoyance now, so you have the possibility to lose the interest of potential new members for this reason! And I know, someone is going to tell me to advertise on the boards, and I have, but I've only gotten a single interested member so far. I also have a problem with advertising on the boards, as it may be hard, or even impossible, to run into that member online and accept them into the group.

What I don't understand, is with all this distaste shown on this thread, the length of time general has been away, and all the problems that are happening in the plains, why hasn't something been done? I know it may not exactly be my place to ask that sort of thing, but I think I'm speaking for quite a few people when I say we're....restless. General chat being taken away was said to be just a test, but it's been quite some time now; almost two months correct? Maybe more, I've lost track. But people seem to be growing away from FH, or just getting annoyed with it. I know many of my friends have left now, and are moving on to IT servers and such to try and perhaps find some kind of role playing hope there. If a rather large portion of the community seems to be affected negatively...can't some kind of compromise be made? I apologize for my bluntness, but I just wanted to get this off my mind :I

Thank you for applying! You're accepted, and I shall send you the map password on the site. We'd love to have you aboard :)

So! Any of this seem interesting to you? If so, please feel free to post an application! Your application should go as follows:

Character Name:
Character Gender:
Character Age:
Desired Pack:
Desired Ranking:
Your general activity level:
Character Bio (Optional):
A sample of how you how role play:

Generally when it comes to role playing, we role play in paragraph form, using proper spelling, grammar, and detail. Type like you're creating a story :)!

Other than that, best of luck, and we would love to have you aboard :)

~Information about the Dark Ones~

The Dark Ones are a group of so-called evil wolves. They consist of many dark colored and eerie wolves who are seemingly always aggressive. The Pure Ones are their sworn enemies, but they won't go out attacking the light colored pack all the time; they have more things to attend to in their own territory. The struggle for survival is evident in their territory, as the Dark Ones have gone through many vicious and relentless leaders who do not care much for the pack. The Dark Ones' lands consist of lava, rocky terrain, and a large fortress built in the center that was supposedly built by the very first leader, Chaos. During his reign, things were different in the pack; members were treated with respect and they weren't as ferocious. However, now times have changed, and the pack is in a downwards spiral of fury. Will you be the one to change it?

~Rankings for the Dark Ones~

Alpha Pair(These wolves rule over the whole pack, and are usually the strongest, if not the most aggressive, members. Their word is law; breaking it could mean severe consequences. The alpha male will normally have more say than the alpha female however, and unlike the Pure Ones, these alphas do not have to be a mated pair.)

Beta Pair(Second in command, these wolves take over when the alphas are not present. They can order other wolves around too, but not as much as the alphas. They don't necessarily have to be mates.)

Delta Pair(Third in command wolves who take over when the alphas and beta are not present. They can help command fights and raids, but can't give many orders.)

Sooth Sayer(Normally an old and blind wolf, this wolf talks to spirits and phantoms alike. Is sometimes said to be a bit crazy and insane, so they have been ostracized away from the rest of the pack, although that might not quite be the case.)

Medical Wolf(These wolves tend to the sick and the injured. If they are in charge of a sick wolf, and that wolf dies under their care, it could mean severe consequences.)

Head Guard (This wolf is in charge of both jail guards and gate keepers alike, making sure the wolves are doing their jobs properly, and offering punishment for those who are not.)

Jail Guards(These wolves watch over prisoners and are said to be highly aggressive towards those in jail. If they let a prisoner escape, consequences could be severe.)

Gate Keepers(These wolves have their own den, and they watch over the entrance to the dark lands, keeping an eye out for any trespassers.)

Head Warrior (The strongest and most aggressive warrior, chosen by the alpha by partaking in a violent battle to show his or her skills. This wolf is in charge of all warriors, and is even allowed to command some wolves in battle, with the alpha's word of course)

Warriors(Very aggressive towards pure ones, these wolves are ruthless and will kill easily. They fight in any battle they are told to.)

Watchers(These wolves keep watch inside the dens, and make sure nothing is amiss. If an unexpected brawl breaks out, treason, or anything out of the ordinary within the fortress, they will report to the alphas immediately or a high ranking if the alphas are not present.)

Apprentices (Pups who have grown past 8 weeks and wish to learn fighting or other skills)

Elders(Old wolves who cannot fight or function well anymore; are respected and taken good care of.)

Elder Keeper(Normally a beaten omega, this wolf watches over all the elders and tends to every need they may have. If this wolf does not properly do his or her job, or an elder complains, then the consequences will be severe.)

Omegas(The punching bags of the pack; these wolves are the punished, the weak, and the unwanted. They could even be killed if seen entirely unfit by the alphas.)

Pups(Any wolf under 8 weeks of age)

~Information about the Pure Ones~

The Pure Ones are a group of mostly light colored wolves with strong beliefs. They are ultimately kind in nature, and normally dislike fighting. They rather believe in compromising, or talking things through, as opposed to slaughtering others out of anger. However, most are extremely loyal to their pack mates, and will do whatever it takes to keep each other safe. Instead of ruling with power and force, they rule by diplomatic and kind ways. The Pure Ones do not force any wolf to obey them; if they are alone however, they accept any wolf with care (Even if the wolf is a formal dark one, in which that case they will be monitored). They live in the Great Oak Tree, surrounded by the spirits of the once powerful and pure ancestors. Almost all the wolves in this pack are lightly colored, sometimes with a few rare exceptions.

~Rankings for the Pure Ones~

Alpha Pair(The strongest and well-renowned wolves within the pack. They are the ones who give all the commands, and are known to be very wise. Their word is law. If two alphas are present, they will be a mated pair.)

Beta Pair(The second most respected wolves in the pack. They are allowed to give orders, but for large tasks, they must run their ideas by the alphas first. The betas are also allowed to take over if the alphas are not present. They do not necessarily have to be a mated pair.)

Delta Pair(Third in command, the delta pair can give few orders, and take over when the betas and alphas are not present.)

Star Walker(These wolves are very spiritual, known to have great connection to those above, and are also said to be very wise. Star Walkers will aid the alphas when faced with tough decisions, and are normally related to the alpha in some way.)

Lead Guardian (The strongest, the fittest, and the most worthy of all the guardians. This wolf knows most, if not all fighting tactics, and reports straight to the alphas in the event of a battle. This wolf also trains fellow guardians and keeps them fit with skills.)

Healers(These wolves take care of all sick wolves, pups and elders alike):

Spirit Seeker(These wolves have the strongest connection with the Great Ones, as they are said to be able to communicate with the long-deceased alphas. The Spirit Seekers will often receive omens and warnings from the Great Ones, and will report if something is amiss.)

Guardians (These wolves protect and watch out for their pack mates; they will fight when they find themselves in a bad situation.)

Feeders(These wolves hunt for the pack and provide most of the food.)

Elders(Any wolf who is too weak or old to continue their duties; very respected and are revered to be very wise.)

Pup Watcher (This wolf takes care of pups when their parents are busy, and teaches them skills, such as hunting and fighting.)

Omegas(These wolves are playful and are used to make other wolves feel better in bad situations. They are to be respected and are NOT punching bags in this pack.)

Apprentices (Any pup over 8 weeks that needs training.)

Pups(Any wolf under 8 weeks of age.)

You slowly walk into the ravaged lands, a place known to many as Puravoc. The cold, whipping wind tugs at your fur, reminding you just how harsh this place truly is. You know that many battles have taken place here, and quite an amount of blood has been spilled. A few more steps reveals the scent of the enemy, and you know it will not be long before they are bearing down upon you. Will you be strong enough to protect your pack, and perhaps even battle with fate?

If this has caught your attention, then you may want to consider joining the literate, mapped, semi realistic, plotted wolf role play known as Pure Ones Vs Dark Ones!

Our role play focuses on the story of two packs, the Pure Ones, and the Dark Ones, each with individual personalities and traits.

~The Pure Ones are known for the kind and docile nature, most of them preferring to talk things out as opposed to fighting. They are mostly composed of lighter pelted wolves, though there are a few rare exceptions.

~The Dark Ones are mostly composed of ruthless, cold wolves. Violence is in their nature, and as their name implies, they are composed of mostly dark pelted wolves.

The majority of the information is composed on our site, Please look there if you'd like to join us, and feel free to apply on our application threads!

As a small side note, we need more males in our role play as a whole. We do indeed have friendly, active, members, but it was requested that males join us as well! Even if your character is a female though, please, feel free to join us. We'd love to have you :). If you do not want to apply on the site and would rather do so here, a little more information about our role play is listed below. You may apply either here, or the site I listed above. Thank you very much for your time!

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