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Messages - StarWarsWolf7

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News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: July 24, 2013, 09:24:28 pm »
Okay I'm back once again, and this time here to voice my distaste for the matter. I recently tried to start up my role play, and advertise in the plains using the movie method. Well, that method in my opinion does not work well at all. My admin and I were sending out movie clips over and over for a solid forty five minutes before a single person became interested, and that is not an exaggeration. There are also so many movie clips playing all at once, and some are just for spam purposes as well, so I could see some people around me saying "-turns off movies-". If people become annoyed with movies and shut them off, how in the world are you supposed to grab their interest? General could get annoying as well when it came to spam, but it was much, much, MUCH more useful for advertising. You could actually fit everything in about your role play that you wanted to say. My members can't even fit everything about our role play in a single movie box. I just wish something would be done as a compromise, because this is getting rather ridiculous. Movies are being spammed now, and advertising is extremely difficult.

Also, I know someone is probably going to reply to me and say that I could always use the forums to advertise. Sure that's great, but it becomes difficult to actually run into to that person online in-game, as opposed to when you advertise in-game and have all your new players online at once.

I don't know why we have been left hanging so long without a single update, as this has been going for more than a month, and things seem to be going downhill.  That is all I have to say :I

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: July 19, 2013, 09:53:00 pm »
*Claps at TheFourLink's post* I couldn't agree more. I don't understand why it's still gone, or why some kind of compromise hasn't been worked out. I know, I know, the whole community hasn't showed their distaste, but many people on this chat have been expressing negativity. If it was only supposed to be a test, I think the best option would just be...bringing it back. I know quite a few of my friends who have left role plays to go to IT servers all because of this. It's just getting silly now! The times I've been in the plains, I've seen people recruiting with movies, and I was watching them for quite some time. After about thirty minutes, a mapped, literate role play had received zero new members, and probably if they had general, they would have had at least two or three by then! It's just sad. Although some people may be alright with it, others had a ton of fun on general, and would only come on FH just to talk on general. I would remember that there would even basically be "general celebrities", like Walmart for example, that would just come on and talk on general chat. The movies are just annoying...just clogging up any local chat that you're trying to have with tons of yellow print flashing by. It just makes finding a role play much more difficult, and advertising even more so. If it's had such a negative effect, I think it's fine time to bring it back or at least give some kind of advertising chat or...something please. I just do not understand the hold up now :c

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: July 16, 2013, 07:14:53 pm »
May I just...butt in and say something real quick....

It seems that all the problems with the servers, the maps, and the lag have started up as soon as general chat was removed. I'm not sure if this is just a freaking coincidence, but I highly doubt it. Perhaps it due to the fact that so many people are now using only one chat to speak on, or all the movie spam. Not sure which. However, many of my friends have noticed that when you go into the plains, you lag to the point where it's so severe, that you cannot even move. I'm also crashing so much in the plains now, which has never happened to me before, and the sever is also online when this happens as well.

Does this have anything to do with general chat being removed? I'm not sure, and I cannot entirely prove that. However, it seems that all these problems I listed began as soon as it was gone, so perhaps it does need to come back after all...

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 28, 2013, 10:44:07 pm »
Yes I've noticed the game has been crashing a lot lately for my friend and myself as well. And it's been lagging too, which it has never done before. Maybe it's because of the movie spam or something? Either way, the game has seemed to have a negative...shift in my eyes. I do hope something is indeed done about general, such as bringing it back or just making a new advertisement chat or just....something :c

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 23, 2013, 02:56:27 am »
Pardon me but...I know only some in the community have expressed their dislike to this change, but it's more than just a "few" users. In fact, the majority of users on this topic have mostly disliked this change. I do think it's rather impossible to receive opinions from every single user, especially since some accounts are dead, some don't look at the forums, etc. With all the drama and bad results that have come from the change, shouldn't that be enough to reconsider it :c?

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 22, 2013, 05:39:34 pm »
I wasn't trying to be disrespectful today, but I was ticked off. Last night, I was trying toi be calm and collected about it, and quite peaceful. I tried getting my point through to Red's brain, but he wouldn't hear a word of it. He just waved me away as if my opinion didn't matter, and his supporters did as well. He called me an 'ungrateful brat' and 'uneducated'. He also stated that 'You kids have no idea what it's like to moderate a game'. Well, you know what? YES, I DO. I am a moderator at the Warriors MMORPG, Moonrise. In fact, not a mod, but an ADMIN. I know how to run a community, and I know that being a moderator means listening to the community and making them happy. ANd Red said this: "If you were really a mod at Moonrise, you'd be nicer." ....Um, excuse me? I /am/ nice! If I wasn't /nice/, then I wouldn't be fighting for what is right! And the mods aren't being nice by merely silencing us, and abusing their powers by banning us all for speaking our minds. I was calm. I was level-headed and peaceful, but it was Red and his friends who started throwing insults around. Hell, I even heard that Red and his friends cussed someone out last night! And if that really happened, then MODS were breaking the rules that THEY are supposed to enforce! I can tell you, next time I go on, I will screenshot my conversation and post it. The mods are acting like we have no say, and our opinions don't matter the tiniest bit. Now, I am not directing this towards ALL of the mods, mind you, I am mostly speaking of Red and his friends, the ones who unfairly ban, insult, cuss out, etc. If these mods really cared about what the community thinks, then they would LISTEN to us, and let us speak our minds without fear of being banned. I will take an unofficial poll into my own hands. The mods don't have to listen to it, but I want to see which side has the most votes. Maybe then, they will listen and see that probably 99% of us wants General back. There are definitely more "I want General back" comments than "I don't want it back" comments.  Really. The mods need to pay attention to us. We DO NOT expect to have everything given to us on a silver plate, as Red puts it, we just want rights, and we want justice. And, we just want to be able to speak our minds, and for the moderators to be fair. Sure, 'life isn't fair,' but you know what? FeralHeart isn't real life. The moderators could be fair to us.

PS. Please delete the post by Moonstripe, as that was me. I wanna post it on my own account, soooo... lolol.

Amen. Banning people for their opinions is just flat out immature and lazy. I've said this many times before, as have others, but the staff actually need to listen to the community. I haven't seen a single one do anything about this large discussion and all the opinions being shared, nor have I seen any action taking place on FH EXCEPT for the relentless banning. Honestly, couldn't they focus more on the real trouble makers/spammers as opposed to those who just want to have a say against this rather sudden change? I am very surprised that the mods/admins didn't even have a poll or a warning before going forth with this, as I'm sure they would have realized then how upset the majority of us are with this change. And if this "grand update" is just supposed to be "testing,"'s causing way more problems then general apparently used to cause, so wouldn't it be a fine and dandy idea just to bring it back? Or at least make a new chat for advertising or SOMETHING. Something beneficial for us at least, not beneficial for just the staff...

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 22, 2013, 07:24:10 am »
Okay, I need to say one more thing. Something that has been brought to my attention...
We ARE being silenced by the Mods.
Our voices are being muted by them because they've placed themselves above us. We ARE real people behind these computer screens. People with rights. The same rights as them.
I recently tried to speak out in-game to the Mods and express my opinion within a rather reasonable manor, which it started out as, but because of being cut off by the same old answers they've been shoving at us, and the name-calling, the smart-ass remarks... it all spiraled out of control.
I have, in fact, apologize for the incident, but it doesn't do anything.
A friend of mine was banned for a week because of this.
I really don't know what to do anymore. I'm just... sick of all this -Removed by moderator-. Really.
We're told to be open-minded and accepting of the Mods' "brilliant" ideas, but they don't do the same in return. It's becoming unfair to the community.

- Scarlett
I completely agree. It was strange, really. A few of my close, literate friends and I went into the plains a few days ago to express our opinions. We were calm at first, but as soon as we began to speak, we were met with aggressive attitudes, and were even called "uneducated" and taunted. And today when I was passing by the n/z, there were tons of protesters around, and some mods I haven't seen on in a while. Is this what has become of the FH staff then? Suddenly coming on now and banning or ridiculing the community for their opinions?

 I highly object to taking the chat away, as it has led to nothing so far but drama, anger, and of course, heavy movie spam! And movie spam was something that seemed to bother so many people, and even upset some staff members. So taking away the chat that was primarily used for advertising is a good

And on the topic of advertising, sure people could use the forums to advertise. However, most members of FH, including myself, rarely check the forums, if not at all! And even the ones that do may not even check the role play section, but instead only come on for help or updates. Also, movies do not allow you to state all your role play's information, and it just leads to a lot of problems.

I could keep rambling on now, but surely I would just be repeating things that so many have said before me. I suggest that the staff actually LISTEN to the community, as we are indeed a voice. We are the other half that keeps feralheart going. If we are supposed to be so open minded, why can't the staff be the same way? Upset the community, lose the community. That will be all.

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 20, 2013, 08:36:23 pm »
Hate to be bishy about this, but I don't know who thought this was a good idea. Sure general was spammed sometimes and such, but never did I ever see people trying to role play on it. It was used primarily for advertisement. I find it kind of ironic that so many people are always upset about movie spam, and now with general turned off, that's going to get much, much worse. Advertising is going to be awful, as many people would spread out in the plains to advertise, not just clump at the stone bridge or the n/z. So local advertisement in my opinion, is not going to work well. The stone bridge is always spammed with lion prides and warrior cat groups, so literate role plays are going to have a hard time advertising. I just think this is a very poor idea, and as far as I know, it's upset a lot of my literate friends and companions. I suggest just leaving it alone and allowing people to turn of general like they used to if it's bothering them. Or get MOD's to patrol general a little more, perhaps? Instead of sitting there on that rock at the n/z? Since it's so "offensive," maybe it should be monitored more as opposed to totally disposing of it. And come to think of it, what happened to the MODs talking in red chat in the plains anyway? That seemed to be effective. So why not just actually have them do their jobs as opossed to socializing. Thank you; just my opinion :I

Game Help / Re: Cape Issues?
« on: February 02, 2013, 07:56:21 pm »
Alrighty. Thank you both so much ^^

Game Help / Cape Issues?
« on: February 02, 2013, 07:32:53 pm »
Hello all! Recently I was trying to access the cape of distant worlds through the portal that leads out of lonely cave, and while it was loading, FH shut off abruptly with no error message. I tried it again, and I got the same result. Is this just due to the fact that there are a lot of people on the server? Thank you!

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