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Topics - OceanWaves

Pages: [1] 2
Game Help / Preset Problem
« on: September 30, 2018, 06:16:09 pm »
I just finished making a preset and there's an issue. This preset has scrolling, transparency, and semi-transparency. I've never encountered a problem like this before while making a preset. I loaded my preset in the preset creator and it looked exactly how I wanted it to. I then exported it and put the preset onto my character that I use in-game. Then, I noticed something. Half of the presets body looked like what I made while the other half is just scrolling. I deleted the export and examined my code but nothing seemed to be wrong about it.

This is in the preset maker and it shows what the preset is supposed to look like

This is the preset in the character creator

(Sorry the scrolling is so dark and hard to see)

And this is the code for the body
Code: [Select]
material preset_3_bodyMatL
depth_check on
depth_write off
scene_blend alpha_blend
texture preset_3scroll.png
scroll_anim 1.0 1.0
depth_check on
depth_write off
scene_blend alpha_blend
alpha_rejection greater_equal 128
texture preset_3body.png
material preset_3_bodyMatR
depth_check on
depth_write off
scene_blend alpha_blend
texture preset_3scroll.png
scroll_anim 1.0 1.0
depth_check on
depth_write off
scene_blend alpha_blend
alpha_rejection greater_equal 128
texture preset_3body.png
The body has both semi-transparency and scrolling but that doesn't seem to be causing the problem because only half of the preset isn't working. I really hope this is something that can be solved.

Game Help / Items Not Showing Up (Solved)
« on: September 30, 2018, 01:35:01 am »
Items aren't showing up in-game or in the character creator for me. I have a few item packs and they're all up-to-date with FH. There is an item.cfg file in the items folder and the main folder so I have no idea what could be causing this problem. When I go to the tab in character creation to add items, this is what I see
Not even the default items show up. What could be causing this?

Leaving / Goodbye Fellow Fluffs
« on: December 30, 2017, 05:42:03 am »
I'm leaving, probably forever. I'll miss everybody I've met and the memories I've made. I just don't play anymore. I like the new maps but most of my friends have moved on from FH since the update, now it's my time. I may come on very rarely though, but that will probably only last a couple weeks until I'm gone forever. None of the RP's I'm interested in last more than a few days and I find that I'm enjoying the game less and less.

I've made so many memories and met so many wonderful people that I certainly won't forget. Before the update, I would come on almost everyday and it would give me so much joy to sit in Bonfire Island and chat with my friends, but it's just not the same now. I have nothing against the new update, I like it a lot and it gives new members the joy I had before the update. Thank you all so much for the memories. I'll never forget the time I had and the moments I've enjoyed in FeralHeart, Goodbye fluffs!

Ask Me / Ask The Corgi Goddess.
« on: November 24, 2017, 05:32:04 pm »
I'll try my best to respond to all questions.

Game Help / A preset is making my game crash.
« on: November 24, 2017, 05:21:39 pm »
My game was crashing so I looked in BADFILE and the preset causing the crash was Ba$$_4.fhp
I've had this problem before with another preset and I'm aware that the maker didn't mean to cause this problem. I hope I won't have to uninstall preset sync since I enjoy seeing other's presets.

Game Help / Preset fhp file doesn't match my username.
« on: October 04, 2017, 11:54:08 pm »
The fhp file is called ButterPup_5.fph when it should be ButterPUP_5.fph because ButterPUP is my username. Somebody I am talking to believes this is the reason they can not see my preset, could they be right?

Site/Forum Help / I'm confused about how to send a preset's .fph file.
« on: October 04, 2017, 10:03:41 pm »
I finished my Halloween preset for the party and I'm trying to send it to Kikiorylandia but I don't know how I would sen the .fhp file with BBcode.

Game Help / I'm having problems with my preset.
« on: October 04, 2017, 07:47:09 pm »
I'm making a skeleton like preset and I don't want the teeth to show up. So I colored in a the square for the eyes and made the rest of the image transparent. I exported it as preset_8.png then wrote 'alpha_rejection greater_equal 128' in the code for both eyeMatR and eyeMatL. But when I loaded it in preset maker it showed up as if there wasn't a file for the eyes and I did export the file into the presets file.

Game Help / It seems that there is a preset making my game crash.
« on: October 03, 2017, 07:21:44 pm »
I was crashing so I looked for the badfile.reminder file, I opened up the file and the preset that was causing my game to crash is "preset/teanovai_5.fhp" I'm very bamboozled, what can I do to fix this?

Okay, I downloaded an animation pack and kept it until I wanted the original back. I explored my files for a while and I didn't have a copy of the original.  :P Oops, well we all make mistakes.

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