Author Topic: A Very Civil Twilight  (Read 2846 times)


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A Very Civil Twilight
« on: March 04, 2011, 02:09:59 am »
This shall be a story about my many characters.
It will be told through the point of view (P.O.V) of my main charry, Twilight Blaze. I really hope you enjoy this. Please, do comment, critisizim is allowed.

.:~:. Chapter 1  .::.  Though The Beginning .:~:.

How did it come to this?

Rain was soaking my pelt throughly, my bones ached, and I couldnt move.
Above me, stood a shadow.

Her face slowly came closer to mine, and I felt cold breath on my face. "I got you."

She got me? She did. Eather I was finished, or perhaps through some miracle, I may survive. Though the latter is incredibly unlikely.

How did it come to this?

Well It all began when my mind came up with some crazy idea. To run away from my problems.

I grew up normally. I had friends, and those friends could never be replaced. Still, they, as everything, never lasted.
She death of a friend woke me up from my sugar-coated dreams.


It all began with me sleeping.
The sun had barely risen over the horizon when I heard a huge crash.
Scrambling up, I expected it to be one of my friends just trying to bother us.
Some strange mist clung to eveythibg in the cave, and by the time I had found my way to the mouth of the cave, she was already on the floor. My Nobody friend.

There are beasts called Heartless. The're black little buggers made up of darkness, and their one goal is to steal hearts. Those who fall victim to the Heartless fade away into nothingness. But those with powerful hearts get a Nobody. Their heart becomes a Heartless, while the severed body becomes a Nobody. A being without any emotions. Without a heart.

My friend Yuuno was one of them. And I came too late to help her. A strange being stood above her, she was a sandy colored feline, but she had strange cracks, similar to those of a porcelain doll, running down her sides. A deadly-looking snake slithered about her ankles instead of a tail. And with one flick of the snake-tail, she was gone.


The infamous snake-chimera. I've heard of her before. She kills for no reason, she brings pain for nothing.
My friend, instead of bleeding blood, was vanishing with soft trendils of black smoke.
"Twilight. We are lying." My ears pricked forward to her soft voice, and I slowly sat by her, staring her down with a look of sorrow as she faded.

There was nothing I could do.

End of Flashback-->

And now, against my will, I have been caught by her.
Only to find out, that I had been lied to.
"Twilight, youuuu canttt hideeee now." Her snake-tongue flicked about a pair of razor-sharp fangs.
"I wasn't hiding. Tell me the truth! Why so you need me?"
There was a long pause before she spoke.

"To lie some more."
Black dots danced around my vision, and a loud buzz drowned out Hiira's next words.

And like a light, I went out.


"Nuh!" I flew up, shivering as I recalled my nightmare.

W.I.P till my computer stops spazzing >.>

« Last Edit: March 05, 2011, 05:18:00 pm by :.fInaLE.: »