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Messages - AbbyJoyce

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 148


She kept her back to him as he complained and fished for another bit of food. Her nerves had somewhat calmed, but she couldn't help but wonder when this nightmare would end. "Demons Don't exist. Angels don't exist. Nothing like that exists. It can't." she muttered, beginning to rewrap her wrist.

Cause if they did, why haven't I seen my sister..

She paused as the thought crossed her mind, and she leaned weakly against the counter. She was tired of this, all of it. Wishing, and waiting, being confused and lost. "You wanna prove it?" she turned to face him, a new sense of urgency in her eyes. "Tell me why I summoned you. If I did, then you should at least know why, right?"



Alana's eyes gazed over the mark as he spoke, her mind focusing solely on the word "Summoner". "Summoner? Wait," she scoffed, "I didn't summon anything. And I hardly believe you're a-" she went quiet as she turned to face him. He was mid bite in a wrapped sandwich and an immediate smile parted her lips. "What are you doing? That keeps the food good." she scolded, marching over and snatching the food away from him. She glared at him before unwrapping the wrap surrounding the sandwich. "Besides," she took a bite, smirking at him as she chewed, "I didnt think Demons ate." She patronized. She glanced at the food, realizing she was too confused to eat, and tossed it into the trash.

She had forgotten her troubles, and suddenly remembering, she backed away. "Now can you please go."



Her fearful grip was no match for him, and the candlestick was ripped from her hands and tossed aside. She barely heard his words as she stared into his pit-like eyes. He was sharp and detailed, and she found his close proximity worrying. With her hands now free, she unconsciously gripped her wrist marked with the sigil. It wriggled beneath her bandage, and she applied pressure in annoyance.

"Help me?" she replied, "With what? I don't need your help. You've done nothing but 'help' me all morning." Her large eyes fluttered down to the comb in his hand, and suddenly she reached out to snatch it. "Thank you for the comb. Now see yourself out before I toss it again." She turned on her heels and finding a sudden confidence in the frustration she felt, she waltzed into the kitchen.

In case, she rested against the counter beside her cutlery drawer. She set the comb aside and ripped the bandage from her wrist. The mark radiated a heat, and she studied it's ebony depths. "I'm too hung over for this." she muttered, "What are you..?" she whispered to the mark, grazing her fingers lightly over it.



Her mind began to settle, and she massaged an invisible pain on her temples. Her headache dimmed and slowly she felt more and more tired. For the first time that day she found comfort in the silence of her apartment.

"I believe you dropped something."

Her heart dropped. The pressure immediately returned to her head, and she froze. She hesitated, listening to the silence that followed the voice. Maybe she was imagining it..No,she thought, I'm not imagining anything.

She stood from the couch slowly, keeping her back to the direction his voice came from. Her wrist grew hot, and the sensation wriggled stronger as she turned to face him. There he was, sitting proudly in her chair a foot or two behind the couch. He twirled her comb in his fingers and she hesitantly met his charcoal gaze. She stared for a moment, her headache slightly dimming at his gaze. This mark, this's like it wants me to be near him. she thought, her eyes darting to a nearby candlestick, But I don't want to be. Without a word she darted for the candle, tossing it aside and lifting the stick defensively. She pressed her back to the wall and aimed at him.

"I thought I s-said to leave me alone." she stuttered. "How did you get in here? Don't come near me."



Never before had her apartment felt so eery. Alana's mind swirled with questions, and to top it off, her classmate continued to text asking where she was.

"Just hungover. Needed a day off."

She sent the text and sighed, how could she tell the truth? Hell, she didnt even know the truth. Her eyes slid from her phone to her wrist. The mark continued to swirl, and she quickly hit a breaking point. Tossing her phone aside, she made her way into the kitchen and towards the first aid kit. Within minutes she had a bandage wrapped around the mark, hiding it from her eyes. However, the tingling it released seemed to grow stronger, and she slowly leaned against the fridge.

She was tired and confused. Her mocha gaze fluttered shut and her mind began to wander. She remembered her friends and family, and slowly began to recall early memories. Suddenly, his face popped into her mind, and she grunted in frustration. It was odd, that even now that she was further from him the uncomfortable anxiety settling in her chest seemed stronger.

With this in mind, she made her way for the couch, collapsing onto it and allowing her mind to drift once more.



She stumbled back a step as he released her and she immediately gripped her wrist. He left a mark, had to be a stamp or ink of some sort. She'd almost believe that too, if it weren't for the trickling shift of the ebony mark as it seemed to move beneath her skin.

He turned to leave, and she stood dumbfounded and shocked. Suddenly, he whipped back around and once again fear swelled within her mind. He wanted to introduce himself, and despite the softening in his gaze which lasted only a moment, she backed away a step once more.

"I am Malphas. The Great Prince of Hell, President of 40 demon legions, second to only Lucifer Himself."

He peered down his nose at her, his stance oozing dominance. This wasn't logical, and it made her mind spin. He must be insane..or perhaps she was. As he spoke,  she listened, and slipped a small comb from her bag. She knew it was weak, but perhaps it would distract. As he finished speaking, she hesitated, but finally tightened her grip on it.

 "Don't touch me again!" she spat, her voice weaker than she had hoped it would be as she chunked the comb at him and took off. The comb smacked his chest fairly, but did no damage as she had assumed. She turned on her heels, running from the man with as much speed as she could conjure.

Her breathing quickened and her legs seared with exhaustion, but she pressed forward, continuing to run until she was once again in her apartment with the door shut and locked. She threw her bag down and collapsed onto the couch, her head falling into her hands. Was she being stalked? She swore the man had a familiar, piercing gaze. He knew her name, and that only worsened it. Despite this, he was easy to look at, but his twisted demeanor left her terrified to say the least.



His voice purred at her, coaxing her to understand just what she had gotten herself into.

"You are the one who summoned me."

She froze. What the hell did this mean? She stared at him cautiously, and suddenly she saw a glimmer in his eye that reminded her of a shooting star and her heart dropped. She had summoned him the night she wished. But summoned what? What did she do?

His icy fingers curled around her wrist, but she still remained quiet, staring at him in disbelief. His dark eyes bore into her as each second left a tingling sensation deeper and deeper on her wrist. As if suddenly realizing the trance she seemed to be in, she tore her eyes from his and stared down at the grip he had on her arm. Anger and fear drowned out her thoughts until without thinking, she struck out, her hand slapping against his jawline with a loud noise following. However, her strike was to no avail, and she knew by the lack of reaction she got. Her eyes darted to the figure hiding in the shadows, watching. The one this man had just addressed. Would they not help her?

 She hadn't caused him any pain in her attempt to hit him, and with a quick feeling of helplessness, she yanked her wrist away in an attempt to free herself.



The hissing voice cooed to her, and despite it's attempts she didn't hear it. Fear shook her body and only her eyes could gain the courage to move. The pressure returned, this time to her cheeks, and her breathing halted immediately. Slowly, the icy chill running through her skin grew warmer, and pale skin took the emptiness before her. She watched in utter shock and terror as a familiar figure formed before her, his fingers digging into her cheeks and his ebony eyes piercing through her with a predatory stare.

He greeted her cooly, and she found his voice both deep and intimidating. He radiated with power, but despite this, somehow, she felt an utter interest in him. Suddenly, reality hit her. No matter what was happening, it wasn't safe. Without thinking, she smacked his hands away and stepped back again. "What the hell just happened? Who are you?" Her hands clenched into fists, and swiftly she met his bold gaze. She suddenly regretted smacking him away. He wasn't..human. His gaze screamed with inhuman darkness, and she swallowed her breath.

"Please," she began again. "Leave me alone."



The heat baked down, and with a sudden feel of uneasiness, Alana paused. Hangover she thought. Slowly, she continued forward.

"Alana Lexington."

The gentle breeze seemed to hiss her name, and a sharp chill ran through her skin. She became aware suddenly of how empty the streets in this area were. Despite the sun shining, she felt fear of being alone. A sudden pressure on her chest stopped her in her tracks.

She wasn't alone.

The pressure grew so great she hardly noticed when the sunglasses were ripped from her face. It felt as if the breeze itself restrained her, until a deep and twisted voice spoke.

"Alana Lexington... Why have you called me to this wretched planet? I have a burning kingdom to run..."

A cold trail crossed the nape of her neck, and she felt her body freeze. Was she hallucinating? No, she must be dreaming. Perhaps heavily from the alcohol. But the sun felt so warm and the fear felt so deep. This was definitely real.

"What.." was all she managed to whisper against her fear stricken tongue. Was this some affect of the wine? With a single second of thought, she stepped back and away from whatever was affecting her. The pressure disappeared, and she continued back a few steps before pausing to stare in shock at the spot she stood moments before. Nothing was there.

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