Author Topic: ~=Lake Silverpeak=~ \Canine roleplay/ (Closed)  (Read 25475 times)

Offline LasVagas

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~=Lake Silverpeak=~ \Canine roleplay/ (Closed)
« on: January 04, 2013, 09:49:12 pm »

The world has finally met its match with keeping its people safe. All the humans have been whiped out by deadly Diseases injected into the air by unknows sources. The animals have not been harmed from the strange circumstance and live on in their billions in un-touched lands too beautiful to belive at first glance. Pack's of dogs have formed around the land of Silverpeak from being stray's to beloved pets. The pack's of Lake Silverpeak thrive in their hundreds, battling for land and killing for hunting spots. No two pack have known to got along until two lovers from different packs finally formed together a pack  and has stayed strong for many, many years. A new generation has been born and so has a new pack. Will the two find peace, just like they're ancestors, or continue to fight in gory battles yet to come?...

I welcome you...

To Lake Silverpeak!
« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, 12:45:25 pm by *~?RainbowPass?~* »


Offline LasVagas

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Re: ~=Lake Silverpeak=~ Canine roleplay (Under construction. No posting.)
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2013, 10:24:56 pm »
The land

(Thank you to whoever provided this map)

This is the whole land of Silverpeak.

Pine way- This is a sacred place where the Silverpeak water starts it flow, and starts its journey to the lake. Many pathes surround the area where likely mates walk in the moonlight. This is a pretty romantic spot.

Snow grove- A snowy place where larger, snow creatures can be found. This is once belived to be inhabit humans in the dark ages of stone age. If you are looking for a large pack, this is the place to walk.

Dream Temple- Worshiped by many, this place has a large temple where humans used to pray for the gods to shower them in their wishes. Many forrein fish live here and is a great spot to catch a unusual bite.

Forest of Truth- Once was home to a early generation of canines. They were a noble pack and made the place a sanctuary. If you are thinking or working something out, the travel here is always worth the journey.

Hilled path- Nothing has happend here. It is known for its hilled surroundings and for fresh water.

Dry canyon- This place is humid and hot. This place is not advised to wander through. Many dog has gone through and never came back out.

Moss Valley- Once a village hundreds of years ago. A stone church still stands. A wonderful place also to visit the beach.

Silver peak lake- The heart of the island. Many dogs drink here and swim. Beautiful white sands are also a spot to relax.

Rune brook- A warm place. This is a barable heat and is great to catch a rare, Ancient fish.

Amathyst stones- The stones here are filled with amathyst. Dogs come here to admire its beautiful look, but many loners live here, and so it is not advised to come here alone.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 05:38:32 pm by *~?RainbowPass?~* »


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Re: ~=Lake Silverpeak=~ Canine roleplay (Under construction. No posting.)
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2013, 10:31:24 pm »

Keep it realistic. No random sparkle-dog please.

All pictures must be of real dogs. No cartoon animals.

Cussing is not allowed.

Keep the mating scenes down to a minimum.

Birthing scenes are allowed, but don't go into extreme detail.

No power-playing, or having perfect characters. That is extremely annoying, and I will warn you if I think your character is 'too perfect'.

For the moment, only two characters.

Don't overload us with females. I would like a balanced arangment.

If you read all the rules, put Rainbow in the 'Extra' part.

This is a 99% literate roleplay! That means you can make the honest mistake of misspelling something.

You may kill your own characters, but don't start acting out these dramatic deaths or injuries just to get attention.

Drama is welcome, but no sudden fighting or trying to get attention.

Don't make characters like wolves or cougars. You may NPC roleplay them ONLY. This is a domesticated dog roleplay.

New rule: After three people have posted after you, you may postt again. Do not post untill those three people have posted. Thank you.

New rules: I have decided for there now to be a roleplay post in the character creation. I am not looking for the leangth of a post, but for how well you describe it. The roleplay post does NOT have to be about the character you are roleplaying, but i must ask for you to follow the rules on it.

Taking the role of Beta or Delta is very serious. You must follow the alpha's rules at all times.

Characters from the previous roleplay is allowed.

Please, there must be a balance of Males and Females. If there are two/three females already, join as a male and so on.

Lastly, i want a balance of the ranks. Warriors and hunters was very low during the coarse of the previous roleplay.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2013, 11:26:30 am by *~?RainbowPass?~* »


Offline LasVagas

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Re: ~=Lake Silverpeak=~ Canine roleplay (Under construction. No posting.)
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2013, 10:31:56 pm »
Character Creation

(Delta(s) are currently avalible. Loners are accepted but i do not want too many of them.)
(Avalible ranks: Sentinel: These patrol the surrounding area. The leader of this rank will able to roam the lands in search of danger without permission. Elders, Hunters, Warriors, Healers, Mothers, Pup, Apprentices and messangers. Check here to see the ranks you may take.)

(All brackets are to be deleated.)

Code: [Select]
(Link for the picture goes here)
Past experiences:
Role-play post:
Owner of the photo: (Please give the link of the picture where you found it.)
« Last Edit: March 03, 2013, 11:27:36 am by *~?RainbowPass?~* »


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Re: ~=Lake Silverpeak=~ Canine roleplay (Under construction. No posting.)
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2013, 10:32:05 pm »
*Owned by Rainbowpass*
Name: Eclipse
Gender: Female
Age: Four years.
Breed: A pure bred Bluetick Coonhound.

Personality: Defensive: Eclipse is the kind of dog who likes her privacy and she's likely to snap at any dog that doesn't understand the term 'personal space'. If people begin to question her, even if they are just general harmless questions, she feels like she's under a lot of pressure and she feels like she's being interrogated so she'll instantly go on the defensive side. She doesn't like to reveal too much about herself to anyone, even if she would consider this canine her companion. Being quite a defensive dog has made Eclipse somewhat aggressive. She doesn't try to be aggressive, its just if someone doesn't back off she can snap.

Anxious: Being quite self-conscious, Eclipse has developed quite a timid personality when she's around people she doesn't really know. It takes her a while to warm up to people and feel comfortable in the presence of other canines. Around dogs she would consider friends, Eclipse is quite outgoing but she still feels a tad nervous when she first meets up with them. Trust is an important part in this girl's life. If she doesn't feel she can trust you then she just won't talk to you about personal matters.

Loyal: If she manages to feel totally comfortable around another canine, Eclipse's loyalty to this dog would be overwhelming. Eclipse is the kind of person who would do anything for the people she cared about, she would literally take a bullet for them if she was ever in that kind of situation. In a relationship she expects the same sort of loyalty back and if she feels you don't care for her as much as she cares for you, she'll tell you where to go even if it's going to hurt her more than it hurts you.

Past experiences:Eclipse's father was a trained hunter back in his day. His owner just called him 'Champ'.  He was adopted from a kennel as a young dog along with another Coonhound, a female. His master used him for his own personal hunting and would make sure the dog's life was never put in to too much danger.

When buying the dogs, the master believed that they were siblings because they were placed in the same cage in the kennel and they looked the same age. However after a few years, the female became pregnant. Her name was Penn. Thrilled with the thought of puppies, the man decided he would keep each one. He lived on a farm so believed he had the space and resources to care for a family of large canines.

Penn gave birth to three healthy puppies, two males and a female, the girl being the youngest. Eclipse was incredibly close to her brothers and its there that she developed a 'boyish' behavior. The large family of dogs lived with the man for a year or so before he became ill. He was an elderly man but when it became clear that the man was dead after failing to return home after being taken away in an ambulance, it delivered a powerful blow to each of the canines. Before anyone came to pick up the dogs, they decided they would go their own way. Eclipse's parents stayed together and she went off with her brothers.

Eclipse remained with her brothers for about two years until tragedy struck. The three dogs were scaling the mountains and because they were of a sturdy breed, neither of them expected what was about to happen. They traveled in a line with the youngest brother at the head of the pack and the eldest in front of Eclipse. Being at the back of the troop, she called out to her brothers as she began to fall behind. Her single bark startled her oldest brother and he stumbled. He lost his footing and fell. To this day Eclipse blames herself for the death of her brother and after the incident she decided to leave, not wanting to risk the life of her other sibling. She has traveled alone for a long while before she stumbled across a pack in Silverpeak. She stayed there for over a year and her loyalty made her the leader for generations to come.
Rank: Alpha female.
Extra: Rainbow!
Owner of the photo: Zach boumeester from Flickr.

*Owned by Huskystar*

Name: Dark
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years
Breed: Siberian Husky.

 ~Defensive Side...~ Dark is very defensive over himself, snapping at any one, when he is angry or in a mood. He is easily angered, and mostly always walking away from the group. He can be a bit friendly at times, but its not likely. He doesn't try to hide his aggressiveness, as he thinks its just his personality.

~ Anxious Side...~ Dark is rarely anxious, nothing can spook him out most of the time. He is very alert, and cautious over people he does't know. He hardly, ever warms up to the people he doesn't know, and he can be quite mean to them. The only thing that really, makes him anxious is being in very large groups, and meetings with the Alpha.

~ Loyal Side...~ Dark is very loyal, easily taking his life for the pack. If he is around his trust worthy pack, he is loyal and caring. Dark can be a bit un-loyal, but its quite rare when he is in his pack.

~Trusting Side...~ When Dark is around people he doesn't know, he is very untrusting and can't keep a secret. But when he i around people he does now, he is trusting, and will always keep a secret, no matter who it is in his pack.

Past experiences:  Dark's father was a trained, and the best, Sled dog. They called him, 'Boss' and they picked him up from a nice home in Siberia. His mother how ever, was brought up in a horrible place, where she got took in by a dog rescue service. Soon after Boss's big race, they got Dark's mother, Lady, so that they could follow on the famous tradition.

A couple of months later, the owner found out that Lady was getting fatter, and found out that she was pregnant. Soon she gave birth to 4 healthy pups, 1 was a silky steel colour, and 2 were black, and then 1 was a reddish colour.. Dark..

2 were girls, and 2 were boys, they were all healthy, well fed, and all energetic. When Dark was 6 months old, there owners decided to move, along with the pups and the older dogs. On the way to there new home, Dark and the others were being moved with a van, and there owners were moving around in the car. And the owners crashed... Dark escaped with his brother, but his sisters and parents decided to go into the kennels.

After months of travelling, Dark reached the forest, where his brother was slaughtered by a cougar... He carried on, he used  to be playful friendly,and really nice, but since his brother, Billy died... His personality changed.. Soon he found Silverpeak, and since being skinny, unhealthy, and hardly not fed, he decided to join...

Rank: Beta Male
Extra: He loves staring at the rainbows. ;)
Owner of the photo:

*Owned by Kirigishi*
2 Years
Blue-heeler/Australian Cattle Dog Mix

Akane is quite a nice dog unless you get on her nerves. Her nerves aren't very "big" so it's not hard to do so. She doesn't talk much about herself and usually results in talking to others about themselves. If a topic about her comes up, she'll either walk away or change the subject quickly. Her past isn't something she likes to talk about. If you can get a word about her past out of her, you must be pretty close. The only other dog she might discuss this with is her friend, Akadios.
For her loyalty, it's great. She tries as best as possible to protect everyone in the pack as best as she can, though she'll never live up to Akadios or others.

Past experiences:
Akane's been all alone since she was 8 months until she found Akadios roaming around randomly, like herself. They journeyed on together until they found Lake Silverpeak. Before Akane was 8 months, she lived with her parents and three other siblings as stray dogs lingering around the city streets. The female gave up that stupid life and ran away from it all into the wilderness where she met Akadios at 9 months.
After finding Lake Silverpeak, the were loners around the pack for a long while, still determining what to do. They were good on their own for awhile, hunting and fighting their ways out of problems. But a pack was tempting. Somewhere they could rely on others and know they're safe.
Awhile later, they both made their move and submitted to the Alpha Female.

Delta Female.


Owner of the photo:
I found it on this site on Google. >.> Owner is possibly kathrynborel. Link
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 05:37:52 pm by *~?RainbowPass?~* »


Offline LasVagas

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Re: ~=Lake Silverpeak=~ Canine roleplay (Under construction. No posting.)
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2013, 10:32:15 pm »
*Owned by Kirigishi*
3 Years
German Shepard

Akadios will do anything to protect others. It won't matter to him if they just met, or are complete idiots within the pack, he'll fight for them. Though outside the fighting or guarding business, those kind of dogs can get on his nerves. Akadios, being as loyal as he is, doesn't have many "friends" really besides Akane who traveled with him when they met on the outskirts of the city. Like Akane, he doesn't like to talk about his history really, even if there wasn't many bad things at all in it.
But the only time when he's out there having a bunch of fun and rolling around laughing is if someone could do that to him, which would be amazing. Akane's the only one since he was a pup, but who knows who else can really do it as well. If somehow you get him to do it, he's out there. He'll run around talking to everyone, chatting rolling around in the mud and having fun.

Past experiences:
Akadios was bred to be a police dog with a man in the force. When he got out of training he went around the streets at night, trying to sniff out other street dogs. He was born in a kennel, and chosen by the police force to be trained because of his nonchalant attitude when he was younger. His master died a few months later in a shooting leaving Akadios alone. He refused to get a new master and ended up running away into the forest where he met Akane. His past is the same as Akane's from there.  

Rainbows in his eyes are black and white.
Owner of the photo:

*Owned by Lion/WolfQueen*
Name: Mumford
Gender: Male
Age: 5 Years old
Breed: Golden Retriever
Appearance: (Picture above)
Personality: Very wise and thoughtful, he believes fighting will not solve problems. He will always scoff at the "tough dogs." When in an argument, he will state his opinion strongly and will never change his mind. He could be cruel when he wants to, but could be nice at times. He is sure that every dog in the pack must revolve around what they were meant to be. He is very demanding also, and could be mean if he is disobeyed. Never should one get him angry, he could get violent.
Past experiences: He was born with a mother who was released from her human owners before she gave life to Mumford and his brothers. Living in the wild was hard, and getting food was the most difficult thing to get. A few months after Mumford and his brothers were weaned, their mother died of exhaustion. The brothers had to live together until Mumford was driven out of the group at 16 months, due of his attitude. Mumford then found Lake Silverpeak and has lived there for many years.
Rank: Sentinel
Owner of the photo:


*Owned by liontamer*
Name: Xhilta (X-hilt-a)

Gender: Female

Age: 2 years

Breed:  Husky


Personality: Xhilta is bold and stubborn. Xhilta doesn't fight much, as it wates her time and energy, but she will defend herself if necessary. When she is around a large group of dogs, she will act submissive, but when one-on-one with another dog, she will act aggressively.

Past experiences: Xhilta was born sometime during the winter, and she grew up a happily with her siblings. When she was old enough, she fled from her mother's den and after a few months of scavenging off of the packs leftovers, she was accepted and earned her rank.

Rank: Hunter

Extra: Rainbow. ^^

Owner of the photo:



*Owned by Huskys4ever!*
Name: Bo.
Gender: Male.
Age: 2 years.
Breed: Shar Pei.
Personality: Bo is a very sensitive male, and it really hurts him when dogs judge him from his looks. A soppy  lazy uncaring dog. But really he is friendly, active, and sensitive. He can snap back at people, if somebody really mega hurts him. He is very trusting, and caring, making him very good at his job. He would help any dog in need, even from a different pack. But his loyalty stays to Lake Silverpeak Pack. As it should.

Past experiences:
Bo was born and raised, in a small cottage,in the north east. His mother, Daisy, was a purebred Shar Pei, along with his Champion Agility dog dad, Marko. At 6 months old, Bo was desperate to take after his dad, Marko, so he started to train, along his dad. Soon, Bo was a champion like his dad. Then... Humans died. Bo decided to stay with his parents for awhile, but soon they both died, of starvation. Bo was the one most fed, because his parents didn't want him to die.

Later on in his life, at 10 months old, he stumbled into the forest, hunting small animals, or eating berries. It helped him for awhile, but not for long. Soon he heard a call for pack members, without any second thought he raced towards the sound..

Eclipse let Bo join, but at the first time he joined, lots of pack members laughed at him. But a couple of months later, he earned the job of a healer, as he knew his herbs, and healed a few dogs. Some dogs stopped teasing him, but a few still do.(If you want to tease Bo, its fine with me. xD)

Rank: Healer.
Extra: Vomits rainbow out of mouth. "RAINBOW!"
Owner of the photo: Found it on Google... But here is there link.


*Owned by Puppy 12*
Name: Lola
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Breed: Border Collie

Personality: Lola is a easy dog, not wanting to get into  a fight, or a argument. She hates to be teased, and messed around with, like her daughter Zoey. She loves to take easy strolls around the forest, but also loves her play fights with her daughter, and the other pups. She loves to mess about in the water, mud and other stuff like that!
Past experiences:  
Lola was born in a place called 'Dogs Trust.' Its a place where they help stray or bad cared for dogs. Her mother was called J-lo and her father was called Lexi. (Real dogs at there :D) She had to live in her mothers cage, but Lexi wasn't aloud as he was to boisterous to be near the pups. When she was adoptable, she got foster homed, as nobody wanted her, because of her color. But soon the foster carer adopted her... Then on a walk to the park, her owner met her future husband... And Lola's future mate! They always played together, and once... they YOU KNOW :-X . Soon she had pups, only one though... Then they traveled around the forest, knowing Kalo didn't want to come...
Rank: Mother.
Extra: She likes to mess around in the RAIN, and she used to have a BOW in her ear, but she got rid of it. (Hopefully you got the idea..)
Owner of the photo: DA. Museik.

*Owned by Puppy 12*

Name: Zoey
Gender: "In fact! I am a girl!"
Age: "7 Weeks old! Young!"
Breed: "A Pure Bred Border Collie!"
Personality:  She can be very trusting, but it depends on who you are, if you are her family, as in pack wise, she will trust you with all her heart. If you are a loner, like Eclipse, it will take a while for her to warm up to you. Zoey loves to play fight with her friends, and mother. She hates to be messed around with, and teased...
Past experiences: Zoey was born with her mother, Lola, and never ever did she once stay away from her. She was born in the Silverpeak pack. Her mother, looked after her... But her dad, Kalo, always used to herd sheep, but one day, Kalo decided he wanted to stay in the farm, even though his owner was gone. Lola was devastated, but Zoey was only 1 day old at that time. They tracked the forest, hunting things down... But one day, Lola scented a dog scent, lots of dog scents. Lola headed to the scent, and Zoey was 1 week old by then. When they reached there, Eclipse cautiously, let them in the pack...
Rank: Pup
Extra: Zoeys favourite thing to look at is Rainbows!
Owner of the photo: Deviant Art.. NeraNeraya.

*Owned by Auriakuri*
Name: "My name is Merldae."
Gender: "I'm a girl silly!"
Age: "I'm 9 weeks old."
Breed: German Shepherd.

Personality: Merldae's personality varies depending on the situation, different situations trigger different personality traits. One moment she will be shy and quiet the next she is talkative and rambunctious, it all just depends on what is going on. But for the most part she is very playful and will get along with almost anybody, she is very open when it comes to strangers but it sometimes gets her in trouble by the elder pack members.
Past experiences: She and her mother lived alone and never stayed in one place and often moved about the regions. When she was 5 weeks old she and her mother found the Silverpeak pack and was accepted as members. After a week or so her mother went out on a hunting trip with the other's and never returned, she was the only one not to return, the other's who went with her won't tell Merldae what happened but she hopes to find out.
Rank: Pup
Extra: She has a interest in Rainbows.
Owner of the photo: Pawkeye on DA

*Owned by Roffu*
Name: Gem
Gender: Female
Age: 5 weeks
Breed: Teacup Yorkie
Appearance: Like a Yorkie should xD

Personality: Gem is a bouncy, fun and hyper young lass. She loves to sneak up on older dogs for hilarious fun.
Past experiences: None, but her past parents hated her and abused her. ( :'()
Rank: Pup
Extra: Rainbow
Owner of the photo:

*Owned by ToxicBloodBath*
Name ; Braedon
Gender ; Male
Age ; Eight weeks old
Breed ; Bull terrier
Appearance ;
Personality ; Braedon is a wild pup with no sense of discipline. He lives a completely carefree life, and loves to spend his days playing with other pups, or annoying adults. He's a very sweet pup, and takes kindly to anyone. He does tend to wander though, it would be wise to keep an eye on this pup.
Past experiences ; Braedon doesn't have much of a past, he's only a pup.
Rank ; Pup
Extra ; Rainbows!:D
Owner of the photo:

*Owned by IlLupoItaliano*
Name: Otto
Gender: Male
Age: 9 Months Old
Breed: Belgian Malinois

Personality: Energetic & Curious: This young male could chase his tail for hours, not giving a hoot about what's going on around him. His stamina is similar to that of a shaken soda can ready to explode. Otto is one to often seek more about something, hitting him with a 'curious' persona. Learning new things is a must for him especially when it has to is with his training or anything about the island's nature.

Adventurous & Brave: Even if its a short hike in the woods or a stroll on the shores, count this dog in! He loves to experience life and see what's out there. The surroundings of nature put him in a peaceful mood, but mainly in the moments of solitude. Then their are the moments where tremendous bravery is needed in order to get something done. Otto will often to volunteer for these things, as he always viewed heroic actions as doing something 'good', even if he is too young for the task at hand.

Loyal & Honest: Remaining loyal to his pack is something Otto promises to do. He looks up to his alpha, who he sees to be one of the most loyal dogs he knows. Otto always lives up to his promises, and if he doesn't, he feels as if he is swimming in a pond of regret. With his honest attitude, it makes it easier for one to trust him, even with the littlest things.

Past Experiences: Otto's history is mysterious in it's own twisted way. He was born to a loner mother deep within the forest of truth, being the only pup of the litter. His father however, was the beta of Silverpeak's rival pack at the time, who loved his mother dearly but could not tell others of his mate or he would have his loyalty questioned. When his mother had finally given birth to him, his father visited his mother every evening supplying her with food and herbs to stay strong. This lasted for almost a month, but one night Otto's mother had come down with a sickness that she had picked up from the hare she had eaten. She died a painless death, while Otto's father grieved for days. He could not bring his pup into the pack because it would risk his loyalty, nor could he bare to take his pup's life. Later in the week he brought Otto to the outskirts of the Hilled Path, hopping that the Silverpeak pack would take Otto in and provide a better life for him. With that, he left Otto at the border, turned his back, and never looked back even though it killed him to do so.

The following day he was discovered by a patrol and brought into the camp to be nursed back to good health, while many of the dogs gave him the label 'Lost Pup'. It wasn't until 2 weeks of living in the pack when he was finally given the name Otto by the female who watched over him. His father on the other hand had heard of the new arrival pup to his rival pack and could only smile to himself. His pup was safe and that was all that mattered, but he prayed that he wouldn't have to face him in battle.

Months passed and eventually Otto grew strong. It was time for him to become an apprentice and take his place in the pack, even though he has no knowledge of where his true bloodlines are. He was told growing up that he was found in the forest and brought into the pack, which is true, but it is unknown if any other dog discovered his true past.
Rank: Apprentice
Extra: Taste the Rainbow
Owner of the photo: Mordecai83 on deviantART

*Owned by RainaTheTiger*
Name: Ace
Age:2 years

Personality: Ace is naturally independant, and enjoys being alone with nature. He has also been quite protective ever since his sister, Moon, got attacked by a cougar. Although she survived, Ace was determinded to protect her. He is also shy sometimes, because of his past. If you gain his trust, he can become friendly, open-minded, creative, and talkative - sometimes he even makes things up just to be saying something. He can lie prewtty well, but prefers not to. He's also quite patient, but everyone has their limits.

Past experiences: When Ace was younge, he used to live in a loner pack in Amethyst stones. The other dogs were always ganging up on him in small groups and bullying him, because he was small and weak. He grew older, and stronger, and learned to cope with it. It still bugged him a bit, so he started growing farther and farther away from his pack, his bond with the group growing smaller each day. Eventually the bond broke, and he left Amethyst stones. He spent a few months alone, mostly wandering around Moss Valley. When he was one and a half years old, he stumbled apon Silverpeak lake, and reluctantly joined pack.

Extra:Rainbow! :3
Owner of the photo:
« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 12:58:11 pm by *~?RainbowPass?~* »


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Re: ~=Lake Silverpeak=~ Canine roleplay (Under construction. No posting.)
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2013, 03:06:10 pm »
Application's are now Accepting!



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Re: ~=Lake Silverpeak=~ \Canine roleplay/ ~*Open! Postaway!*~
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2013, 07:22:31 pm »
I might join.

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Re: ~=Lake Silverpeak=~ \Canine roleplay/ ~*Open! Postaway!*~
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2013, 02:33:48 am »
Name: Dark
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years
Breed: Siberian Husky.

 ~Defensive Side...~ Dark is very defensive over himself, snapping at any one, when he is angry or in a mood. He is easily angered, and mostly always walking away from the group. He can be a bit friendly at times, but its not likely. He doesn't try to hide his aggressiveness, as he thinks its just his personality.

~ Anxious Side...~ Dark is rarely anxious, nothing can spook him out most of the time. He is very alert, and cautious over people he does't know. He hardly, ever warms up to the people he doesn't know, and he can be quite mean to them. The only thing that really, makes him anxious is being in very large groups, and meetings with the Alpha.

~ Loyal Side...~ Dark is very loyal, easily taking his life for the pack. If he is around his trust worthy pack, he is loyal and caring. Dark can be a bit un-loyal, but its quite rare when he is in his pack.

~Trusting Side...~ When Dark is around people he doesn't know, he is very untrusting and can't keep a secret. But when he i around people he does now, he is trusting, and will always keep a secret, no matter who it is in his pack.

Past experiences:  Dark's father was a trained, and the best, Sled dog. They called him, 'Boss' and they picked him up from a nice home in Siberia. His mother how ever, was brought up in a horrible place, where she got took in by a dog rescue service. Soon after Boss's big race, they got Dark's mother, Lady, so that they could follow on the famous tradition.

A couple of months later, the owner found out that Lady was getting fatter, and found out that she was pregnant. Soon she gave birth to 4 healthy pups, 1 was a silky steel colour, and 2 were black, and then 1 was a reddish colour.. Dark..

2 were girls, and 2 were boys, they were all healthy, well fed, and all energetic. When Dark was 6 months old, there owners decided to move, along with the pups and the older dogs. On the way to there new home, Dark and the others were being moved with a van, and there owners were moving around in the car. And the owners crashed... Dark escaped with his brother, but his sisters and parents decided to go into the kennels.

After months of travelling, Dark reached the forest, where his brother was slaughtered by a cougar... He carried on, he used  to be playful friendly,and really nice, but since his brother, Billy died... His personality changed.. Soon he found Silverpeak, and since being skinny, unhealthy, and hardly not fed, he decided to join...

Rank: Beta Male, if  I may.
Extra: He loves staring at the rainbows. ;)
Owner of the photo:

{{Ps.  I may be new, but I'm a good rper!}}
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 02:23:27 pm by HuskyStar »

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

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Re: ~=Lake Silverpeak=~ \Canine roleplay/ ~*Open! Postaway!*~
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2013, 02:04:25 pm »
(@Crystal. Thanks for your intrest in joining! You may reserve a higher rank if you please.)

(@Huskystar. Very nice application and i love that dog you have chosen ^^. But may you please look at the rules again? You have missed something in the 'Extra' part. Thank you C=)
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 02:12:55 pm by *~?RainbowPass?~* »
