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Messages - Trixxy

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(Hey I might be inactive for a while sorry~ I'll let you know when I'll be active again.)


Sarah Elizabeth Bennett

Sarah raised her gaze to an older boy. "Oh. I'm not allowed to play over there." she says, looking past him as the kids played and talked. She could feel Monday tense up, but didn't look down at him and only stroked his head a little more. "I mean-" she starts to correct herself. "I don't go to school. I don't think the teachers would let me play with the other kids and Mother would get mad if she saw me over there." Sarah states, looking back at the boy. He seemed to be maybe half a foot taller then her and had a confident posture, she wondered why a boy like him would come over and talk to her anyway. Shrugging off the question, she awaits what he has to say.


Sarah hops off of Monday and shifts into her human form. The two of them were near the school where kids were outside for recess. Sarah longed to be with them, a sad looking coming to her eyes. Monday sat next to her, his tail wagging as he watched the children run around and play. Hugging her shawl closer to her body for warmth, she sits on a bench not far from the school grounds. Monday hops onto the old wooden seat and lays his large head in her lap. "I know Monday, I wish we could go there too..." she whispers, stroking his pale fur.

(Sorry for the short post. Writers block ;-;)


Sarah grabs her shawl and walks around the quiet household, looking for any signs of anyone being home at the moment. Everyone was gone, even the boys. Smiling to herself, she rushes up the stairs to the attic bedroom and opens the door. "Come on Monday!" she coos, her large mutt runs out from under the desk and licks her face. "Hurry, we don't have much time." she says, patting the dogs head and walking down the stairs, Monday in tow. When the two left the house they walked along the dirt path, making their way to the Market Place. Sarah often liked going there to talk to the kids who would come with their families and everyone there seemed to adore Monday. It was a bright and cheerful day, the perfect time for Mother and Father to be gone. It wasn't often Sarah could sneak out during the day and when she did she would treasure it and write it in her Diary. Of course if she ever got caught she would be punished and probably never be able to convince Mother to let her go to school this year.

Monday seemed alert when they reached the market place, his brown eyes seemed to watch every person as they passed by. "Monday, calm down. We're fine," Sarah whispers, scratching behind his ears. With a huff Monday follows her to one of the stands. "Ah! Sarah Elizabeth, fancy seeing you here young lady." A tall man with a cheery face said. "Hello Monsieur Murphy. I've just decided to go on a stroll today." she says, smiling at him. "Oh Sarah, darling, you don't want your parents to catch you out here. There are a lot of bad people here in the Market." he says, handing her a beautiful silver hair brush. "Monsieur! Thank you so much!" she says, hugging the brush to herself. "How did you know I've wanted one?" Monsieur Murphy smiles at her and pokes her nose with his finger. "I've seen you looking at some just last week and thought I'd get one just for you." Sarah smiles and holds the brush close. "I best be going. Thank you Monsieur Murphy!" she says, waving good bye as she walks off. "Good bye Sarah Elizabeth! Good bye Monday!" he calls.

"Oh Monday can you believe it! My own silver hair brush!" she giggles, walking down the dirt path that lead home. She could see the carriage wasn't there yet so no one would be home for a while. Opening the door she lets Monday in first. "I'll go hide this in my room then we can go play." she whispers, kissing Monday's head and running up the steps. Looking around her room she kneels next to her bed and reaches under, pulling out an old box. Inside was everything she thought Mother would want to take. Placing the hair brush at the top, she slides it under. Monday barked from the bottom of the steps. "Coming!" Sarah calls, shifting into her squirrel form. By now, Monday could tell her apart from Human and Squirrel. Scurrying down the steps, she climbs onto Monday's back and he sneaks out the back through a hole in the fence.


Sarah Elizabeth Bennett



Species(Human, Elf, Shifter, etc.)

Class(Assassin, Warrior, Peasant, etc.)

Sarah is a very obedient child but at night she often wakes up and sneaks out of the house to get a good look at the world. She is a hard working child who normally keeps quiet and rarely ever speaks her opinion or objects. Sarah is shy and well-taught and she loves reading.

Sarah was born to a family of eight. Her mother, father, two older sisters, an older brother and two younger brothers. Her life was hard being the youngest girl and having to care for her two younger brothers. Her eldest brother, Marcus, lives in the cottage across from theirs with a loving wife and a newborn baby girl. Her eldest sister, Charlotte, just turned 20 and moved in with her new husband. Her other eldest sister, Beatrice, is 17 and still living with them. Her youngest brother, William, at the age of 5 shares the only other room besides Charlotte's and Mothers and Fathers with her 2 year old younger brother, Richard. As for Sarah, she has a small room in the attic. She found out she was a shifter and adopted when she was 7 but never mentioned it to mother or father. Instead she acted like their daughter, as which the one they hated. Sarah never got to attend school and that would upset her greatly as she loved learning. But when she knew her brothers were down for their nap and Charlotte and Mother has went to run errands and father was at work, she would shift and watch the children play on the playground then head inside to read or write. Sarah is treated a lot differently. More like a slave or maid as she must clean every inch of the house, care for her younger siblings and prepare all the meals. Her mother says that by the age of 12 Sarah will be running the everyday errands also. She also tends to the back yard garden and chicken coop. Her life is hard but she accepts it.

Weapons(You may only have two)

Pet/Mount(You may only have one Pet and one Mount)


Roleplay Sample
Little Sarah wakes up to hear Mother calling her name. Quickly, the young girl shoves the covers off of her and pulls off her night gown. She could feel Monday's soft nose poke her thigh as he never liked her leaving to go to chores. Putting a hand out, she strokes the mutt's ears. As she was buttoning up the front of her usual plaid dress, Mother came in looking angry. "Sarah Elizabeth! What has been taking you so long?" she asks, obviously angry. Monday had hid under Sarah's small wooden desk in fear of the plump lady. "So sorry Madame. I seemed to have slept late." she murmurs, sitting down on the creaky old bed to put on her black shoes. "Don't let it happen again Sarah Elizabeth, or else you'll be spending nest week working for Monsieur Price." she hisses. Sarah shivers at the thought of working at the Price Manor. They weren't Royals but they were wealthy and their sons would torment Sarah while their older sister would watch and treat her unkindly. "Yes Madame." she says, standing up and following Mother down the steps. When she reached the kitchen, she noticed Charlotte and her new husband, Harold. "Finally you made it down her. Get to cooking, me and Harold are feeling a bit peckish." Charlotte says, turning to gossip with her younger sister. "Of course, Mademoiselle." Sarah says, rushing into the kitchen and putting a pan on the stove. She takes the eggs she collected the night before and mixes them into the bowl. A nice steaming plate of scrambled eggs should feed everyone for the morning. When she finished she put them on Mother's nice dish set (as that what was supposed to be used when they had company) and carries the plates out to the family. "What is this?" Charlotte asks, standing up angrily and pointing at the plate of eggs. "Scrambled eggs Mademoiselle." Sarah replies calmly. "Of course! You prepare an unfit meal!" she yells, grabbing Sarah's arm and dragging her down a long dark hallway. Sarah struggles to pull away but of course, her attempts do not work. Charlotte opens a door and shoves her into a dark room. "This is where you belong Sarah Elizabeth." her voice was cold as she slams the door shut and locks it from the outside. Sarah sits in the corner, the sound of rats scurrying about the empty room. She had been here too many times, it was a room that lead to the cellar and trust me, the cellar would be a lot better then here.

Discussion Board / Re: If you could be a weapon, what would you be?
« on: January 19, 2014, 07:26:48 pm »
I would definitely be a bow with arrows! ^^ It's quiet and a beautiful weapon! totallylikeme

Human & Humanoid Roleplays /
« on: January 19, 2014, 07:23:14 pm »
(Sorry I've been slightly inactive~ I've been planning my niece's birthday party so could someone give me a summary of what's been going on?)

Art Gallery / Re: Hackers. Arties! {I take request!} {Currently: Open}
« on: January 18, 2014, 08:41:01 pm »
Oh my lord! Beautiful dear! I love it!! <3 Thanks so much ^^

Beautiful art! I must request~

Username: Trixxy
Name: Semira
Feline, canine, etc.: Canine
Reference sheet:

Writing: Depressed~ I'm slowly giving up.
Aggressive~ Even the nicest people have their limits

Background: No
Shading?: Yes please~
Pose: Depressed or aggressive (whichever works better for you!)

Praise / Re: Positive Thoughts for my Mother(She is pregnant).
« on: January 17, 2014, 10:01:39 pm »
Congratulations~ I hope everything goes well and I hope the baby stays healthy!

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