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Messages - ~Stargazer~

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 418
Game Discussion / Re: Funniest Incorrect Items
« on: September 24, 2014, 04:03:59 pm »
Jimmy's character, Gringo, wearing a chameleon on his head ouo

Game Discussion / Re: If you could change things in the game
« on: September 22, 2014, 03:48:41 pm »
I have multiple answers for each of these questions, so instead of choosing one, I'm going to post all of them.

What would you add?

1) More actions
 Maybe for felines, actions such as purring, licking a paw, hissing, arched back could be added. For the canine counterparts, maybe whimpering, growling, or barking. For both species, you could add an about-to-attack pose, or maybe more dances (like the ones in IT).
2) The Noise Depends on Character Size
Adding on to more actions, I've always thought that it would be cool if the game would register character size and match the size up with what sound it would make. Let's say that I have a feline who's on the smallest size possible, she would roar. FH logic. But if the game could register that the feline is under default size, and would only be capable of making a purring sound, or meow, wouldn't that be cool? Look at it like this:
Feline Sizes
Default - Maximum = Roar/Growling
Below Default - Minimum = Meow/Purr/Hiss
Canine Sizes
Default - Maximum = Howl/Snarl
Below Default - Minimum = Whimper/Yapping (Puppy bark)

What would you remove?
I can't exactly think of anything to remove. Possibly because this game has so much more that could be added, removing something (instead of modifying) is a bit negative to me, unless no one really found a use for it.

What would you modify?
So many things, ahgr D:
1 and 2 are mainly add-one to what Red posted.
1) Speed and Character Size Add Up
Say a large character is running along side a small character (no one's pressing the 'E' button). Currently in game, the smaller character almost always somehow surpasses the large one. So smaller characters are able to run ahead of larger characters, who by the rules of common logic, should be way faster. This could have something to do with large characters being slow because of lag, but I still think that smaller characters should be way slower.
2) More Organized General
(Can't decide what this goes under.)
General could be turned into that Advertising Chat that everyone wants. It would be easy to 'mute' and no one gets upset. Simple enough I suppose. It could become more specific even, you wouldn't necessarily need different chat colors. The single advertising chat could turn into "Canine RPs", "Feline RPs" and "Other RPs". I think it could work.
3) Make South Pole, Last Cave, and Atlantis More 'Appealing'
Self explanatory; those maps could be fairly interesting if someone could go back and edit them. Don't you think Atlantis would be pretty if it was created without the water? Such as before it 'disappeared underwater'? I think it would be interesting :3

Forum Discussion / Re: Where Did You Get Your Forum/Username?
« on: September 21, 2014, 05:17:53 pm »
Hello friends, allow me to introduce myself.
My name is unoriginal.

Get it guys? Get it? ;0; Okay...

But seriously, I chose my username because I thought it sounded pretty and looked nice. I believe it was going to be something along the lines of "Dreamer", but I changed it at the last second. No I'm almost certain that "~Stargazer~" is my username for just about everything.

Game Discussion / Re: Those timezones though..
« on: September 21, 2014, 01:57:06 pm »
I live in the EST zone, and I usually get on either in the afternoons or evenings.
When I wait for friends to hop on I normally draw, or check the forums. Sometimes I'll go to Bonfire and observe the nonsense there B3

Game Discussion / Re: Discussing Innapropriate Topics in Public Maps
« on: September 20, 2014, 07:31:34 pm »
I dislike seeing this happen in game. And even when you warn the user of the consequences, they just shout "I DO WHAT I WANT, JERK" it's rude and they're just ticking off everyone in the map. But, I suppose that's just the purpose of trolls, eh?

Site/Forum Help / Re: Changing Forum Names
« on: September 19, 2014, 08:09:48 pm »
I got stuck on this once, what you do is go to your profile and click on "account related settings" and I'm pretty sure that's where you change your name :3

Edit: This is the second time I've been ninja'd by someone ;-;

Game Help / Re: Item pack help
« on: September 19, 2014, 06:22:14 pm »
If I understand tour problem correctly, it's just the item.cfj; if you have a pack that differs from other users the items might not show up. So there's not really any fixing it. You would have to download the packs that they have. Sorry, if I misunderstood your question.

Edit: D'oh, I was ninja'd, lol

Other Games / Re: Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
« on: September 19, 2014, 06:15:03 pm »
ahajslqn Do you even know how important this game is to me? ;-; I grew up watching my brothers play it when I was about 7. Blood and gore didn't exactly bother me. After about a year or two they stopped playing it and moved onto Skyrim. I never saw it ever again. But over summer break I found the game disk. I decided that I wanted to try the game out myself, and that night I stayed up all night playing it. I as so fascinated by the story line. It was also amazing to see everything I could remember. I vividly remember the beginning of the game (starting out in a prison, seeing the emporer, etc.), the oblivion gates, and the Arena. My brothers spent all of their time there. The only faction I truly remember was the Dark Brotherhood, specifically the sanctuary. The characters I remembered were the Grey Prince, Owyn, Sheogorath, and Lucien Lahchance. Going back to the game felt so good. Too bad no one else my age plays games such as the Elder Scrolls, eh?
*raises hand* I'm a year older than you :D
The Dark Brotherhood is truly amazing...*fangirl*
Sometime when I get a higher level I might take a screenie, since my computer crapped out...About 100hrs of gameplay is lost. :(

oooo, yay XD I remember being a Khajit and just leveling up so much on sneak. Then when I got to around level 99 sneak I would just break into every store and pickpocket people. Good times XD

ahajslqn Do you even know how important this game is to me? ;-; I grew up watching my brothers play it when I was about 7. Blood and gore didn't exactly bother me. After about a year or two they stopped playing it and moved onto Skyrim. I never saw it ever again. But over summer break I found the game disk. I decided that I wanted to try the game out myself, and that night I stayed up all night playing it. I as so fascinated by the story line. It was also amazing to see everything I could remember. I vividly remember the beginning of the game (starting out in a prison, seeing the emporer, etc.), the oblivion gates, and the Arena. My brothers spent all of their time there. The only faction I truly remember was the Dark Brotherhood, specifically the sanctuary. The characters I remembered were the Grey Prince, Owyn, Sheogorath, and Lucien Lahchance. Going back to the game felt so good. Too bad no one else my age plays games such as the Elder Scrolls, eh?
It is a shame that the current generation is more into Skyrim; Skyrim is an amazing game, but for me Oblivion's where it's at. I'm happy that we're all fans of it, here ^^

Also, ~River~, Deadly Reflex is an amazing mod. xD Did you know there's a Skyrim version called Deadly Mutilation?

Yeah, Skyrim's an amazing game but I couldn't choose a favorite. Both games have their ups and downs. Both have amazing stories and characters.

Praise / Re: Praise For Starry <3
« on: September 19, 2014, 05:16:53 pm »
D'ohyouguys This thread is making me all teary eyed ;-; Thanks so much guys<3 I'm speechless, everyone here is too kind. It's been amazing getting to know some of you guys. I was in the middle of working on some boring school stuff when I read through all of this, this defiantly made my day so much better ;D; I feel like I should say so much more, but I can't find the words.
Thanks so much.

Praise / Re: /Fabulous/ Praise
« on: September 19, 2014, 05:10:50 pm »
Ohamsnanks Jimmeh you shouldn't have ;-; This brightened my day so much<3 Thank you guys for always being there for me.

And I ain't no lamb believer BU -straps on #TeamAvocado shirt- BELIEVE IN THE ALMIGHTY AVOCADO.

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