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Messages - StarSlayer

Pages: [1]
n the plains of Africa, there is a law and order.
The law of the land
The laws of tooth, fang, hoof, and tail.

But nestled in a secret corner of the harsh world is a Secret Savannah.
Where the laws of the African plains are bent.

Seasons act differently,
Animals intermingle.

No one quite knows how to get there, but it teems with life all the same.
Myth has it that the land itself picks and chooses who finds the hidden grove.
Will the land choose you?

*-_-* Secret Savannah *-_-*
- 17+ Animal RP Community
-Literate Rpers
- Semi-Realistic Character Designs
- African Based, Multi-Species (Lion, Hyena, Jackal & much more)
- Ongoing, community-driven plot
- Many Packs/Prides/Groups to choose from or create
- LGBTQ Friendly
- Lots of Channels to RP in!


Come join Secret Savannah!
We're a brand new server looking for great members like you.
Collect high ranks & rewards by being a beta tester today!

Forum Discussion / Re: Is FeralHeart your Secret?
« on: September 07, 2016, 07:19:44 pm »
Do you keep your FeralHeart business a secret from friends in real life?
Yes, a million times yes. I hardly like to accept it myself that I have a feral side of me. I used to get called a 'furry' back when i was a freshman. I hever had an anthropomorphic form though. However I've always had some kind of beast form since I was in the 5th grade. I'm a Senior in high school now. It's an embarrassment to me. I live in a the 'status quo' kind of society. I never was one to w a n t to be the weird outcast kid. And getting out of that scene was the best thing that happened to me. I'm not about to go back because I want to embrace my extra weirdness. I'm okay with keeping it to myself. It's a private thing. It's not that big of a part of me, either. If anything, what it is is what would be my dream reincarnation. Currently it's a wyvern. The appeal is being able to take all terrains, it seems like it would be so free. I mean I know it's impossible but, I can dream.
Would you respond if someone called you by your fursona's name in real life?
Well, my 'fursona's name is kind of synonymous with me. It used to be stand alone but I changed it to something more meaningful to myself. Though I don't really tell people about the name, only from time to time if I know I'm not going to be dealing with someone much, like on vacation if I meet someone new I'll tell them my name is Auro, short for Aurora. Otherwise my friends and family call me by my Birth name, in which I hate so much I'll refuse from even mentioning.

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