Author Topic: <<Tainted Blood>> FELINE Accepting!  (Read 5929 times)

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Re: <<Tainted Blood>> FELINE Accepting!
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2014, 05:47:48 pm »
Ishida calmly rested atop a branch out of the many trees that decorated the lush forests, his bright eyes narrowed down while he stayed completely still, silent, only the sound of his shallow breathing briefly piercing the air. Grunting, he stood up on his thin legs, curving his tail up and leaping up to another branch and repeating the process until a sudden scent wafted up towards him. Getting low, the panther mix crept deeper into the branches, raising a brow at the spotted pelt of a female leopard (Arekai), or so it seemed. He merely slid down again, paws crossed with an unamused look on his dark face.

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Re: <<Tainted Blood>> FELINE Accepting!
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2014, 06:03:09 pm »
((All new characters accepted, feel free to begin!))

After the laborious journey to the nearby town, Ashleigh trudged along the muddy dirt road with the heavy wooden cart still lugged behind her. She kept her eyes of the trail as she walked, thinking about her family, her friend, and the other Chimain who she knew had been caught and were serving.
She recalled the liger that she had seen earlier and smiled lightly. His stubbornness reminded her much of Matt, and being a liger, he also held some resemblance to her best friend. Then, she remembered what had happened the day that Matt got caught. The sound of an imaginary gun rang deafening in her ears and she swore she could feel the pain all over again.

"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: <<Tainted Blood>> FELINE Accepting!
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2014, 06:50:11 pm »

Dakari watched as the humans began scolding then trudged away seeming rather angry with their failed attempts-a grin grew across the males maw as he sat down in the corner of the stall. Only to smell the fresh scent of meat. Quickly, Dak shuffled to his paws and looked around-but the humans came with it hanging off a stick in order to bribe him. Snarling the large feline stepped back and let out an echoing growl as the humans slowly lowered it towards him, lashing out his paw he batted the stick and pulled it a little causing them to pull it also-releasing his teeth from the stick he watched one of the humans stumble backward. "Fools!" he laughed to himself as some were filling out some sheet then quickly leaving-but the door of his stall was still open. Pulling forward he growled as the collar pulled on the front of his neck preventing him from moving on, narrowing his eyes he turned around and began pulling on the rope. Only to slip on the sand and remain tangled in the chain, an unamused look sprawled across his face.

Leilani looked around with her amber eyes, a bored look overtaking her face as she hummed to herself hoping for entertainment-but it never worked. Letting another yawn part her jaws she soon clamped them back together and skidded to a halt, her eyes widened a little as she had arrived at the end of the forest and the villages were in view "Shoot..." she snarled whipping around and skidding off back through the forest-her huge paws violently thudding the ground. Skidding around a tree she soon stopped back into her casual walk "Damn, I really need to be more careful!" Leilani informed herself with a huff. Turning she spotted a slightly bent tree that was right near the watering hole and where most of the other cats were seen. Taking this as an opporunity to see others, Leilani clambered over to the tree and climbed up with ease. Luckily its branches were thick, cause she weighed more than most and it would of just snapped. Crawling along the thick branche carefully she soon came to a spot and lowered onto her stomach, then beginning to get herself comfotable-her tail hanging loosely from the edg obrnch ng with her back left leg, her right tucked under a little and her front lined with the branch. A relaxed look toog over the Tigons face as she looked around boredly.

« Last Edit: January 11, 2014, 06:57:33 pm by Taylor »
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Re: <<Tainted Blood>> FELINE Accepting!
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2014, 09:26:19 pm »
After all her work had been done, the small Chimain was released into the square. She looked at the tall concrete walls that surrounded the square, and any humans that were there were carrying guns. Deciding to look through the stables for newcomers, she slowly began to walk towards the stables, trying not to startle any humans that might be in there. Instead she saw a liger, the same one as before, only this time he was tangled up in his chain. She held back a laugh as he pulled at the rope, but still remained trapped.
"You have to unbuckle the collar" she stated, rather amused as she stood in his doorway. Then she took a step in to help him unbuckle it.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: <<Tainted Blood>> FELINE Accepting!
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2014, 10:02:20 pm »
Thanks, and I've changed Callia's picture if you don't mind :3


A gentle purring interrupted the silence in the forest around the feline. Callia lay motionlessly on one of the thick branches of a tree, her tail swayed gently to and fro as she was lost in a world of her own. Her golden eyes darted around the forest floor, she had a good view from this position in the canopy and was barely visible due to the thick layers of vegetation that surrounded her. She was hungry. There seemed to be a shortage on food for the past few days and Callia knew that the humans were the cause of it. After a moment of thought, her body shifted to a standing position in one quick movement. She was about to move when a sudden strange scent wafted up her nostrils, she froze with one of her front paws hovering in mid-air. The first thought that sprang to mind was food, but this wasn't the familiar, musky scent of deer. Her eyes widened slightly in surprise. She could smell other cats.
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

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Re: <<Tainted Blood>> FELINE Accepting!
« Reply #15 on: January 13, 2014, 01:47:17 am »

Growling Dak continued to struggle untangle himself from the chain that was wrapped around his body, shuffling around he soon was able to lift to his paws still with some of the chain wrapped around him. Hearing an unfamiliar voice he lifted his head to see the spotted feline he had seen earlier-giving a smile to the female his ears perked as she spoke. Seeing a slight smirk on her face he knew she seemed rather amused by his situation. Letting out a chuckle "Oh, maybe they should just make these things more breakeable..." he huffed tugging once again only to feel the tight press against his neck, causing him to snarl. Seeing the femal apparoach a little to offer her he smiled and dipped his head as a sign he would allow her. His eyes narrowing at passing humans but his tail continued gently swaying back and forth. 

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Re: <<Tainted Blood>> FELINE Accepting!
« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2014, 02:10:06 am »

Ashleigh laughed at his statement and came forward. She used her claws to pull the leather strap out of the buckle and let it drop to the ground. Grinning she turned and walked out, whapping him in the face with her tail as she did so. "If you want to survive here, you're going to have to learn to be nice to the humans," she said, looking over her shoulder "Otherwise they wont hesitate to shoot you."
Suddenly her eyes went glassy and a haunted look was brought forth, she shook it off with a spine-chilling shudder and continued to walk away. She felt some satisfaction from helping the liger, but she couldn't keep other events off her mind. So she laid down in the shade of a shrub and stared at a small pond near her, watching the goldfish swim in hypnotically calming circles.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: <<Tainted Blood>> FELINE Accepting!
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2014, 11:43:13 pm »

Dakari let out a huff as he remained still and allowing the she-feline to remove the collar-a tearing sound plastered his ears causing his face to scrunch up a little, but soon going back to its origional state. Looking at the black collar as it lay on the floor he smiled and shook the chain from around his front and back paw, then dipping his head and allowing it to fall from his muzzle and onto the dusty ground. Feeling the sudden whip of her tail Dakari tilted his head and narrowed his eyes for a moment but soon shook it off. "Thanks!" he smiled as he stepped out the stall a littlehearing what she had to say Dak let out a low growl as he watched the humans "Yeah, thatgoing to be a problem....I hate those two legged...freaks!!" he moaned as he watched them pass his stall without any interest. Dakari allowed his tail to flick as he took a few more steps out and glanced around, he was now free and able to escape although it would cause many problems. Shrugging, the large male took a seat on the sand. 

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Re: <<Tainted Blood>> FELINE Accepting!
« Reply #18 on: January 14, 2014, 12:44:30 am »

Ashleigh glanced at him, observing that he was no longer watching the humans, but was intently looking at the wall and the rest of his surroundings. It finally clicked in her head that he was looking for an escape, and her heart sunk. She cleared her throat and tried to sound calm " If you're looking to escape, I would like for you to know that if a Chimain gets loose and doesn't return the next day... Another gets shot." she tapped her head lightly to emphasize the 'shot' part. "It's really an incentive for the runaway to return..."
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: <<Tainted Blood>> FELINE Accepting!
« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2014, 11:17:41 pm »

The Ligers eyes continued tracing back and forth across the large wall as his tail tip tapped lightly against the sandy ground, his ears twitching at the few unfamiliar sounds around him. Hearing the female speak his focus drifted back onto her as she spoke about escaping and what happened-his eyes narrowed to the fact if he escaped another would be killed. Letting out a huff he looked at the wall one last time then at the humans with an 'aggressive' look. Turning back to the spotted feline he cleared his throat. "Oh, umm I wasn't planning on escaping..." he mumbled looking around at the few large felines that had been captured. Letting out a moan Dakari allowed himself to drop to his haunches causing a cloud of dust to lift into the air-but soon vanishing. "Well, if they try anything funny l'll....I'll....I'll kill the...." Dak drifted off a little in his sentance seeing as it may cause a little 'uncomfortable' atmosphere was created.   

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