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Topics - Luna.

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Species / Stagasaberions
« on: June 18, 2015, 08:39:58 pm »
The Stagasaberions

(c) Delgato123

Stagasaberions are a genetic experiment mixing Deer DNA, Lion DNA and Sabertooth DNA.
There appearence is is quite graceful yet deadly looking animals.

Where it all began...

It all started as a human experiment gone very wrong. They decided to cross species genes to find the perfect predator animal. A killing/fighting machine. Years of failed subjects finally paid off when Project A was created. He looked of a feline cub, an off black with deep black stripes that covered his figure. He had 2 tiny nobs on his skull along with two long canine teeth already developing in his gums. Within a few months the cub had grown little bits of black tufts around his forehead and neck, and the nobs about his skull grew larger, points poking from his skin. He was already off a formula specially made for him and onto soft meats. Within a year of his growth he had shown harsh signs of aggression towards his human owners and was put into a large, caged, habitat with a rouged lioness. Project A felt immediately protective of her as their bond became impenetrable. As another year passed, the male was at his full adult hood, he matured quickly. His saber teeth were 5 inches long and as thick as a highlighter. His antlers were large with a spread of 3 feet with more than 12 points sticking from the bone. His body structure was massive, full of muscle and he stood 5 feet at the shoulders.

One day the humans decided to test his killing/fighter ability, he had not been trained before in combat and they hoped he already had the natural ability. They placed a full grown male lion into the exhibit with Project A and Meera (The lioness). 'A' grow instantly angered by the males presents and attacked. Using his horns like daggers to repeatedly stab at the defenseless male, and killing him off with a blow of his powerful jaws on the back of the neck. The humans were more than pleased with the results. Soon after, the lioness came into heat with Project A's cubs. During the time of pregnancy, the Veterinarians had to examine the female, but not before sedating the large brute that guarded her. She gave birth to the fully developed litter only 5 months later. Birthing 4 healthy cubs, all with bumps and baby teeth in gums. They all had lion tails like Meera accept one. He would be known as Project B.

Project B grew a lot more quickly than, his female siblings, more violent. He often hurt his sisters in play, for he was stronger. The humans had to separate him when he was just months old because he had killed the runt sibling with rough play. In just a year, he was in the teen stage of life. His saber teeth and antlers almost fully grown, while his siblings grew normally. Their antlers and teeth still small. Two years had passed and Project B had surpassed his father before him. Afraid to place him back with his family, the humans kept him alone, finding a lone female lioness to place in there with him. After time they mated, and the process continued. The male of the litter, looking and growing like their fathers before them. Growing more violent and stronger as time went on. Though other males had been born in the litters, only the male that carried Project A's original gene held the fluffy tail along with his black pelt while the other males came out different colors with a lion's tail.

As the years went on, the humans had lost all control of the exhibits when Project U was fully grown. The last male to own his ancestors gene. He was immune to the sedation drug and was smart and acted as though he had fallen asleep. After he was taken from his own exhibit, Project U awoke from his fake slumber and began slaughtering the facility of it's humans. Letting all the other Stagasaberions free. After destroying the facility and all the humans that inhabited it, the species left and scattered off into a far distance, away from any human civilizations. A few females stayed with Project U along with his trusted mate, Undiscovered. He protects these lone females now with his life, until time for them to venture out and find a mate of their own.

(c) Images all to Delgato123
(c) Stagsaberions to Ravalava

Presets & Markings / Rava's Creations 6/18/15
« on: June 18, 2015, 07:58:20 pm »
Characters up for adoption >:D I currently only have one now. I'll be making more! :D


This gorgeous classy girl is up for Adoption!
100 DA points

He needs a name.. :o

Introduction / Hide yo kids, hide yo wife
« on: June 09, 2015, 10:30:52 pm »
*clears throat from other mysteries things lingering inside her throat*

HELLO WURLD. Rava is back from a long haitus. (Huehuehue) k so seriously hide yo kids, and wife/husbands OH AND also pets. I'm super excited to see gewd ol Feral Heart back in my life. But I won't be as active as I was before I took a break for quite some time. I'll be on the forums a lot but not in-game since I won't have as much time since DUN DUN DUN *whispers* life comes in the way of this beloved community. So I'm back! 8)

Leaving / Temporary Time-Off
« on: March 12, 2015, 12:36:54 am »
Oop, Unfortunately Real-Life has been pretty crazy(a good crazy though) currently since the season is back up and the show's are starting once again for the year. I won't have alot of time in-game since I'm pretty much exhausted from my long 13 hour long-day. Also I'll be traveling alot since the show's are atleast a whole week, And ontop of that getting everything ready and prepared to show our performance horses aswell as getting them up and ready to go to win some money. And also business isn't going well since people aren't coming out or going to the big shows, so I'm sorta tight on money which is why I'm working much harder and also improving my skills aswell as the training and development of the horses. So I certainly won't have time in-game to come on and relax, But I will still be sorta active on the forums popping in on my phone from time to time. As for preset's I will still be making them, so anyone whom asked for a request, Don't fret over it. I'm still working on it  ;)
As for this. It's actually good for me to have a little break from the game. Sort things out in Real-Life, and some In-game things. I will still be on Skype on my phone, so I'm free to chat. C: See you guys soon In-game.

Praise / A BIG Congrats to my wonderful friend!
« on: March 03, 2015, 11:44:37 pm »
CONGRATS RAPHLE (Raphillion) on become a Moderator for Feral-Heart!
*smooches cheeks* Omg boi, your going to be amazing, and you deserve it! Love you so much you booger! x"D Glad to have you on the force <3 Your so kind/sweet/geniune human-being! Well-deserved position. Once again Congrats. <3

Oh and

Game Help / Preset Halp :c
« on: February 25, 2015, 04:39:53 pm »
So...I've finally finished creating a preset as a request for the certain user

 And I just edited a little thing on the nose.
 I've saved it as I always do by overwriting the preset_head9 file. Of course, once I reopened the preset_9 file folder. This appears.

So I opened GIMP with the image file, and it pops up as this:

Then I check the the notepad codes, It is all correct.
Then I logged into Feral-Heart Preset maker and it appears up as this now:

I've worked on this request for the past 2 weeks. xD I worked my booty off for this user to make this creature possible as a walking moveable creation that she/he can enjoy in-game. c:

Game Discussion / What makes YOU smile!
« on: February 03, 2015, 12:28:49 pm »
Herro! Generally wondering what makes you smile in-game or even on the forums! Post what makes you smile or makes you feel all fuzzy wuzzy inside about this game and community!

Here are some of my mine that makes me smile and makes feel all fuzzy wuzzy inside! xD lol /shot

Watching in Bon bon fire (Bonfire Island) at all the users role-playing together or just generally wrecking havoc. LOL It sure makes me smile or even laugh!

Looking through thre forum and seeing all the wonderful creations made by our own players

Looking through the screenshots that players took!

Seeing new commers appear in-game and on the forums

Introducing them to the wonderful community

Downloading presets and looking at all awesome they are

Watching all the advertisements going on in-game at Stonebridge

Players dancing and twerking in bonfire or simply everywhere

Hanging out with my close friends, generally laughing/screaming/crying/farting/derping and just wrecking havoc

Enjoying the Feral-Heart events

Looking through different maps with friends

Going to space with Raphy :P

Snuggling with friends

Derpying around with friends

Looking at all the fun derpy characters player create

Presets & Markings / .:.Rava's Official Preset.:.
« on: January 12, 2015, 12:29:47 pm »
Finally Finished with Rava's Preset! :D *Squeals*

Hope you like her spirit form! ;D

Preset Download Link:

Praise / Congrats Raphy! :D
« on: January 12, 2015, 12:32:14 am »
*Explodes and Screams and throws Fish everywhere* Congrats Raphilion on your MIT position! You well deserve it <3 So excited and happy for you floof! Good luck on your training! Glad to have you on the force! :D <3 P.S

In Glub We Trust <3

Discussion Board / 2015, What age are you floofs turning! :D
« on: January 11, 2015, 01:39:30 am »
Herro, Welp derp I always wonder what age people are turning this year, so I posted a thread. *Shrug* Welp I'm interested in seeing what age you floofies are turning! (Wow that seems rather odd to ask, but lol.) xD I'll start, I'm turning 21 years old this year. ;-; Woohoo!lol no.

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