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material preset_11_maneMat{ technique { pass { ambient 2.0 2.0 2.0 cull_hardware none cull_software none scene_blend alpha_blend alpha_rejection greater_equal 250 texture_unit { texture preset_11mane.png } } }}
}material preset_3_maneMat{ technique { pass { lighting off cull_hardware none cull_software none scene_blend alpha_blend depth_write off texture_unit { texture preset_3mane.png } } }}
@D-ead7Dog The file name matched what was in the .mat file, I tried changing both to .jpg files just to see and that kept the white blocky mane too. @Oddonelynx I tried what you said with adding the 2 after the Mat, and while the mane texture did show up (Finally!!!) the mane is now super blocky and rigid looking. Did this happen to you?