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Topics - Smilodoncat

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Game Discussion / Hyper-Realistic Roleplays
« on: September 08, 2013, 08:19:50 pm »
I have discovered I love to roleplay as animals that act like, well, animals.

Around 99.9% "realistic" roleplays around Feral Heart are not really realistic at all. The animals can talk and have personified human personalities.
I used to join these when I was new to Feral Heart, but I can say now I am absolutely bored of them.

What I'm wondering is why aren't there more hyper-realistic roleplays on Feral Heart? No talking, no personification. Just like roleplaying a nature documentary.
The normal "realistic" roleplays only can have so many things happen. And it gets boring after a while. Since hyper-realistic roleplays are not that common, not many story-lines have yet to arise.
And it opens up many more unique opportunities for non-personified characters.  And many of those old character cliques would go away.

Any thoughts on this?

Game Help / Marking Help
« on: September 04, 2013, 10:59:01 pm »
I made a marking, and it shows up in the markings list in game.

However when I put it on my character, the skeleton marking shows up instead.
It's the same with some markings from Mass Markings, they show up as the original markings instead of what they are meant to be.

Anyone know why this is happening?

Other Mods/Creations / Wildlife Items Pack
« on: August 11, 2013, 06:31:30 am »
Wildlife Items Pack

Quite a lot of people like to roleplay as animals other than felines or canines. However it's difficult to make your non-feline/canine characters look like the animal they are supposed to look like.
That's why I made this items pack. You can now be an elephant, zebra, snake, eagle, and more. Simply choose the item of the animal you want your character to be, and then put on an invisible preset.

Screenshots coming soon

Wildlife Items Pack V.1:

All the meshes for V.1 came from Jayfeather55, and I give full credit to him for the meshes.

But wait, want to be a species that isn't in the item pack? Or even a specific character?
If you give me links to a mesh, I will convert it and it will appear in the next version of WL. I will respond quicker if you post here, but you can message me too.

This pack assumes you already have the Pawsome Pack. You don't need it, but it's recommended (that way other people can see you with the WL Items).

If you want to see me in game, download my invisible preset here:

Game Help / Help with Making Items
« on: August 10, 2013, 06:01:33 pm »
So I'm making an item pack. Or well, more like converting meshes into an item pack.

So I already have all the meshes I'm using and I don't need any help with that. What I need help with is converting them into items.
I need help understanding what all those "offset" and "rotation" numbers mean. I understand the first 2 are for felines and the next for canines, but I don't really understand what the numbers do. All I know is if I change them I change the position of the item.

Could anyone link me to a tutorial or just explain this to me or something?

Game Help / Preset Textures
« on: July 24, 2013, 02:54:55 am »
So, I don't really know where to post it's going in the help section.

But anyways, I'm making some presets and I really need a shorthaired dog texture.
For dogs like dobermans, pit bulls, greyhounds know, with really short, sleek fur?
I'd like it to be fairly realistic. If possible.

Could anyone give me a link to a texture like that if anyone knows of one?

Game Discussion / An Idea on Making Non-Canine/Feline Chars...
« on: June 17, 2013, 05:10:29 pm »
I'm not sure if this is the right board or not for this, but I'm going to post it here anyways.
This is just an idea that my friend and I came up with, I'm surprised nobody has ever thought of it before.

But our idea was, why not convert some of the animal meshes used in maps into wearable items. I know some people have already done this, making wearable "pets". But unlike the pets, you would center the mesh over the character and have the mesh's feet on the ground.
That way if you used an invisible preset, it would appear as though you are the animal the mesh is. This way you could make horse chars, dinosaur chars etc.

Other people would need to have the animal items in the same place in their item list to see you, and they would have to have your preset too...but still, you could always put the download information in your bio.
You would also lack the basic animations and expressions, but that's still not that big a deal. The pet items lack animations, as well.

Anyways, what do you think of this idea? Would anyone be willing to make an item pack like this?

Request/Find Meshes / Some Mesh Ideas
« on: January 10, 2013, 02:13:00 am »
So a lot of people like to make ungulate (hoofed) animals with the canine/feline bases. Only thing is they don't really look like the real animal. So I have some wearable mesh ideas, I would make them myself but I don't know how to mesh.

1. Horse hooves.
2. Split hooves

A lot of people also want different tail varieties. Problem is making a mod overwrites the current tail. So why not make meshes instead. They would come in different colors so you could pick the one the closest to your characters color.

1. Fluffy tail for cats
2. Thin (domestic dog) tail for dogs
3. Bob tail for dogs
4. Donkey/cow tail for both cats/dogs
5. Horse tail for dogs
6. Bear tail for both cats/dogs
7. Dragon tail for cats

Game Discussion / Fursonas in Feral Heart
« on: January 06, 2013, 02:53:26 am »
I'm currently attempting to make a preset for my fursona in Feral Heart. I had already made her just with markings but it didn't look quite right, considering she's a Spectacle Bear and they don't really have the right markings.                         

I know my friend also made her fursona on FH. So I was wondering if anyone else also made their fursona on Feral Heart?

Game Discussion / Strangest Role-play Groups?
« on: December 26, 2012, 07:47:46 pm »
We all know of basic lion and wolf role-plays, and even horses and dragons. But what are the strangest roleplays or groups you have seen on Feral Heart?

I once saw a group roleplaying as personified (dogified?) internet browsers, like Chrome, Firefox, Explorer, Safari and such. That's probably the weirdest one I've ever seen. 

I've also seen MLP, Hetalia, and various other roleplays based on animes/shows.

So, whats the weirdest roleplay group you have ever encountered?

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Some FH Ideas
« on: December 26, 2012, 07:20:15 pm »
I've had a few fairly simple ideas for a while. They're kind not related at all, but I didn't want to make separate threads.

1. Choose your texture in the character creator. So I know you can make your own texture on presets, but I don't always want to use a preset. The canine texture is always for long hair but what if you want to make an character with sleeker fur like a doberman, greyhound, or other short-haired character. Same with the feline one, what if you want to make a snow-leopard or a Persian cat, you can use tufts but they are still not that realistic. I think you should be able to choose your fur texture, it would be an option in the character creator. They would have different types including long-haired, medium, sleek, hairless, and more. This would help allow you to make other non-wolf/lion canines and felines more realistic.

2. Auroras in the south pole. That's all to be said about this.

3. I know you can make mods, but that takes a while. This is just a simple suggestion, but make the night sky more realistic. Feral Heart is meant to take place in the wilderness but the night sky looks like what you would see in the city. Many more stars should be added, possibly arranged the way they are in real life. Maybe even add in the milky way, I think it would make the game more realistic and also enhance the feel of the game at night.

Here's some pics to give you the idea:

Probably not that many stars, of coarse. But still something like that.

That's all for now. I may add more ideas to this thread later.

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