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Messages - TLKlover405

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The Prime Shadows Pack is a New, Semi-Lit to Lit, Mapped, Sited, Tagged, Ranked, and Semi-Realistic group in FH. We don't have very many members yet, but we have done some RP and we do have a bit of a plot going at the moment. We do require a RPS, too.

If you would like to see more stuff for the pack, we are slowly adding more to our site
The plot is on there and soon the ranks, rules, and various downloads will be available too.

A few rules that you must know before sending any sort of RPS.
 - Be Polite to the rest of the pack
 - Please try to be as active as you possibly can be
 - No crazy colors (neons, etc. Dark colors and very light colors are allowed, any pattern is okay. That's where the semi-real part kicks in)
 - Follow instructions given by the pack's leadership

Please fill out THIS form and this form only.

Character Name:
Character age (Pup, Teen, Adult, Elder):
Other Info We Might Need To Know:

I will let you know in some way if you are accepted into the group or not. Do not get mad if you aren't accepted.

Additional details may be added later

Awesome! Thanks! :) I'll make sure that the territory claiming is only amongst my group and that if other people do enter, I'll make sure that they don't try to attack them since it's not actually their territory. :)

Hello there! I've been working on something very similar to what you are requesting with the exception of a few things that I have yet to get around to such as waterfalls/floating things.
Have a look! :D

Unfortunately the last thing I did with it took forever for me to do (I had a lazy moment) so I'm taking a break from it, but might add more later on. It's free and mostly tested so CHEERS! ^.^

It's amazing! I downloaded it and I've been doing some exploring and it looks absolutely amazing! I have a question, though. Since I'll be having my group download it as well, is it okay if I assign parts of my group to different parts of it? As long as we don't actually try to claim anything? Like, we would have "territories" within the group, but we wouldn't tell people outside the group (that aren't allies or enemies) that they're in our territory. Because I don't want to seem like we're claiming parts of the maps, I just want different parts of my group (which is a w.i.p) to have an area that is their "home", sort of. Is that okay with you? If not that's fine. I just wanted to ask before I told my group about that. Let me know if that even made sense. lol

Request/Find Meshes / Re: In Need of Meshes
« on: February 11, 2016, 07:22:42 pm »
Thank you! These are awesome!  ;D

Game Help / Re: Help please Map Objects keep showing up white
« on: February 11, 2016, 07:20:13 pm »
I must disagree. Unless the download came with the exported objects group (or .fho file) all the files should go into My_Objects.

'Ave ye tried opening the material file and searching f'er what the texture's file name is? If not, do that, and then type the texture file name into the bar where "BaseWhite" is showing up. This is a common thing and it happens to me all the time. Ye just got to find the corresponding texture file that the material file has set up f'er the object.

Thanks! It opened in Notepad, and I'm not seeing anything that says "BaseWhite". Do I need to find a different way to open it? I've never tried opening a material file before, so I'm not really sure what to do to open it properly.

Game Help / Help please Map Objects keep showing up white
« on: February 11, 2016, 05:42:09 pm »
Ok, so, here's the problem. Several different objects that I have downloaded are ending up white. There was no ReadMe file, and I put everything into the my_objects folder. It keeps putting "BaseWhite" as the material file and even though the .material files are in my_objects, it keeps saying that it can't find the files. What do I do? I even tried redownloading the files and replacing the files. Nothing has worked.

Request/Find Meshes / In Need of Meshes
« on: February 11, 2016, 04:10:45 pm »
Hi! So, I'm working on figuring out how to make maps, and I need some object meshes. Mainly ones that are things like plants, trees, etc. Things for different biomes. The biomes I'm looking for are: Arctic, Tropical Jungle, Savannah, Forest, Aquatic, and maybe stuff that you would find around volcanoes? And if there are dens, ruins, and such, that would be awesome too. Because I'm trying to learn to make maps for a RP group I have since I haven't been able to find anyone to make maps. So if anyone can help me with finding some different object meshes for it, that would be amazing! And if someone has tips for map making, please send me a message.


Request Maps / [Large Map (or multiple smaller maps) Needed for new group]
« on: February 08, 2016, 01:00:07 pm »
Hello! I'm fairly new at the whole "map" thing, but I do know what I want. Only thing is, I don't know how I would be able to "pay" for a map, as I don't have DA. So please let me know what kind of payment you would require. I could give you a spot in my group, or I could see what else I could do. I might be able to create a DA account if that's necessary, but I would need some instruction on what to do.

What I'm looking for (You can pick and choose what you think would look best): A multi-biome map(s) with rivers, valleys, mountains, and dens. Maybe even a few floating "lookout posts". I would love for either a really large map (really large would be larger than Flourite Plains in my mind) or several medium-ish sized maps. I'd like to have this specifically for my group and any allies/enemies I might come across. I tried to create something like this myself, but it didn't work.
As for the biomes, I'd like maybe something like a Tropical Rainforest, Arcric, Savannah, Grasslands, Desert, Aquatic, and Arial? Just a bunch of different options. I do want one section or one map (depending on which you do) to be sorted like the Outlands, with darker, rockier ground and elephant skulls and bones laying around. And I don't know if it's possible or not, but if it is I think it would be cool to see a dead tree here and there and maybe one or two with some vultures perched in it.

Must haves: Tropical Rainforest, maybe with a bit of a mystical feel (I accept all creatures in my group.)
Rivers/ponds/lakes/waterfalls (maybe with a hidden den behind a waterfall or two?), valleys/mountains
Structures (like bridges, floating lookout posts, simple stuff. Not houses or buildings like that.)

Again, most of this stuff is just ideas, you can do whatever you see fits. But please do keep in mind the things that I really do need on the map(s).
Please let me know what you would be able to do and how soon you'd be able to have it done. As well as what I would have to do in terms of a payment.
Thank you to anyone who would actually do this!

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