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Messages - wlofjaw

Pages: [1]
Other Mods/Creations / Re: Interface Request
« on: March 25, 2012, 07:01:16 am »
olive is a difficult color to define as for one different places have different olives and 2 usually real olives isnt even the color people ask for in the color olive (silly imo but w/e lol) so an actual image with the color desired would help. along with that if you want a specific type of interface vs the original just in a different hue (color) would help. i can make interfases have different hues but as far as how the texture looks im not open to making.

i like the alone map, it really helps those of us with slow loading computers who would usually have a tough time loading just a new character for us but on top of that has to load the rest of the characters? also its just so loud with all the running about on a public home @_@

though what would be nice is if in the alone home we had somthing like the home tab in the bio page were we can set a spot as our home but instead have it as a fave map so a portal to the area will apear in your defualt home so that you can get new characters straight to say a custom rp map or whatever so you dont leave everyone waiting for you to get back the long way. idk i just feel it'd add a bit more of a personal feel to the lone cave? especially for those who just sorta wander about and listen to what people are talking about.

though wolff's idea of being able to pick before hand of were to go is a nice touch.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Mate Center
« on: March 16, 2012, 12:13:41 am »
maby not so much a person playing as a point for the mate center just posibly make a little chat desinged for advertising mate begs? like how general chat works but posibly world wide but you can still toggle it on/off so that people dont need to spam videos or the general or local chat and they dont have to be around competition with other players who are mate begging.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: NPC's On feral heart?
« on: March 16, 2012, 12:07:05 am »
what if the npc's were mostly in bon fire giving little tutorials to new players of basic controls? i remember when i first started playing i was thrown through i loop a bit with the basics.

posibly have them hang out in the cape so that each player can personally *though this would probally be more difficult?* click on them to ask them to remember what portals lead to what roleplay or custom maps, rather than relying on the names of the portals becuase sometimes that gets slightly hectic @_@ idk just feeding the idea a bit.

i think as long as they were toggleble(sp?) on/off for every player they wouldnt get in the way of gameplay seeing as people without maps roleplay generally everywere im sure it would bother some to find an NPC suddenly hanging out in their rp spot if they couldnt toggle them off their personal screen, along with that could have it so characters speaking with a toggled off npc were also invisible?

like i said just feeding the topic. i wouldnt mind a few NPCs around. would certainly make it slightly more amusing to attempt to find them all in spare time.

Game Help / Re: Not sure if its FH or just my computer
« on: June 30, 2011, 08:10:30 pm »
Not that I'm aware of, see its not really my computer, its my mom's my laptop (what i usually play FH on) is having internet/router issues so I've been playing using her computer though my step-dad tends to use it often and I don't know what he does on this comp :\
But yeah I think it may be the graphics card.
A few days ago it was just saying "FeralHeart.Exe has stopped working" and would close down but that only happened for two days and now its doing this. But regarding this comp all i know is who uses it on a regular basis.

Game Help / Re: Not sure if its FH or just my computer
« on: June 30, 2011, 07:57:49 pm »
@Sameth: I have 144GB of free space, restarting it hasn't helped me and it does it regardless of the internet :\

@Din: how exactly is that done?

Game Help / Not sure if its FH or just my computer
« on: June 30, 2011, 03:30:47 pm »
Alright so the problem is whenever I try to start FH it comes up and all ok besides the fact my screen has little tremors and starts showing little blocks if I close the game the blocks stay until I restart or turn the computer off... so that's what makes me think its just something to do with my computer. However the problem is completely absent until I try using FH and only FH :\ so I'm not sure of what needs fixing or even if its the game itself.
even if it isn't the game itself any computer skilled on here who can help me out I'd really appreciate it.

image of what the game looks like when I start it up *however it also shakes from left to right in an extremely jumpy fast pace*

and when I close the game out those little lines of pixel boxes pop up as an outline to things almost...

I'm guessing its related to a program involved/triggered/used when playing FH to something being either needing replacing or is simply out of date? but I'm not sure at all on that guess...

I have already tried uninstalled/reinstalled the game it didnt work and i did that twice :\

Game Help / Re: WOAH.....Watermill
« on: June 30, 2011, 02:59:50 pm »
It sounds to me like your missing its files. Its never happened to me with the default maps like WaterMill so what I did wont work (also it only happened before the method of downloading friend's maps changed so its no longer any good anyways) see if your friend can maybe send you the WaterMill files? Or look through your computer and see if they just got put someplace else on accident. If none of that helps I'd just say try uninstalling and removing FH and than re downloading it, it should give you all the files when you re-install.

Name: Zen
Username: wlofjaw
Age: Teenager
Description: A dusty gray body with white under pelt, he has dark gray blue swirls on his face and a stripe that stops at the base of his tail after starting from his shoulders. he has no mane and is incapable of growing one due to his genetics. Has grass green eyes.
Rank: Hunter
Bio: Zen is a half lion half puma hybrid feline however he is one of the only ones in the pride who knows it. His father is a Puma and his mother a white lioness who was a part of the pride before falling to an illness shortly after cubing 3 unhealthy young, Zen being the only one to survive. Zen is quiet and keeps to himself though he is loyal he sometimes cant help but go off on his own without telling any other pride members when he does this it is usually dawn or dusk and he can be found looking out at the sky or across the land. He has a soft spot for elders over cubs and would much rather listen to them ramble about the pride's problems and past than be bothered by the prides cubs. Overall Zen is a laid back male who wants nothing more than to be lost in thought.
Special Qualities: Sturdy build; father being a puma he is more sturdy when it comes to traveling in harsh climates.

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