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Topics - shadowhearted

Pages: [1]
Other Games / The Silver Lining~ RP forum
« on: March 31, 2014, 04:53:09 pm »
So, I got bored, and made an all-around Rp forum.

We're very small, but I'd like to get more members, etc. We're working on having a very user-friendly community, and that's kinda hard with only eight members, including myself.

Check it out, see if you like it, maybe join a RP or two~

Other Games / Warrior Cats Central!
« on: December 13, 2013, 10:50:50 pm »
Well, hello there! Shadow's back for a bit to show you all this awesome site! Made by the Moonrise staff, Warrior Cat Central (WWC) is a site here you can advertise your own Warriors game, get help with certain game-making aspects, or just chill out, find a new game to play, and discuss Warriors!

We also have development blogs, where developers can blog about their creations. We are a friendly community, welcoming all Warriors Game artists, supporting and helping each other.

NOTE: By joining WCC and submitting your Warriors Game, you and your game become an official part of the WCC community. We will advertise your sites everywhere, gaining them more members, and probably game designers!

There is also a board where you can form a development team. Skilled game designers can request for a game to work on there, or you can request designers.

However we do have some guidelines.

WCC does not support stolen content. You may only use models/maps/skins/etc. created by you, OR are made free by members of the WCC community for use in your game. If we catch any theft, be it models/maps/skins/etc., since those things belong to their owners, you can and will be sued for theft, and your site will be removed from the WCC community, and instead of advertising it, we will discourage members from joining it.

Join today! We really need members, as this is a fairly new thing, and everyone is welcome! Just remember, this site isn't for all games, only Warriors-based ones. We accept finished and WIP games, as you saw above.

Well, there's the link! Have fun!

Other Games / Orca Quest! WIP orca game!
« on: November 08, 2013, 10:48:56 pm »
The first version will include multiplayer and a possible single player mode.This game, Orca Quest, was inspired by Wolf Quest, not copied.We've added plenty of our own special touches, including:
Predators: sharks, human objects, nets, oil spills, and the other pods.
Prey: seals, penguins, a variety of fish, and grey whales.
Two vast ocean maps: The Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
There are many more features being added. Stay tuned!
There will be three pods.

The Bluemoon Pod
Known for their trustworthy, loyal, and outgoing personalities, the Bluemoon Pod will welcome strangers with firm but kind attitudes. Also known for their hunting skills, the Bluemoons are swift and have a sleek body build. It may take a while to earn their trust, but they warm up to you, you have a pod that will stick by your side side, never leaving anyone behind no matter how dangerous the situation. Allies with the Darkshadows Pod, they often compete in friendly competitions among the two pods. Although they dislike the Redrivers Pod, they still respect them, even after all the skirmishes they've gotten into. This is a pod I would NOT want to face in battle.

Redrivers Pod
Known for being hot headed, aggressive towards strangers, reluctant to form alliances, distrustful of those outside their pod, strength and strong body build, Redrivers are excellent fighters, often holding friendly competitions among the pod. Arrogant and stubborn, it's hard to get a Redriver once it has its mind made up. Behind all the arrogance is a fun loving, loyal, and trustworthy pod. You just have to get to know them.

Darkshadows Pod
Darkshadows are more shy and timid then others. Slow to accept strangers, and reluctant to new ideas, though once they warm up to you, they're as friendly as ever. They respect all creatures of the sea, even the ones who try to kill them. Darkshadows are supposed to be the closest to the spirits, and are in close alliance with the Bluemoons. Outgoing, friendly, easygoing, and loveable, Darkshadows are known for their stealth and agility, making them excellent scouts.

I am NOT the maker of this game! I am staff, and posted this thread at the request of our head admin, who does not have a Feral-heart account. Because of this, I cannot answer all the questions you may have, but you are encouraged to make an account on the forums!

We are in serious need off game designers of all kinds, particularly modelers and animators.

Well, here's the link!

If I think of anything else that needs to be said, I'll edit this post.

Game Help / I don't know what's going on, but I dun like it!
« on: January 02, 2013, 10:47:30 pm »
Ok. This has been happening for a week or so, and the first time I had to re-install FeralHeart to fix it, but that didn't work for long. It starts different ways:
the boxes around the chatbox and stuff may disappear, the names in the name tags may disappear, everyone's character may turn black, the leaves always disappear off of most of the trees and the trees trun black, then the water disappears, and the ground turns black and it may crash.
I can fix it for about 5 minutes by restarting FH, but then it starts again.
As far as I know, it isn't happening to anyone else, and it is messing up my ability to RP, because every 10 minutes or so I have to log off to stop the map turning black. I tried to get the patch, but that didn't work, either.
 Help please?

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