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Topics - ...Potato...

Pages: [1]
Leaving / Goodbye, for now.
« on: December 28, 2014, 03:03:53 am »
Goodbye, my friends, for a bit. My computer is having something against FH and calling errors. On my old one I am banned and unable to get on. I may be gone up to a year.. so good bye. :(


Game Help / "Feralheart.exe has stopped working"?
« on: December 26, 2014, 11:29:48 pm »
I just got a new Dell computer for Christmas. My uncle (Who is very good with computers) put anti-virus on it and set it up. My computer is a Dell powered by Windows 8.1 (Their newest version), is a Inspiration 15, and touch screen. So I recently downloaded Feralheart on my new computer. I opened Feralheart and got past the Startup menu, and I clicked OK. The black screen came up, and it crashed. I came here and looked through the Forums. I looked to see what I could do. I have tried everything - Opening ogre.cfg with notepad and changing the Rendering Subsystem, Unintalling and redownloading not forgetting to throw away the folder, running as an administrator and opening it, and tampering with the properties. - and nothing worked. If anyone knows what to do, please help me. :(

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